South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 3 - Supreme Court
Section 14-3-820. Appointment of committee to contract for publishing of reports.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall appoint a committee of four, composed of two members of the House of Representatives to be appointed by the Speaker, one member of the Senate to be appointed by the President of the Senate and one member of the Supreme Court to be appointed by the Chief Justice, which shall contract for five years at a time for the prompt editing, publishing and distribution of the opinions of the Supreme Court and bound volumes thereof.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 15-162; 1952 Code Section 15-162; 1942 Code Section 18; 1932 Code Section 18; Civ. P. '22 Section 18; Civ. C. '12 Section 3822; Civ. C. '02 Section 2726; G. S. 2102 to 2108; R. S. 2237 to 2241; 1896 (22) 3; 1901 (23) 622; 1920 (31) 1049; 1929 (36) 52; 1968 (55) 2835.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 14 - Courts

Chapter 3 - Supreme Court

Section 14-3-10. Composition of court and election of justices; term.

Section 14-3-20. Qualification; administration of oath of office.

Section 14-3-30. Salaries.

Section 14-3-40. Vacancies; term of incumbent.

Section 14-3-50. Disqualification of justice by reason of interest or prior participation in case.

Section 14-3-60. Procedure when justice cannot preside in cause; special justices.

Section 14-3-70. Compensation and allowances for special justices.

Section 14-3-80. Presiding officer.

Section 14-3-90. Attendance; quorum.

Section 14-3-100. Effect of lack of quorum.

Section 14-3-110. Messenger and attendant.

Section 14-3-120. Reporter.

Section 14-3-130. Clerk.

Section 14-3-140. Expenses of court; payment upon approval and order.

Section 14-3-150. Duties of county sheriffs and clerks; enforcement of service and execution.

Section 14-3-310. Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court.

Section 14-3-320. Appellate jurisdiction in chancery; review of findings of fact of Family Court.

Section 14-3-330. Appellate jurisdiction in law cases.

Section 14-3-340. Reference of issues of fact to jury or referee; appointment of referees.

Section 14-3-350. Power of individual justices at chambers; appeal.

Section 14-3-360. Three justices must concur to reverse a judgment.

Section 14-3-370. Times when circuit judges shall sit with Supreme Court.

Section 14-3-380. Proceedings when Supreme Court justices and circuit judges sit together; expenses.

Section 14-3-390. Assignment of circuit judges by roster; interchange of circuits among judges.

Section 14-3-400. Notice to circuit judges of assignments.

Section 14-3-410. Court of record; public inspection of records.

Section 14-3-420. Costs and disbursements in actions and proceedings brought in original jurisdiction.

Section 14-3-430. Review of intermediate orders.

Section 14-3-440. Judgment on appeal from order granting new trial; proceedings below.

Section 14-3-450. Effect on proceedings below of appeals regarding injunctions or receivers.

Section 14-3-610. Terms; notice of time and place of additional terms.

Section 14-3-620. Order and priority of hearing cases.

Section 14-3-630. Disposition of appeals not heard.

Section 14-3-640. Promulgation of rules and regulations.

Section 14-3-660. Sheriff shall provide place of hearing; expenses.

Section 14-3-670. Places to hold court; adjournment.

Section 14-3-810. Duties of clerk with respect to opinions; fees when published in other than official reports.

Section 14-3-820. Appointment of committee to contract for publishing of reports.

Section 14-3-830. Contents of reports.

Section 14-3-840. Distribution of reports.

Section 14-3-940. Establishment of Court Register; manner in which Supreme Court rules become effective.

Section 14-3-950. Submission of rules governing practice and procedure to General Assembly; approval.