South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 7 - Juries And Jurors In Circuit Courts
Section 14-7-1040. Juror's liability to pay taxes not cause of challenge.

In indictments and penal actions for the recovery of sum of money or other thing forfeited, it is not a cause of challenge to a juror that he is liable to pay taxes in any county, city, or town which may be benefited by recovery.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 38-204; 1952 Code Section 38-204; 1942 Code Sections 638, 1001; 1932 Code Sections 638, 1001; Civ. P. '22 Section 578; Cr. P. '22 Section 87; Civ. C. '12 Section 4046; Cr. C. '12 Section 81; Civ. C. '02 Section 2945; Cr. C. '02 Section 54; G. S. 2264, 2640; R. S. 53, 2405; 1871 (14) 693; 1986 Act No. 340, Section 3, eff March 10, 1986.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 14 - Courts

Chapter 7 - Juries And Jurors In Circuit Courts

Section 14-7-10. Rules of construction.

Section 14-7-20. Words "male" and "men" to include "female" and "women".

Section 14-7-30. "Clerk" defined.

Section 14-7-40. Summoning and empanelling jurors by coroners, clerks, or magistrates not affected.

Section 14-7-110. Summoning of jurors by clerk of the court of common pleas.

Section 14-7-120. Vacancy or disqualification in office of jury commissioner.

Section 14-7-130. Preparation of jury list from electronic file of persons holding valid South Carolina driver's license or identification card.

Section 14-7-140. Use of computer for drawing and summoning jurors.

Section 14-7-150. Preparation of jury box.

Section 14-7-160. Drawing and notification of jurors.

Section 14-7-170. Procedure in event of failure of jury commissioners to prepare list of jurors for ensuing year.

Section 14-7-180. Custody of jury box and keys.

Section 14-7-190. Drawing of petit jurors to serve as jury pool during weeks in which more than one term of court requiring juries are scheduled.

Section 14-7-200. Drawing of petit jurors to serve during week of regular or special term of circuit court.

Section 14-7-210. Discharge of jury prohibited.

Section 14-7-220. Drawings to be open and public; notice.

Section 14-7-230. Methods for drawing names of jurors.

Section 14-7-240. Selection of jurors by drawing.

Section 14-7-250. Disposition of names of those who are drawn and serve on a jury pool.

Section 14-7-260. Number of jurors to be drawn and summoned.

Section 14-7-270. Preparation of special jury list in certain circumstances.

Section 14-7-280. Duty of circuit judge in case of irregularities.

Section 14-7-290. Preparation of special list and drawing of special jury in certain circumstances.

Section 14-7-300. Supplying deficiency in number of jurors drawn.

Section 14-7-310. Venires for additional jurors.

Section 14-7-320. Calling of alternate jurors.

Section 14-7-330. Notice of motion to quash panel because of disqualification of jury commissioners.

Section 14-7-340. Procedure to obtain jurors when jury commissioners are disqualified.

Section 14-7-350. Term of extra or special panel.

Section 14-7-360. Requirement that persons serve as jurors unless disqualified or excused.

Section 14-7-370. Penalty for neglect of duty in drawing and summoning jurors.

Section 14-7-380. Punishment of jury commissioners guilty of fraud.

Section 14-7-390. Service of summons for jury duty by first class mail or by alternate method.

Section 14-7-410. Service of summons for jury duty by certified mail; alternate procedure.

Section 14-7-420. Attendance and service in court of common pleas by jurors summoned to attend and serve in court of general sessions.

Section 14-7-430. Exclusiveness of method and procedure described by this article.

Section 14-7-810. Enumeration of disqualifications in any court.

Section 14-7-820. Disqualification of county officers and court employees.

Section 14-7-830. Exclusion from jury service of members of grand jury which found indictment.

Section 14-7-840. Exemption from jury service; requirement of direction by court; maintenance of list of persons excused.

Section 14-7-845. Postponement of jury service for students and school employees.

Section 14-7-850. Frequency of jury service.

Section 14-7-860. Authority of judge to excuse jurors for good cause; excuse of women with children under age 7, primary caretakers of certain persons, and persons essential to operation of business; punishment for violations.

Section 14-7-870. Procedures applicable to excused jurors.

Section 14-7-1010. Ascertainment of qualifications of jurors by presiding judge; maintenance of list of excused or disqualified jurors; transfer of juror to subsequent term by clerk of court.

Section 14-7-1020. Jurors may be examined by court; if juror is not indifferent, he must be set aside.

Section 14-7-1030. Time for making objections to jurors.

Section 14-7-1040. Juror's liability to pay taxes not cause of challenge.

Section 14-7-1050. Impaneling jury; in court of common pleas.

Section 14-7-1060. Procedures to be employed by clerk to draw jury panel.

Section 14-7-1070. Objections for cause to be made before striking; requirement of additional jury list where disqualifications are discovered after striking.

Section 14-7-1080. Effect of jury's delay in rendering verdict.

Section 14-7-1090. Impaneling jury in default cases or in cases where right to strike jury has been waived.

Section 14-7-1100. Impaneling jury in criminal case.

Section 14-7-1110. Peremptory challenges in criminal cases.

Section 14-7-1120. Challenges and strikes of alternate jurors.

Section 14-7-1130. Juror may take affirmation instead of oath.

Section 14-7-1140. Effect on verdict of irregularity in venire or drawing of jurors.

Section 14-7-1310. Foreman.

Section 14-7-1320. Jury may view place, property, or thing; expenses.

Section 14-7-1330. Procedure when jury fails to agree.

Section 14-7-1340. Duties and service of alternate jurors.

Section 14-7-1350. Petit jurors may be held beyond period for which summoned.

Section 14-7-1360. Verdict may be set aside on gratuity given to juror by party.

Section 14-7-1370. Compensation of jurors in circuit courts.

Section 14-7-1380. Cost of feeding juries paid by county.

Section 14-7-1390. Penalty for nonattendance.

Section 14-7-1510. Six grand jurors to be selected for second year; periodic exemption from further service.

Section 14-7-1520. Drawing of juror names; writs of venire facias; issuance and delivery of writs.

Section 14-7-1530. Judge to ascertain qualifications of jurors; lists of excused or disqualified jurors; jurors not served writs.

Section 14-7-1540. Drawing of grand jurors and alternates.

Section 14-7-1550. Authority of grand jury foreman to swear witnesses; procedures to obtain attendance of witnesses.

Section 14-7-1560. Employment of expert accountants.

Section 14-7-1600. Short title; State Grand Jury of South Carolina defined.

Section 14-7-1610. Legislative findings and intent; applicability.

Section 14-7-1615. Definitions.

Section 14-7-1620. State grand jury system established; meeting place; quorum.

Section 14-7-1630. Jurisdiction of juries; notification to impanel juries; powers and duties of impaneling and presiding judges; transfer of incomplete investigations; effective date and notice requirements with respect to orders of judge; appeals.

Section 14-7-1640. Indictment by state grand jury; powers and duties of state grand jury.

Section 14-7-1650. Duties and obligations of Attorney General; recusal; motion to disqualify.

Section 14-7-1660. Selection of grand jurors.

Section 14-7-1670. Appointment of foreman and deputy foreman.

Section 14-7-1680. Issuance of subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum; contempt for failure to respond.

Section 14-7-1690. Notification of expansion of areas of inquiry.

Section 14-7-1700. Record of testimony and other proceedings of grand jury; furnishing of copy to defendant; transcripts, reporter's notes and all other documents to remain in custody and control of Attorney General.

Section 14-7-1710. Administrating oath or affirmation by foreman.

Section 14-7-1720. Proceedings to be secret; juror not to disclose; persons entitled to attend grand jury session; persons attending not to disclose; exceptions; penalties.

Section 14-7-1730. Jurisdiction of presiding judge.

Section 14-7-1740. Scheduling of activities of state grand jury.

Section 14-7-1750. Indictment by state grand jury; sealed indictment.

Section 14-7-1760. Evidence given or information derived from evidence not to be received against witness in criminal prosecution; waiver of immunity; perjury.

Section 14-7-1770. Sealing of records, orders, and subpoenas.

Section 14-7-1780. Availability of space for grand jury; State Law Enforcement Division to provide services; cost of state grand juries.

Section 14-7-1790. Employment of experts by state grand jury.

Section 14-7-1800. Rules for operation of state grand jury system.

Section 14-7-1810. Severability clause.

Section 14-7-1820. Application of article.

Section 14-7-1910. Six month terms with possible additional term; drawing of member names; maximum terms.

Section 14-7-1920. Impanelment of grand jurors; issuance and delivery of writs of venire facias.

Section 14-7-1930. Judge to ascertain juror qualifications; lists of excused or disqualified jurors; jurors not served with writs.

Section 14-7-1940. Drawing of grand juror and alternate names; discharge of remaining jury venire.

Section 14-7-1950. Application of other law relating to grand juries and jurors.

Section 14-7-1960. Election of alternate provisions by county ordinance.

Section 14-7-1970. Periodic exemption of jurors from subsequent duty.