When the jury commissioners in a county in this State shall omit to prepare the list of jurors for the then ensuing year or to prepare the ballots of the names and place them in the boxes at the time and in the manner required in this article, the Chief Justice, any associate justice of the Supreme Court, or any circuit judge shall grant an order on the application of any solicitor or attorney at law showing this omission by affidavit, which may be on information and belief, requiring the jury commissioners in question, within ten days after the order, to prepare these lists and ballots of names and to prepare the jury boxes (nunc pro tunc) and all juries drawn from these boxes are as valid and lawful as if the omission had not occurred.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 38-56; 1952 Code Section 38-56; 1942 Code Section 609; 1932 Code Section 609; Civ. P. '22 Section 549; Civ. C. '12 Section 4018; 1902 (23) 1066; 1921 (32) 276; 1939 (41) 27; 1941 (42) 70; 1942 (42) 1546; 1985 Act No. 1, Section 1, eff March 1, 1985; 1986 Act No. 340, Section 1, eff March 10, 1986.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 7 - Juries And Jurors In Circuit Courts
Section 14-7-10. Rules of construction.
Section 14-7-20. Words "male" and "men" to include "female" and "women".
Section 14-7-30. "Clerk" defined.
Section 14-7-40. Summoning and empanelling jurors by coroners, clerks, or magistrates not affected.
Section 14-7-110. Summoning of jurors by clerk of the court of common pleas.
Section 14-7-120. Vacancy or disqualification in office of jury commissioner.
Section 14-7-140. Use of computer for drawing and summoning jurors.
Section 14-7-150. Preparation of jury box.
Section 14-7-160. Drawing and notification of jurors.
Section 14-7-180. Custody of jury box and keys.
Section 14-7-210. Discharge of jury prohibited.
Section 14-7-220. Drawings to be open and public; notice.
Section 14-7-230. Methods for drawing names of jurors.
Section 14-7-240. Selection of jurors by drawing.
Section 14-7-250. Disposition of names of those who are drawn and serve on a jury pool.
Section 14-7-260. Number of jurors to be drawn and summoned.
Section 14-7-270. Preparation of special jury list in certain circumstances.
Section 14-7-280. Duty of circuit judge in case of irregularities.
Section 14-7-290. Preparation of special list and drawing of special jury in certain circumstances.
Section 14-7-300. Supplying deficiency in number of jurors drawn.
Section 14-7-310. Venires for additional jurors.
Section 14-7-320. Calling of alternate jurors.
Section 14-7-330. Notice of motion to quash panel because of disqualification of jury commissioners.
Section 14-7-340. Procedure to obtain jurors when jury commissioners are disqualified.
Section 14-7-350. Term of extra or special panel.
Section 14-7-360. Requirement that persons serve as jurors unless disqualified or excused.
Section 14-7-370. Penalty for neglect of duty in drawing and summoning jurors.
Section 14-7-380. Punishment of jury commissioners guilty of fraud.
Section 14-7-390. Service of summons for jury duty by first class mail or by alternate method.
Section 14-7-410. Service of summons for jury duty by certified mail; alternate procedure.
Section 14-7-430. Exclusiveness of method and procedure described by this article.
Section 14-7-810. Enumeration of disqualifications in any court.
Section 14-7-820. Disqualification of county officers and court employees.
Section 14-7-830. Exclusion from jury service of members of grand jury which found indictment.
Section 14-7-845. Postponement of jury service for students and school employees.
Section 14-7-850. Frequency of jury service.
Section 14-7-870. Procedures applicable to excused jurors.
Section 14-7-1030. Time for making objections to jurors.
Section 14-7-1040. Juror's liability to pay taxes not cause of challenge.
Section 14-7-1050. Impaneling jury; in court of common pleas.
Section 14-7-1060. Procedures to be employed by clerk to draw jury panel.
Section 14-7-1080. Effect of jury's delay in rendering verdict.
Section 14-7-1100. Impaneling jury in criminal case.
Section 14-7-1110. Peremptory challenges in criminal cases.
Section 14-7-1120. Challenges and strikes of alternate jurors.
Section 14-7-1130. Juror may take affirmation instead of oath.
Section 14-7-1140. Effect on verdict of irregularity in venire or drawing of jurors.
Section 14-7-1320. Jury may view place, property, or thing; expenses.
Section 14-7-1330. Procedure when jury fails to agree.
Section 14-7-1340. Duties and service of alternate jurors.
Section 14-7-1350. Petit jurors may be held beyond period for which summoned.
Section 14-7-1360. Verdict may be set aside on gratuity given to juror by party.
Section 14-7-1370. Compensation of jurors in circuit courts.
Section 14-7-1380. Cost of feeding juries paid by county.
Section 14-7-1390. Penalty for nonattendance.
Section 14-7-1520. Drawing of juror names; writs of venire facias; issuance and delivery of writs.
Section 14-7-1540. Drawing of grand jurors and alternates.
Section 14-7-1560. Employment of expert accountants.
Section 14-7-1600. Short title; State Grand Jury of South Carolina defined.
Section 14-7-1610. Legislative findings and intent; applicability.
Section 14-7-1615. Definitions.
Section 14-7-1620. State grand jury system established; meeting place; quorum.
Section 14-7-1640. Indictment by state grand jury; powers and duties of state grand jury.
Section 14-7-1650. Duties and obligations of Attorney General; recusal; motion to disqualify.
Section 14-7-1660. Selection of grand jurors.
Section 14-7-1670. Appointment of foreman and deputy foreman.
Section 14-7-1680. Issuance of subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum; contempt for failure to respond.
Section 14-7-1690. Notification of expansion of areas of inquiry.
Section 14-7-1710. Administrating oath or affirmation by foreman.
Section 14-7-1730. Jurisdiction of presiding judge.
Section 14-7-1740. Scheduling of activities of state grand jury.
Section 14-7-1750. Indictment by state grand jury; sealed indictment.
Section 14-7-1770. Sealing of records, orders, and subpoenas.
Section 14-7-1790. Employment of experts by state grand jury.
Section 14-7-1800. Rules for operation of state grand jury system.
Section 14-7-1810. Severability clause.
Section 14-7-1820. Application of article.
Section 14-7-1920. Impanelment of grand jurors; issuance and delivery of writs of venire facias.
Section 14-7-1940. Drawing of grand juror and alternate names; discharge of remaining jury venire.
Section 14-7-1950. Application of other law relating to grand juries and jurors.
Section 14-7-1960. Election of alternate provisions by county ordinance.
Section 14-7-1970. Periodic exemption of jurors from subsequent duty.