South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 12 - Trident Economic Development Finance Authority
Section 13-12-150. Signature and attestation of bonds and interest coupons.

The bonds must be signed in the name of the board of the authority by the manual or facsimile signature of the chairman of the board and attested with the manual or facsimile signature of the secretary of the board. Interest coupons attached to the bonds must be signed by the facsimile signatures of the officers. The bonds may be issued notwithstanding that any of the officials signing them or whose facsimile signatures appear on the bonds or the coupons have ceased to hold office at the time of issue or at the time of the delivery of the bonds to the purchaser.
HISTORY: 1992 Act No. 515, Section 1, eff September 1, 1992; 1992 Act No. 518, Section 1, eff September 2, 1992.

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 13 - Planning, Research and Development

Chapter 12 - Trident Economic Development Finance Authority

Section 13-12-10. Authority created; jurisdictional area; governing body; selection and terms of members; filling of vacancies.

Section 13-12-15. Referendum in nonparticipating county whether to participate in authority.

Section 13-12-20. Officers of governing board; committees; meetings; quorum.

Section 13-12-30. Rights and powers of board.

Section 13-12-40. Authority may issue general obligation or revenue bonds; agreements for construction, operation, maintenance, or improvement of project; financing agreements.

Section 13-12-50. Resolution of board authorizing bonds; provisions of resolution become part of contract between authority and bondholders.

Section 13-12-60. Governing bodies of participating counties may authorize authority to issue general obligation bonds; public hearing requirement.

Section 13-12-70. Notice requirements with respect to hearing on bond issue.

Section 13-12-80. Public hearing.

Section 13-12-90. Finding and ordinance; authorization by governing bodies of participating counties whether and to what extent to issue bonds.

Section 13-12-100. Notice of governing bodies' actions; call for election.

Section 13-12-110. Right to challenge action taken by county governing bodies.

Section 13-12-120. Manner of election; majority vote required.

Section 13-12-130. Issuance of bonds following authorization.

Section 13-12-140. Bond principal and interest, security agreements, indentures, and financing agreements exempt from taxation.

Section 13-12-150. Signature and attestation of bonds and interest coupons.

Section 13-12-160. Resolutions, covenants, and agreements pertaining to issuance of bonds are binding; enforceability.

Section 13-12-170. General obligation bonds secured by full faith and credit and taxing power; revenue bonds of limited obligation; security; trustee of security agreement or indenture.

Section 13-12-180. Net earnings of authority not to inure to benefit of person other than authority.

Section 13-12-190. Carryover of unexpended funds from year to year.

Section 13-12-200. Determinations required to be made by authority prior to undertaking projects; determinations to be set forth in record of proceedings.

Section 13-12-210. Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds; what constitutes cost of acquiring project.

Section 13-12-220. Implementation contingent upon vote of electors in two or more of affected counties.

Section 13-12-230. Act not to affect generation, transmission, distribution, or provision of electricity at wholesale, retail, or otherwise.