Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 23-19.1 - Hazardous Waste Management
Section 23-19.1-3. - Declaration of purpose.

§ 23-19.1-3. Declaration of purpose.
The purposes of this chapter shall be:
(1) To protect the environment and the public health and safety from the effects of the improper, inadequate, or unsound management of hazardous wastes;
(2) To establish a program of regulation over the storage, transportation, treatment, and disposal of hazardous wastes, without interrupting current regulation of industrial waste disposal;
(3) To encourage the development and utilization of industrial processes which generate smaller amounts of hazardous wastes and to encourage recovery and recycling of wastes; and
(4) To assure the safe and adequate management of hazardous wastes within Rhode Island.
History of Section.P.L. 1978, ch. 229, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 23-46.2-3; P.L. 1979, ch. 39, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 23-19.1-3.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 23 - Health and Safety

Chapter 23-19.1 - Hazardous Waste Management

Section 23-19.1-1. - Short title.

Section 23-19.1-2. - Legislative findings.

Section 23-19.1-3. - Declaration of purpose.

Section 23-19.1-4. - Definitions.

Section 23-19.1-5. - Applicability of chapter.

Section 23-19.1-6. - Powers and duties of the director.

Section 23-19.1-7. - Manifest required.

Section 23-19.1-8. - Records — Reports — Monitoring.

Section 23-19.1-9. - Generation of wastes.

Section 23-19.1-10. - Permits — Issuance — Renewal — Revocation — Exempted activities.

Section 23-19.1-10.1. - Criteria for permits.

Section 23-19.1-10.2. - Criteria for licenses.

Section 23-19.1-10.3. - Emergency and temporary permits.

Section 23-19.1-11. - Permits — Variances.

Section 23-19.1-11.1. - Ground water resources.

Section 23-19.1-12. - Inspections — Penalty for hindering entry.

Section 23-19.1-13. - Employment of experts and consultants to investigate permit applications.

Section 23-19.1-14. - Permit fees — Expenses of investigation and hearing.

Section 23-19.1-15. - Proceedings for enforcement.

Section 23-19.1-16. - Emergency powers.

Section 23-19.1-17. - Civil penalty for violations.

Section 23-19.1-17.1. - Seizure and forfeiture of property used to violate chapter.

Section 23-19.1-17.2. - Sampling and disposition of hazardous waste.

Section 23-19.1-18. - Criminal penalties — Payment of restoration costs.

Section 23-19.1-18.1. - Determination of restoration costs — Judgment — Other relief not precluded.

Section 23-19.1-18.2. - Limitation of prosecutions.

Section 23-19.1-18.3. - Prohibiting business due to conviction of certain acts.

Section 23-19.1-19. - Interstate cooperation.

Section 23-19.1-20. - Liberal construction — Severability.

Section 23-19.1-21. - Applicability of chapter — No effect on public utilities and carriers.

Section 23-19.1-22. - Liability for unauthorized transportation, storage, or disposal.

Section 23-19.1-23. - Environmental response fund.

Section 23-19.1-24. - Administration of the fund.

Section 23-19.1-25. - Bonds authorized — Maturity — Certification and execution.

Section 23-19.1-26. - Depositing bond proceeds in environmental response fund.

Section 23-19.1-27. - Temporary notes.

Section 23-19.1-28. - Advances from general fund in anticipation of the issue of notes or bonds.

Section 23-19.1-29. - Bonds and notes tax exempt general obligation of state.

Section 23-19.1-30. - Terms and conditions of sales — Applications of premiums and accrued interest — Validity not affected by change in office.

Section 23-19.1-31. - Investment of receipts pending expenditures.

Section 23-19.1-32. - Amortization.

Section 23-19.1-33. - Notice of hazardous waste disposal violation.

Section 23-19.1-34. - Hazardous waste haulers — Drivers license and certificate required.

Section 23-19.1-35. - Denial or revocation of hazardous waste material driver’s certificate.

Section 23-19.1-36. - Suspension of transporters permit upon violation of § 23-19.1-33.