Notice of the public hearing required by Section 13-12-60 shall be published by each county once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. The notice shall state:
(a) the time of the public hearing, which shall be not less than sixteen days following the first publication of the notice;
(b) the place of the hearing;
(c) the maximum amount of general obligation bonds proposed to be issued by the authority;
(d) a statement setting forth the purpose for which the proceeds of such bonds are to be expended; and
(e) a brief summary of the reasons for the issuance of such bonds and the method by which the principal and interest of such bonds are to be paid.
HISTORY: 1992 Act No. 515, Section 1, eff September 1, 1992; 1992 Act No. 518, Section 1, eff September 2, 1992.
Attorney General's Opinions
Absent amendment of notice statutes requiring notice in a newspaper of general circulation by the General Assembly, the term newspaper of general circulation cannot be extended to include online newspapers. S.C. Op.Atty.Gen. (October 21, 2015) 2015 WL 6745997.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development
Chapter 12 - Trident Economic Development Finance Authority
Section 13-12-15. Referendum in nonparticipating county whether to participate in authority.
Section 13-12-20. Officers of governing board; committees; meetings; quorum.
Section 13-12-30. Rights and powers of board.
Section 13-12-70. Notice requirements with respect to hearing on bond issue.
Section 13-12-80. Public hearing.
Section 13-12-100. Notice of governing bodies' actions; call for election.
Section 13-12-110. Right to challenge action taken by county governing bodies.
Section 13-12-120. Manner of election; majority vote required.
Section 13-12-130. Issuance of bonds following authorization.
Section 13-12-150. Signature and attestation of bonds and interest coupons.
Section 13-12-180. Net earnings of authority not to inure to benefit of person other than authority.
Section 13-12-190. Carryover of unexpended funds from year to year.