(A) Counties, municipalities, school districts, and special purpose districts shall not incur any general obligation or revenue obligation indebtedness unless there has been filed in the office of the State Treasurer the following information:
(1) date and title issue;
(2) type of indebtedness;
(3) the purpose of issuance;
(4) the original principal to be borrowed;
(5) interest rate;
(6) annual payments of principal;
(7) annual payments of interest.
(B) The State Treasurer shall prepare and make available to counties, municipalities, school districts, and special purpose districts blank forms upon which the information required in subsection (A) of this section must be reported.
(C) The State Treasurer shall annually survey the counties, municipalities, school districts, and special purpose districts concerning their general obligation and revenue obligation indebtedness so as to maintain a current record of these obligations. The survey must be conducted in such manner and on such forms as the State Treasurer shall prescribe. The survey for counties, school districts, and special purpose districts must be compiled by their respective county treasurers.
(D) On or before March thirty-first of each year following the close of the fiscal year, the State Treasurer shall publish a statement of obligations of all political subdivisions showing each municipality, county, special purpose district, and school district in a county-by-county listing.
HISTORY: 1988 Act No. 365, Part II, Section 2; 1990 Act No. 404, Section 1.
Structure South Carolina Code of Laws
Chapter 15 - Bonds Of Political Subdivisions
Section 11-15-10. Record of public bond issues to be kept and filed.
Section 11-15-30. Bonds incontestable from twenty days after filing and indexing.
Section 11-15-90. Failure to make payment or remit funds for payment of obligations.
Section 11-15-100. Requirements for incurring general obligation debt.
Section 11-15-230. Deposit of collections for sinking fund.
Section 11-15-240. Holding of sinking fund investments.
Section 11-15-250. Advertisements for purchase of securities.
Section 11-15-260. Choice of investments.
Section 11-15-270. Sale of bonds in sinking fund.
Section 11-15-280. Statements to be filed in the office of the clerk of court.
Section 11-15-290. Failure to make investments in accordance with article; penalties.
Section 11-15-300. Provisions not applicable to certain counties.
Section 11-15-410. Short title.
Section 11-15-420. Declaration of purpose.
Section 11-15-430. Definitions.
Section 11-15-440. Extent to which refunding bonds may be issued.
Section 11-15-450. Time when refunding bonds may be issued.
Section 11-15-460. Interest rate.
Section 11-15-470. Maturities.
Section 11-15-480. Redemption privilege.
Section 11-15-490. Negotiability; registration.
Section 11-15-500. Place of payment.
Section 11-15-510. Execution of bonds.
Section 11-15-520. Sale of bonds.
Section 11-15-530. Sales price.
Section 11-15-540. Pledges and covenants to ensure payment; ad valorem tax.
Section 11-15-550. Exemption from taxes.
Section 11-15-560. Bonds legal for fiduciary and sinking fund commission investment.
Section 11-15-570. Use of bonds to pay taxes.
Section 11-15-580. Holder of bonds may require levying of taxes and enforce covenants.