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Section 11-15-10. Record of public bond issues to be kept and filed. - In case any county, township, school district, city, town or...
Section 11-15-20. Records of bond issues to be made by state agencies; filing and indexing of records. - (1) Definitions: (a) "Bonds" shall include general obligations of the...
Section 11-15-30. Bonds incontestable from twenty days after filing and indexing. - No action shall be commenced on account of the issuance...
Section 11-15-90. Failure to make payment or remit funds for payment of obligations. - If any disbursing officer shall fail or refuse to make...
Section 11-15-100. Requirements for incurring general obligation debt. - (A) Counties, municipalities, school districts, and special purpose districts shall...
Section 11-15-210. Investment of sinking funds of political subdivisions of the State; changing investments. - The custodian of any sinking fund required to be established...
Section 11-15-220. Collection for sinking fund applied to payment of bonds unnecessary when bonds mature within twelve months. - When such collection for a sinking fund is to be...
Section 11-15-230. Deposit of collections for sinking fund. - The custodian of any sinking fund affected by Section 11-15-210...
Section 11-15-240. Holding of sinking fund investments. - Such investments shall be kept separate and distinct and properly...
Section 11-15-250. Advertisements for purchase of securities. - In making such investment of sinking funds in securities other...
Section 11-15-260. Choice of investments. - If bonds of the issue for which the sinking fund...
Section 11-15-270. Sale of bonds in sinking fund. - No sale of bonds bought by the custodian for the...
Section 11-15-280. Statements to be filed in the office of the clerk of court. - When bonds are bought or sold as provided under the...
Section 11-15-290. Failure to make investments in accordance with article; penalties. - The failure of the custodian of any such sinking fund...
Section 11-15-300. Provisions not applicable to certain counties. - The provisions of this article shall not apply to Abbeville,...
Section 11-15-410. Short title. - This article may be cited as the "Refunding Act." HISTORY:...
Section 11-15-420. Declaration of purpose. - This article is intended to authorize and provide the procedure...
Section 11-15-430. Definitions. - (1) The word "issuer," as used in this article, shall...
Section 11-15-440. Extent to which refunding bonds may be issued. - The governing body of any issuer may issue general obligation...
Section 11-15-450. Time when refunding bonds may be issued. - Such refunding bonds may be issued at any time, but...
Section 11-15-460. Interest rate. - These refunding bonds must bear interest at those rates as...
Section 11-15-470. Maturities. - Such refunding bonds shall mature in such annual series or...
Section 11-15-480. Redemption privilege. - All refunding bonds maturing subsequent to fifteen years from their...
Section 11-15-490. Negotiability; registration. - All such refunding bonds shall be in the form of...
Section 11-15-500. Place of payment. - Such refunding bonds shall be made payable at such place...
Section 11-15-510. Execution of bonds. - Such refunding bonds and the coupons annexed thereto shall be...
Section 11-15-520. Sale of bonds. - Such refunding bonds shall be sold at public sale, after...
Section 11-15-530. Sales price. - All refunding bonds must be sold at a price of...
Section 11-15-540. Pledges and covenants to ensure payment; ad valorem tax. - For the payment of the principal and interest of such...
Section 11-15-550. Exemption from taxes. - Refunding bonds issued under this article shall be exempt from...
Section 11-15-560. Bonds legal for fiduciary and sinking fund commission investment. - All executors, administrators, guardians, committees and fiduciaries and all sinking...
Section 11-15-570. Use of bonds to pay taxes. - The governing body of the issuer may provide in the...
Section 11-15-580. Holder of bonds may require levying of taxes and enforce covenants. - In the event the governing body shall fail to levy...
Section 11-15-590. Deposit and use of proceeds. - The proceeds derived from the sale of these bonds must...
Section 11-15-600. Refunding of special obligation bonds. - Any issuer having outstanding special obligation bonds authorized by any...