Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 8-10 - Family Court
Section 8-10-30. - Appointment of clerk pro tempore.

§ 8-10-30. Appointment of clerk pro tempore.
In case of the death, resignation, absence, inability, or refusal to serve of the clerk, the chief judge of the family court may appoint a clerk pro tempore who shall hold his or her office until the clerk shall have returned or the inability shall have been removed or another clerk shall have been appointed to fill the vacancy and shall have qualified. The clerk so appointed shall be sworn and give bond before he or she enters upon his or her duties and shall, during the term of service, be entitled to the compensation of the office.
History of Section.P.L. 1961, ch. 73, § 1.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 8 - Courts and Civil Procedure – Courts

Chapter 8-10 - Family Court

Section 8-10-1. - Short title.

Section 8-10-2. - Purpose of chapter.

Section 8-10-3. - Establishment of court — Jurisdiction — Seal — Oaths.

Section 8-10-3.1. - Magistrates — Appointment, duties, and powers.

Section 8-10-3.2. - General magistrate of the family court.

Section 8-10-4. - Criminal cases referred to family court.

Section 8-10-5. - Attempts at reconciliation by family court.

Section 8-10-6. - Notice to department of human services.

Section 8-10-7. - Family counselling service.

Section 8-10-8. - Medical, psychological, and other expert assistance.

Section 8-10-9. - Assistance of services of department of corrections.

Section 8-10-10. - Family court registry.

Section 8-10-11. - Repealed.

Section 8-10-12. - Vacancy in office or inability of chief judge of family court.

Section 8-10-13. - Repealed.

Section 8-10-14. - Administration of operation of family court.

Section 8-10-14.1. - Powers of justices of the peace.

Section 8-10-14.2. - Recording and certification of appointments and revocations — Signature of warrants.

Section 8-10-15. - Family court administrator.

Section 8-10-16. - Quarters.

Section 8-10-17. - Repealed.

Section 8-10-18. - Repealed.

Section 8-10-19. - Limitation on transfer or parole of juveniles.

Section 8-10-20. - Repealed.

Section 8-10-21. - Records of court.

Section 8-10-22. - Intake department — Duties.

Section 8-10-23. - Intake supervisors.

Section 8-10-23.1. - Statewide juvenile hearing board.

Section 8-10-23.2. - Creating a juvenile hearing board.

Section 8-10-23.3. - Jamestown juvenile hearing board.

Section 8-10-23.4. - North Providence juvenile hearing board.

Section 8-10-24. - Sessions, motions, assignments, etc.

Section 8-10-25 - — 8-10-27. Repealed.

Section 8-10-28. - Authority and duties of clerk.

Section 8-10-29. - Report of divorce proceedings to director of health.

Section 8-10-30. - Appointment of clerk pro tempore.

Section 8-10-31. - Appointment of deputies.

Section 8-10-32. - Employment of clerical assistance by clerk.

Section 8-10-33. - Powers of assistant clerks of family court.

Section 8-10-34. - Court secretary and assistant.

Section 8-10-35. - Appointment of stenographers.

Section 8-10-36. - Court reporters and court recording clerks — Supplies and preservation of notes and other materials.

Section 8-10-37. - Report of trials — Transcripts.

Section 8-10-38. - Judgments, decrees, and orders — Punishment for contempt.

Section 8-10-38.1. - Imprisonment for contempt.

Section 8-10-39. - Repealed.

Section 8-10-40, 8-10-41. - Repealed.

Section 8-10-42. - Engagement — Precedence — Retirement and powers of justices.

Section 8-10-42.1. - Service after retirement.

Section 8-10-43. - References to family court — Powers and duties.

Section 8-10-43.1. - Venue of criminal offenses.

Section 8-10-44. - Annual appropriations.

Section 8-10-45. - Severability.