General obligation bonds or revenue bonds issued under this chapter for any project described in Section 13-12-40 must be authorized by resolution of the board. The resolution may contain provisions which are a part of the contract between the authority and the several holders of the bonds as to:
(a) the custody, security, use, expenditure, or application of the proceeds of the bonds;
(b) the acquisition, construction, and completion of any project for which the bonds are issued;
(c) the use, regulation, operation, maintenance, insurance, or disposition of the project for which the bonds are issued, or any restrictions on the exercise of the powers of the board to dispose of or limit or regulate the use of the project;
(d) the payment of the principal of or interest on the bonds and the sources and methods of payment, including the ad valorem tax levy or the authority, the rank or priority of any bonds as to any lien or security, or the acceleration of the maturity of any bonds;
(e) the use and disposition of the revenues derived or to be derived from the operation of any project;
(f) the pledging, setting aside, depositing, or entrusting of the revenues from which the bonds are made payable to secure the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds or the payment of expenses of operation and maintenance of the project;
(g) the setting aside of revenues, reserves, or sinking funds and the source, custody, security, regulation, and disposition of the revenues, reserves, or sinking funds;
(h) the determination of the definition of revenues or of the expenses of operation and maintenance of the project for which the bonds are issued;
(i) the rentals, fees, or other charges derived from the use of the project and the fixing, establishing, collection, and enforcement of the rentals, fees, or other charges, the amount or amounts of revenues to be produced by the rentals, fees, or other charges, and the disposition and application of the amounts charged or collected;
(j) limitations on the issuance of additional bonds or any other obligations or the incurrence of indebtedness payable from the same revenues from which the bonds are payable;
(k) rules to ensure the use of the project by the public or private sector to the maximum extent to which the project is capable of serving the public or private sector;
(l) any other matter or course of conduct which, by recital in the resolution authorizing the bonds, is declared to further secure the payment of the principal of or interest on the bonds.
HISTORY: 1992 Act No. 515, Section 1, eff September 1, 1992; 1992 Act No. 518, Section 1, eff September 2, 1992.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development
Chapter 12 - Trident Economic Development Finance Authority
Section 13-12-15. Referendum in nonparticipating county whether to participate in authority.
Section 13-12-20. Officers of governing board; committees; meetings; quorum.
Section 13-12-30. Rights and powers of board.
Section 13-12-70. Notice requirements with respect to hearing on bond issue.
Section 13-12-80. Public hearing.
Section 13-12-100. Notice of governing bodies' actions; call for election.
Section 13-12-110. Right to challenge action taken by county governing bodies.
Section 13-12-120. Manner of election; majority vote required.
Section 13-12-130. Issuance of bonds following authorization.
Section 13-12-150. Signature and attestation of bonds and interest coupons.
Section 13-12-180. Net earnings of authority not to inure to benefit of person other than authority.
Section 13-12-190. Carryover of unexpended funds from year to year.