Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 46-23 - Coastal Resources Management Council
Section 46-23-6.3. - Tolling of expiration periods.

§ 46-23-6.3. Tolling of expiration periods.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision set forth in this chapter, all periods pertaining to the expiration of any approval or permit issued pursuant to any state statute or any regulation promulgated thereto pertaining to the development of property shall be tolled until June 30, 2016. For the purposes of this section, “tolling” means the suspension or temporary stopping of the running of the applicable permit or approval period.
(b) Said tolling need not be recorded in the land evidence records to be valid, however, a notice of the tolling must be posted in the municipal planning department and near the land evidence records.
(c) The tolling shall apply only to approvals or permits in effect on November 9, 2009, and those issued between November 9, 2009, and June 30, 2016, and shall not revive expired approvals or permits.
(d) The expiration dates for all permits and approvals issued before the tolling period began will be recalculated as of July 1, 2016, by adding thereto the number of days between November 9, 2009, and the day on which the permit or approval would otherwise have expired. The expiration dates for all permits and approvals issued during the tolling period will be recalculated as of July 1, 2016, by adding thereto the number of days between the day the permit or approval was issued and the day the permit or approval otherwise would have expired.
History of Section.P.L. 2009, ch. 198, § 5; P.L. 2009, ch. 199, § 5; P.L. 2010, ch. 209, § 4; P.L. 2010, ch. 215, § 4; P.L. 2011, ch. 56, § 4; P.L. 2011, ch. 65, § 4; P.L. 2013, ch. 137, § 4; P.L. 2013, ch. 184, § 4; P.L. 2015, ch. 103, § 4; P.L. 2015, ch. 114, § 4.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 46 - Waters and Navigation

Chapter 46-23 - Coastal Resources Management Council

Section 46-23-1. - Legislative findings.

Section 46-23-2. - Coastal resources management council created — Appointment of members.

Section 46-23-2.1. - Members — Term of office — Vacancies.

Section 46-23-3. - Oath of members.

Section 46-23-4. - Officers of the council — Quorum and vote required for action.

Section 46-23-4.1. - The commissioner of coastal resources management.

Section 46-23-5. - Expenses of members.

Section 46-23-6. - Powers and duties — Rights-of-way.

Section 46-23-6.1. - Newport “cliff walk” — Public right-of-way — Legal studies.

Section 46-23-6.2. - Abandonment of rights-of-way.

Section 46-23-6.3. - Tolling of expiration periods.

Section 46-23-7. - Violations.

Section 46-23-7.1. - Administrative penalties.

Section 46-23-7.2. - Proceedings for enforcement.

Section 46-23-7.3. - Criminal penalties.

Section 46-23-7.4. - Penalty for blocking or posting of rights-of-way.

Section 46-23-7.5. - Prosecution of criminal violations.

Section 46-23-8. - Gifts, grants, and donations.

Section 46-23-9. - Subpoena.

Section 46-23-10. - Cooperation of departments.

Section 46-23-11. - Rules and regulations.

Section 46-23-12. - Representation from coastal communities.

Section 46-23-13. - Application and hearing fees.

Section 46-23-14. - Expert testimony.

Section 46-23-15. - Federal grants and interstate cooperation.

Section 46-23-15.1. - Coordination of harbor safety and enforcement patrols.

Section 46-23-16. - Length of permits, licenses, and easements.

Section 46-23-17. - [Repealed.]

Section 46-23-18. - Prohibited activities.

Section 46-23-18.1. - Permitting.

Section 46-23-18.2. - Rules and regulations.

Section 46-23-18.3. - Sites for disposal of spoil from dredge operations, selection.

Section 46-23-18.4. - Enforcement.

Section 46-23-18.5. - Fees for disposal.

Section 46-23-18.6. - Coastal Resources Management Council Dredge Fund.

Section 46-23-19. - Repealed.

Section 46-23-20. - Administrative hearings.

Section 46-23-20.1. - Hearing officers — Appointment — Compensation — Subcommittee.

Section 46-23-20.2. - Clerk.

Section 46-23-20.3. - Prehearing procedure.

Section 46-23-20.4. - Hearings — Orders.

Section 46-23-20.5. - Ex parte consultations.

Section 46-23-20.6. - Oaths — Subpoenas — Powers of hearing officers.

Section 46-23-21. - Notice of permit — Recordation.

Section 46-23-22. - Solid waste disposal licenses — Hearings.

Section 46-23-23. - Municipal comprehension plan consideration.

Section 46-23-24. - Lien on property.

Section 46-23-25. - Issuance of beach vehicle registration permits.