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Section 37-6-1. - State properties committee — Composition. - § 37-6-1. State properties committee — Composition. There is hereby...
Section 37-6-1.1. - Reporting requirements. - § 37-6-1.1. Reporting requirements. Within ninety (90) days after the...
Section 37-6-1.2. - Training requirements. - § 37-6-1.2. Training requirements. The committee shall conduct a training...
Section 37-6-1.3. - Public disclosure of the management and disposal of property. - § 37-6-1.3. Public disclosure of the management and disposal of...
Section 37-6-2. - Rules, regulations, and procedures of committee. - § 37-6-2. Rules, regulations, and procedures of committee. (a) The...
Section 37-6-3. - Detail of state employees to duty with committee. - § 37-6-3. Detail of state employees to duty with committee....
Section 37-6-4. - Powers and duties supplemental. - § 37-6-4. Powers and duties supplemental. The powers and duties...
Section 37-6-5. - Power of department and agency heads to acquire property for public use. - § 37-6-5. Power of department and agency heads to acquire...
Section 37-6-6. - Notice to Rhode Island economic development corporation of proposed acquisition or disposal. - § 37-6-6. Notice to Rhode Island economic development corporation of...
Section 37-6-7. - Consideration of public interest — Certificate that state employee is not interested in site selected. - § 37-6-7. Consideration of public interest — Certificate that state...
Section 37-6-8. - Approval and filing of conveyances to state. - § 37-6-8. Approval and filing of conveyances to state. Every...
Section 37-6-9. - Acceptance of conveyances by treasurer. - § 37-6-9. Acceptance of conveyances by treasurer. The general treasurer...
Section 37-6-10. - Acquisition of limited or encumbered title. - § 37-6-10. Acquisition of limited or encumbered title. Whenever in...
Section 37-6-11. - Acquisition of outstanding interests limiting or encumbering title. - § 37-6-11. Acquisition of outstanding interests limiting or encumbering title....
Section 37-6-12. - Examination of title by attorney general — Acquisition of title insurance. - § 37-6-12. Examination of title by attorney general — Acquisition...
Section 37-6-13. - Authorization of condemnation for road purposes. - § 37-6-13. Authorization of condemnation for road purposes. Whenever in...
Section 37-6-13.1. - Authorization of condemnation for state office buildings. - § 37-6-13.1. Authorization of condemnation for state office buildings. Whenever...
Section 37-6-14. - Filing of condemnation papers — Vesting of title — Availability of state treasury funds. - § 37-6-14. Filing of condemnation papers — Vesting of title...
Section 37-6-15. - Service of notice of condemnation. - § 37-6-15. Service of notice of condemnation. After the filing...
Section 37-6-16. - Publication of notice of condemnation. - § 37-6-16. Publication of notice of condemnation. (a) After the...
Section 37-6-17. - Payment of agreed price for condemned land. - § 37-6-17. Payment of agreed price for condemned land. If...
Section 37-6-18. - Petition for assessment of damages by jury. - § 37-6-18. Petition for assessment of damages by jury. Any...
Section 37-6-19. - Late filing of petition for assessment of damages. - § 37-6-19. Late filing of petition for assessment of damages....
Section 37-6-20. - Pretrial conference with state properties committee — Proceeding to trial. - § 37-6-20. Pretrial conference with state properties committee — Proceeding...
Section 37-6-21. - Conduct of trial on damages. - § 37-6-21. Conduct of trial on damages. A trial shall...
Section 37-6-21.1. - Expediting proceedings. - § 37-6-21.1. Expediting proceedings. In any proceedings for the assessment...
Section 37-6-22. - Consolidation of petitions as to same land. - § 37-6-22. Consolidation of petitions as to same land. In...
Section 37-6-23. - Calculation of interest and payment of judgment. - § 37-6-23. Calculation of interest and payment of judgment. (a)...
Section 37-6-23.1. - Procedure where no claim filed or owner unknown or under disability. - § 37-6-23.1. Procedure where no claim filed or owner unknown...
Section 37-6-23.2. - Deposit of fair market value as determined by state’s reviewing appraiser. - § 37-6-23.2. Deposit of fair market value as determined by...
Section 37-6-24. - Conveyance of land in exchange for property taken — Construction on or improvement of land remaining to private owner. - § 37-6-24. Conveyance of land in exchange for property taken...
Section 37-6-25. - Liberal construction — Technicalities — Severability. - § 37-6-25. Liberal construction — Technicalities — Severability. The provisions...
Section 37-6-26. - Acquisition of land for utility or railroad relocation necessitated by highway construction or improvement. - § 37-6-26. Acquisition of land for utility or railroad relocation...
Section 37-6-27. - Use of state property for city park purposes. - § 37-6-27. Use of state property for city park purposes....
Section 37-6-28. - Compliance with federal law. - § 37-6-28. Compliance with federal law. The state of Rhode...
Section 37-6-29. - Repealed. - § 37-6-29. Repealed. History of Section.P.L. 1989, ch. 555, §...
Section 37-6-30. - Registry of leases. - § 37-6-30. Registry of leases. (a) The chief purchasing officer...