The Supreme Court shall appoint a reporter for a term of four years, who shall take the constitutional oath before any one of the justices or the clerk of the Supreme Court.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 15-112; 1952 Code Section 15-112; 1942 Code Section 18; 1932 Code Section 18; Civ. P. '22 Section 18; Civ. C. '12 Section 3822; Civ. C. '02 Section 2726; G. S. 2102 to 2108; R. S. 2237 to 2241; 1896 (22) 3; 1901 (23) 622; 1920 (31) 1049; 1929 (36) 52.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Section 14-3-10. Composition of court and election of justices; term.
Section 14-3-20. Qualification; administration of oath of office.
Section 14-3-40. Vacancies; term of incumbent.
Section 14-3-50. Disqualification of justice by reason of interest or prior participation in case.
Section 14-3-60. Procedure when justice cannot preside in cause; special justices.
Section 14-3-70. Compensation and allowances for special justices.
Section 14-3-80. Presiding officer.
Section 14-3-90. Attendance; quorum.
Section 14-3-100. Effect of lack of quorum.
Section 14-3-110. Messenger and attendant.
Section 14-3-140. Expenses of court; payment upon approval and order.
Section 14-3-150. Duties of county sheriffs and clerks; enforcement of service and execution.
Section 14-3-310. Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court.
Section 14-3-320. Appellate jurisdiction in chancery; review of findings of fact of Family Court.
Section 14-3-330. Appellate jurisdiction in law cases.
Section 14-3-340. Reference of issues of fact to jury or referee; appointment of referees.
Section 14-3-350. Power of individual justices at chambers; appeal.
Section 14-3-360. Three justices must concur to reverse a judgment.
Section 14-3-370. Times when circuit judges shall sit with Supreme Court.
Section 14-3-380. Proceedings when Supreme Court justices and circuit judges sit together; expenses.
Section 14-3-390. Assignment of circuit judges by roster; interchange of circuits among judges.
Section 14-3-400. Notice to circuit judges of assignments.
Section 14-3-410. Court of record; public inspection of records.
Section 14-3-430. Review of intermediate orders.
Section 14-3-440. Judgment on appeal from order granting new trial; proceedings below.
Section 14-3-450. Effect on proceedings below of appeals regarding injunctions or receivers.
Section 14-3-610. Terms; notice of time and place of additional terms.
Section 14-3-620. Order and priority of hearing cases.
Section 14-3-630. Disposition of appeals not heard.
Section 14-3-640. Promulgation of rules and regulations.
Section 14-3-660. Sheriff shall provide place of hearing; expenses.
Section 14-3-670. Places to hold court; adjournment.
Section 14-3-820. Appointment of committee to contract for publishing of reports.
Section 14-3-830. Contents of reports.