Such refunding bonds and the coupons annexed thereto shall be executed in the manner provided for by the governing body.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 1-691; 1952 Code Section 1-691; 1951 (47) 755.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Bonds Of Political Subdivisions
Section 11-15-10. Record of public bond issues to be kept and filed.
Section 11-15-30. Bonds incontestable from twenty days after filing and indexing.
Section 11-15-90. Failure to make payment or remit funds for payment of obligations.
Section 11-15-100. Requirements for incurring general obligation debt.
Section 11-15-230. Deposit of collections for sinking fund.
Section 11-15-240. Holding of sinking fund investments.
Section 11-15-250. Advertisements for purchase of securities.
Section 11-15-260. Choice of investments.
Section 11-15-270. Sale of bonds in sinking fund.
Section 11-15-280. Statements to be filed in the office of the clerk of court.
Section 11-15-290. Failure to make investments in accordance with article; penalties.
Section 11-15-300. Provisions not applicable to certain counties.
Section 11-15-410. Short title.
Section 11-15-420. Declaration of purpose.
Section 11-15-430. Definitions.
Section 11-15-440. Extent to which refunding bonds may be issued.
Section 11-15-450. Time when refunding bonds may be issued.
Section 11-15-460. Interest rate.
Section 11-15-470. Maturities.
Section 11-15-480. Redemption privilege.
Section 11-15-490. Negotiability; registration.
Section 11-15-500. Place of payment.
Section 11-15-510. Execution of bonds.
Section 11-15-520. Sale of bonds.
Section 11-15-530. Sales price.
Section 11-15-540. Pledges and covenants to ensure payment; ad valorem tax.
Section 11-15-550. Exemption from taxes.
Section 11-15-560. Bonds legal for fiduciary and sinking fund commission investment.
Section 11-15-570. Use of bonds to pay taxes.
Section 11-15-580. Holder of bonds may require levying of taxes and enforce covenants.