South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 36 - South Carolina Sales And Use Tax Act
Section 12-36-910. Five percent tax on tangible personal property; laundry services, electricity, communication services, and manufacturer-consumed goods.

(A) A sales tax, equal to five percent of the gross proceeds of sales, is imposed upon every person engaged or continuing within this State in the business of selling tangible personal property at retail.
(B) The sales tax imposed by this article also applies to the:
(1) gross proceeds accruing or proceeding from the business of providing or furnishing any laundering, dry cleaning, dyeing, or pressing service, but does not apply to the gross proceeds derived from coin-operated laundromats and dry cleaning machines;
(2) gross proceeds accruing or proceeding from the sale of electricity;
(3)(a) gross proceeds accruing or proceeding from the charges for the ways or means for the transmission of the voice or messages, including the charges for use of equipment furnished by the seller or supplier of the ways or means for the transmission of the voice or messages. Gross proceeds from the sale of prepaid wireless calling arrangements subject to tax at retail pursuant to item (5) of this subsection are not subject to tax pursuant to this item. Effective for bills rendered after August 1, 2002, charges for mobile telecommunications services subject to the tax under this item must be sourced in accordance with the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act as provided in Title 4 of the United States Code. The term "charges for mobile telecommunications services" is defined for purposes of this section the same as it is defined in the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act. All other definitions and provisions of the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act as provided in Title 4 of the United States Code are adopted. Telecommunications services are sourced in accordance with Section 12-36-1920;
(b)(i) for purposes of this item, a "bundled transaction" means a transaction consisting of distinct and identifiable properties or services, which are sold for one nonitemized price but which are treated differently for tax purposes;
(ii) for bills rendered on or after January 1, 2004, that include telecommunications services in a bundled transaction, if the nonitemized price is attributable to properties or services that are taxable and nontaxable, the portion of the price attributable to any nontaxable property or service is subject to tax unless the provider can reasonably identify that portion from its books and records kept in the regular course of business for purposes other than sales taxes;
(4) fair market value of tangible personal property manufactured within this State, and used or consumed within this State by the manufacturer;
(5) gross proceeds accruing or proceeding from the sale or recharge at retail for prepaid wireless calling arrangements;
(a) "Prepaid wireless calling arrangements" means communication services that:
(i) are used exclusively to purchase wireless telecommunications;
(ii) are purchased in advance;
(iii) allow the purchaser to originate telephone calls by using an access number, authorization code, or other means entered manually or electronically; and
(iv) are sold in units or dollars which decline with use in a known amount;
(b) All charges for prepaid wireless calling arrangements must be sourced to the:
(i) location in this State where the over-the-counter sale took place;
(ii) shipping address if the sale did not take place at the seller's location and an item is shipped; or
(iii) either the billing address or location associated with the mobile telephone number if the sale did not take place at the seller's location and no item is shipped.
(C) Notwithstanding other provisions in this article or Article 13, Chapter 36, of this title, the sales or use tax imposed by those articles does not apply to the gross proceeds accruing or proceeding from charges for or use of data processing. As used in this subsection, "data processing" means the manipulation of information furnished by a customer through all or part of a series of operations involving an interaction of procedures, processes, methods, personnel, and computers. It also means the electronic transfer of or access to that information. Examples of the processing include, without limitation, summarizing, computing, extracting, storing, retrieving, sorting, sequencing, and the use of computers.
HISTORY: 1990 Act No. 612, Part II, Section 74A; 1992 Act No. 361, Section 16(B); 1995 Act No. 145, Part II, Section 105A; 2001 Act No. 89, Sections 25, 26, eff September 1, 2001 [effective the first day of the second month following approval by the Governor (approved July 20, 2001)]; 2002 Act No. 334, Section 11, eff June 24, 2002; 2003 Act No. 69, Section 3.OO, eff June 18, 2003; 2005 Act No. 161, Section 19.B, eff October 1, 2005; 2005 Act No. 161, Section 30.B, eff September 1, 2005; 2006 Act No. 386, Section 21.A, eff October 1, 2005; 2006 Act No. 388, Pt I, Section 1.B.1, eff October 1, 2006; 2007 Act No. 115, Section 3.A, eff November 1, 2007; 2011 Act No. 32, Section 2.B, eff September 1, 2011.

Editor's Note
2011 Act No. 32, Section 2.E., provides as follows:
"Notwithstanding the general effective date provided in this act, the provisions of this section take effect on the first day of the third month beginning after the date of approval of this act."

Structure South Carolina Code of Laws

South Carolina Code of Laws

Title 12 - Taxation

Chapter 36 - South Carolina Sales And Use Tax Act

Section 12-36-5. Short title.

Section 12-36-10. Effect of definitions.

Section 12-36-20. "Business".

Section 12-36-30. "Person".

Section 12-36-40. "Taxpayer".

Section 12-36-50. "In this State" or "in the State".

Section 12-36-60. "Tangible personal property".

Section 12-36-70. "Retailer" and "seller".

Section 12-36-71. "Marketplace facilitator".

Section 12-36-75. Persons contracting with state commercial printer not subject to state income or sales and use taxes; conditions.

Section 12-36-80. "Retailer maintaining a place of business in this State".

Section 12-36-90. "Gross proceeds of sales".

Section 12-36-100. "Sale" and "purchase".

Section 12-36-110. Sale at retail; retail sale.

Section 12-36-120. "Wholesale sale" and "sale at wholesale".

Section 12-36-130. "Sales price".

Section 12-36-140. "Storage" and "use".

Section 12-36-150. "Transient construction property".

Section 12-36-510. Retail license requirements; license tax; "special events".

Section 12-36-520. Bond requirement for retailers without permanent sales location.

Section 12-36-540. License application information; separate license required for each location.

Section 12-36-550. Duration of license's validity; display of license; license not transferable or assignable.

Section 12-36-560. Operation of business without license or with license suspended; penalty.

Section 12-36-570. Penalty for failure to pay license tax.

Section 12-36-910. Five percent tax on tangible personal property; laundry services, electricity, communication services, and manufacturer-consumed goods.

Section 12-36-920. Tax on accommodations for transients; reporting.

Section 12-36-922. Accommodations tax return information.

Section 12-36-930. Sale of motor vehicle to resident of another state.

Section 12-36-940. Amounts that may be added to sales price because of tax.

Section 12-36-950. Presumption as to gross proceeds; burden of proof; resale certificate.

Section 12-36-1110. Additional sales, use and casual excise tax imposed on certain items; exceptions.

Section 12-36-1120. Revenue of taxes credited to Homestead Exemption Fund.

Section 12-36-1130. Prescribing amounts added to sales price to reflect additional taxes.

Section 12-36-1310. Imposition of tax; rate; applicability; credit for tax paid in another state.

Section 12-36-1320. Tax on transient construction property.

Section 12-36-1330. Tax on storage, use, or consumption of tangible personal property.

Section 12-36-1340. Collection of tax by retailer sellers.

Section 12-36-1350. Time of collection of tax by retail seller; refunding or absorption of tax by seller prohibited; tax collected constitutes debt to state.

Section 12-36-1360. Filing use tax return; payment of tax directly to State.

Section 12-36-1370. Presumption of applicability of tax.

Section 12-36-1710. Excise tax on casual sales of motor vehicles, motorcycles, boats, motors, and airplanes; exclusions; payment of tax as prerequisite to titling, licensing, or registration.

Section 12-36-1720. Application of tax.

Section 12-36-1730. Wilful avoidance of tax; penalty.

Section 12-36-1740. Penalty for failure to pay casual excise tax.

Section 12-36-1910. Definitions.

Section 12-36-1920. Sourcing of sale of telecommunications services.

Section 12-36-1930. Application of article.

Section 12-36-2110. Maximum tax on sale or lease of certain items; calculation of tax on manufactured homes; maximum tax on purchase of certain property by religious organizations; maximum tax on sale or use of machinery for research and development.

Section 12-36-2120. Exemptions from sales tax.

Section 12-36-2130. Exemptions from use tax.

Section 12-36-2140. Exemptions; distribution facility.

Section 12-36-2510. Certificates allowing taxpayer to purchase tangible personal property tax free and be liable for taxes; procedures when claiming exemption.

Section 12-36-2520. Tax liability when property delivered out of state; violations.

Section 12-36-2530. Documentation of entitlement to tax exemption for goods to be delivered out of state; tax on property delivered in state for removal from state by purchaser.

Section 12-36-2540. Duty to keep records and books.

Section 12-36-2550. Use of overpayment of tax to offset underpayment or penalty.

Section 12-36-2560. Payment of tax on sales made on installment basis.

Section 12-36-2570. Time when tax payment due; monthly report.

Section 12-36-2580. Special authorization to pay tax quarterly.

Section 12-36-2590. Department authorized to require returns and payment for other than monthly periods.

Section 12-36-2610. Discount for timely payment of tax.

Section 12-36-2620. Sales and use taxes composed of two components.

Section 12-36-2630. Seven percent sales tax on accommodations for transients composed of three components.

Section 12-36-2640. Casual excise tax composed of two components.

Section 12-36-2645. Taxes applicable to proceeds of 900/976 telephone service; tax rate; disposition of revenues.

Section 12-36-2646. Retailers to post notice of tax exclusion available to individuals 85 years of age or over; penalties.

Section 12-36-2647. Repealed.

Section 12-36-2650. Taxes in this chapter not to supersede any other taxes, licenses, or charges.

Section 12-36-2660. Administration and enforcement of chapter.

Section 12-36-2670. Persons permitted to administer oaths and take acknowledgments.

Section 12-36-2680. Exemption certificate; exempt sale.

Section 12-36-2690. Role of distribution facility in determining physical presence in state for sales and use tax purposes.

Section 12-36-2691. Distribution facility nexus; criteria for and duration of provisions; use tax notification and payment.

Section 12-36-2692. Notification required.

Section 12-36-2695. Sales taxes or admission taxes; boundary clarification.