Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 37-6 - Acquisition of Land
Section 37-6-3. - Detail of state employees to duty with committee.

§ 37-6-3. Detail of state employees to duty with committee.
Upon request of the state properties committee, the head of any department, board, bureau, or commission of the state government shall detail to the committee any state employee under his or her supervision whose assistance as professional personnel, technician, or expert, or whose services as stenographer or clerical worker shall be deemed necessary or desirable to the work of the committee, for temporary duty with the committee for periods not exceeding two (2) weeks in any one case.
History of Section.P.L. 1953, ch. 3105, § 23; G.L. 1956, § 37-6-3.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 37 - Public Property and Works

Chapter 37-6 - Acquisition of Land

Section 37-6-1. - State properties committee — Composition.

Section 37-6-1.1. - Reporting requirements.

Section 37-6-1.2. - Training requirements.

Section 37-6-1.3. - Public disclosure of the management and disposal of property.

Section 37-6-2. - Rules, regulations, and procedures of committee.

Section 37-6-3. - Detail of state employees to duty with committee.

Section 37-6-4. - Powers and duties supplemental.

Section 37-6-5. - Power of department and agency heads to acquire property for public use.

Section 37-6-6. - Notice to Rhode Island economic development corporation of proposed acquisition or disposal.

Section 37-6-7. - Consideration of public interest — Certificate that state employee is not interested in site selected.

Section 37-6-8. - Approval and filing of conveyances to state.

Section 37-6-9. - Acceptance of conveyances by treasurer.

Section 37-6-10. - Acquisition of limited or encumbered title.

Section 37-6-11. - Acquisition of outstanding interests limiting or encumbering title.

Section 37-6-12. - Examination of title by attorney general — Acquisition of title insurance.

Section 37-6-13. - Authorization of condemnation for road purposes.

Section 37-6-13.1. - Authorization of condemnation for state office buildings.

Section 37-6-14. - Filing of condemnation papers — Vesting of title — Availability of state treasury funds.

Section 37-6-15. - Service of notice of condemnation.

Section 37-6-16. - Publication of notice of condemnation.

Section 37-6-17. - Payment of agreed price for condemned land.

Section 37-6-18. - Petition for assessment of damages by jury.

Section 37-6-19. - Late filing of petition for assessment of damages.

Section 37-6-20. - Pretrial conference with state properties committee — Proceeding to trial.

Section 37-6-21. - Conduct of trial on damages.

Section 37-6-21.1. - Expediting proceedings.

Section 37-6-22. - Consolidation of petitions as to same land.

Section 37-6-23. - Calculation of interest and payment of judgment.

Section 37-6-23.1. - Procedure where no claim filed or owner unknown or under disability.

Section 37-6-23.2. - Deposit of fair market value as determined by state’s reviewing appraiser.

Section 37-6-24. - Conveyance of land in exchange for property taken — Construction on or improvement of land remaining to private owner.

Section 37-6-25. - Liberal construction — Technicalities — Severability.

Section 37-6-26. - Acquisition of land for utility or railroad relocation necessitated by highway construction or improvement.

Section 37-6-27. - Use of state property for city park purposes.

Section 37-6-28. - Compliance with federal law.

Section 37-6-29. - Repealed.

Section 37-6-30. - Registry of leases.