Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 46-23 - Coastal Resources Management Council
Section 46-23-7.3. - Criminal penalties.

§ 46-23-7.3. Criminal penalties.
Any person who knowingly violates any provision of this chapter, the coastal resources management program, or any rule, regulation, assent, or order shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or by imprisonment of not more than three (3) months or both; and each day the violation is continued or repeated shall be deemed a separate offense.
History of Section.P.L. 1989, ch. 516, § 2; P.L. 2021, ch. 162, art. 6, § 7, effective July 1, 2021.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 46 - Waters and Navigation

Chapter 46-23 - Coastal Resources Management Council

Section 46-23-1. - Legislative findings.

Section 46-23-2. - Coastal resources management council created — Appointment of members.

Section 46-23-2.1. - Members — Term of office — Vacancies.

Section 46-23-3. - Oath of members.

Section 46-23-4. - Officers of the council — Quorum and vote required for action.

Section 46-23-4.1. - The commissioner of coastal resources management.

Section 46-23-5. - Expenses of members.

Section 46-23-6. - Powers and duties — Rights-of-way.

Section 46-23-6.1. - Newport “cliff walk” — Public right-of-way — Legal studies.

Section 46-23-6.2. - Abandonment of rights-of-way.

Section 46-23-6.3. - Tolling of expiration periods.

Section 46-23-7. - Violations.

Section 46-23-7.1. - Administrative penalties.

Section 46-23-7.2. - Proceedings for enforcement.

Section 46-23-7.3. - Criminal penalties.

Section 46-23-7.4. - Penalty for blocking or posting of rights-of-way.

Section 46-23-7.5. - Prosecution of criminal violations.

Section 46-23-8. - Gifts, grants, and donations.

Section 46-23-9. - Subpoena.

Section 46-23-10. - Cooperation of departments.

Section 46-23-11. - Rules and regulations.

Section 46-23-12. - Representation from coastal communities.

Section 46-23-13. - Application and hearing fees.

Section 46-23-14. - Expert testimony.

Section 46-23-15. - Federal grants and interstate cooperation.

Section 46-23-15.1. - Coordination of harbor safety and enforcement patrols.

Section 46-23-16. - Length of permits, licenses, and easements.

Section 46-23-17. - [Repealed.]

Section 46-23-18. - Prohibited activities.

Section 46-23-18.1. - Permitting.

Section 46-23-18.2. - Rules and regulations.

Section 46-23-18.3. - Sites for disposal of spoil from dredge operations, selection.

Section 46-23-18.4. - Enforcement.

Section 46-23-18.5. - Fees for disposal.

Section 46-23-18.6. - Coastal Resources Management Council Dredge Fund.

Section 46-23-19. - Repealed.

Section 46-23-20. - Administrative hearings.

Section 46-23-20.1. - Hearing officers — Appointment — Compensation — Subcommittee.

Section 46-23-20.2. - Clerk.

Section 46-23-20.3. - Prehearing procedure.

Section 46-23-20.4. - Hearings — Orders.

Section 46-23-20.5. - Ex parte consultations.

Section 46-23-20.6. - Oaths — Subpoenas — Powers of hearing officers.

Section 46-23-21. - Notice of permit — Recordation.

Section 46-23-22. - Solid waste disposal licenses — Hearings.

Section 46-23-23. - Municipal comprehension plan consideration.

Section 46-23-24. - Lien on property.

Section 46-23-25. - Issuance of beach vehicle registration permits.