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Section 14-3-10. Composition of court and election of justices; term. - The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and...
Section 14-3-20. Qualification; administration of oath of office. - The justices of the Supreme Court shall qualify within twelve...
Section 14-3-30. Salaries. - The Chief Justice shall receive such annual salary as may...
Section 14-3-40. Vacancies; term of incumbent. - All vacancies in the Supreme Court shall be filled by...
Section 14-3-50. Disqualification of justice by reason of interest or prior participation in case. - In addition to the cases mentioned in Section 14-1-130, no...
Section 14-3-60. Procedure when justice cannot preside in cause; special justices. - In case all or any of the justices of the...
Section 14-3-70. Compensation and allowances for special justices. - When such appointments are made by the Governor, such person...
Section 14-3-80. Presiding officer. - The Chief Justice shall preside. In the absence of the...
Section 14-3-90. Attendance; quorum. - It shall be the duty of all the justices to...
Section 14-3-100. Effect of lack of quorum. - If at any stated term of the court a quorum...
Section 14-3-110. Messenger and attendant. - The Supreme Court shall appoint a messenger of the court...
Section 14-3-120. Reporter. - The Supreme Court shall appoint a reporter for a term...
Section 14-3-130. Clerk. - The Supreme Court shall also appoint a clerk, who shall...
Section 14-3-140. Expenses of court; payment upon approval and order. - The amounts specified for expenses connected with the Supreme Court...
Section 14-3-150. Duties of county sheriffs and clerks; enforcement of service and execution. - The Supreme Court may require the sheriff of each and...
Section 14-3-310. Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court. - The Supreme Court shall have power to issue writs or...
Section 14-3-320. Appellate jurisdiction in chancery; review of findings of fact of Family Court. - The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction only in cases...
Section 14-3-330. Appellate jurisdiction in law cases. - The Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction for correction of...
Section 14-3-340. Reference of issues of fact to jury or referee; appointment of referees. - Whenever in the course of any action or proceeding in...
Section 14-3-350. Power of individual justices at chambers; appeal. - Each of the justices of the Supreme Court shall have...
Section 14-3-360. Three justices must concur to reverse a judgment. - In all cases decided by the Supreme Court the concurrence...
Section 14-3-370. Times when circuit judges shall sit with Supreme Court. - Whenever, upon the hearing of any cause or question before...
Section 14-3-380. Proceedings when Supreme Court justices and circuit judges sit together; expenses. - A majority of the justices of the Supreme Court and...
Section 14-3-390. Assignment of circuit judges by roster; interchange of circuits among judges. - Between the first and fifteenth days of December in each...
Section 14-3-400. Notice to circuit judges of assignments. - Immediately thereupon the Chief Justice or, in his absence or...
Section 14-3-410. Court of record; public inspection of records. - The Supreme Court shall be a court of record, and...
Section 14-3-420. Costs and disbursements in actions and proceedings brought in original jurisdiction. - In all actions and proceedings brought in the Supreme Court...
Section 14-3-430. Review of intermediate orders. - Upon an appeal under item (3) of Section 14-3-330 the...
Section 14-3-440. Judgment on appeal from order granting new trial; proceedings below. - Upon any appeal from an order granting a new trial...
Section 14-3-450. Effect on proceedings below of appeals regarding injunctions or receivers. - In case of an appeal under item (4) of Section...
Section 14-3-610. Terms; notice of time and place of additional terms. - The Supreme Court shall hold at least nine terms in...
Section 14-3-620. Order and priority of hearing cases. - The court may by general rules prescribe and provide the...
Section 14-3-630. Disposition of appeals not heard. - If the cases on the calendar and set for hearing...
Section 14-3-640. Promulgation of rules and regulations. - The court may establish and promulgate such rules and regulations...
Section 14-3-660. Sheriff shall provide place of hearing; expenses. - If at any term of the Supreme Court proper and...
Section 14-3-670. Places to hold court; adjournment. - The Supreme Court may be held in other buildings than...
Section 14-3-810. Duties of clerk with respect to opinions; fees when published in other than official reports. - The clerk of the Supreme Court shall, upon the rendition...
Section 14-3-820. Appointment of committee to contract for publishing of reports. - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of...
Section 14-3-830. Contents of reports. - The reports of the decisions shall contain at least such...
Section 14-3-840. Distribution of reports. - The Legislative Council shall distribute the copies of the reports...
Section 14-3-940. Establishment of Court Register; manner in which Supreme Court rules become effective. - There shall be established a "Court Register" which shall be...
Section 14-3-950. Submission of rules governing practice and procedure to General Assembly; approval. - All rules and amendments to rules governing practice and procedure...