Rhode Island General Laws
Chapter 23-19.1 - Hazardous Waste Management
Section 23-19.1-22. - Liability for unauthorized transportation, storage, or disposal.

§ 23-19.1-22. Liability for unauthorized transportation, storage, or disposal.
(a) Any person who shall violate the provisions of this chapter through the transportation, storage, or disposal of hazardous wastes in a manner or location not authorized by this chapter or the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter, or who shall have caused the unauthorized transportation, storage, or disposal of hazardous wastes shall be absolutely liable for the cost of containment, cleanup, restoration, and removal of the hazardous wastes, and for all damages, losses, or injuries, including environmental, which result directly or indirectly from the discharge.
(b) Proceedings brought pursuant to this section shall be instituted by filing a complaint in the superior court.
(c) The state, by and through the department of environmental management, is the trustee of the air, water, fish, and wildlife of the state. An action brought pursuant to the provisions of this chapter with respect to environmental damage may be brought by the attorney general or the director of the department of environmental management in the name of the state as trustee for those natural resources.
(d) The court may award treble the amount of the costs, damages, losses, or injuries whenever it finds that a person has stored, disposed, or transported hazardous wastes in violation of this chapter or the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter in a willful and knowing manner.
History of Section.P.L. 1979, ch. 265, § 2; P.L. 1984, ch. 403, § 1.

Structure Rhode Island General Laws

Rhode Island General Laws

Title 23 - Health and Safety

Chapter 23-19.1 - Hazardous Waste Management

Section 23-19.1-1. - Short title.

Section 23-19.1-2. - Legislative findings.

Section 23-19.1-3. - Declaration of purpose.

Section 23-19.1-4. - Definitions.

Section 23-19.1-5. - Applicability of chapter.

Section 23-19.1-6. - Powers and duties of the director.

Section 23-19.1-7. - Manifest required.

Section 23-19.1-8. - Records — Reports — Monitoring.

Section 23-19.1-9. - Generation of wastes.

Section 23-19.1-10. - Permits — Issuance — Renewal — Revocation — Exempted activities.

Section 23-19.1-10.1. - Criteria for permits.

Section 23-19.1-10.2. - Criteria for licenses.

Section 23-19.1-10.3. - Emergency and temporary permits.

Section 23-19.1-11. - Permits — Variances.

Section 23-19.1-11.1. - Ground water resources.

Section 23-19.1-12. - Inspections — Penalty for hindering entry.

Section 23-19.1-13. - Employment of experts and consultants to investigate permit applications.

Section 23-19.1-14. - Permit fees — Expenses of investigation and hearing.

Section 23-19.1-15. - Proceedings for enforcement.

Section 23-19.1-16. - Emergency powers.

Section 23-19.1-17. - Civil penalty for violations.

Section 23-19.1-17.1. - Seizure and forfeiture of property used to violate chapter.

Section 23-19.1-17.2. - Sampling and disposition of hazardous waste.

Section 23-19.1-18. - Criminal penalties — Payment of restoration costs.

Section 23-19.1-18.1. - Determination of restoration costs — Judgment — Other relief not precluded.

Section 23-19.1-18.2. - Limitation of prosecutions.

Section 23-19.1-18.3. - Prohibiting business due to conviction of certain acts.

Section 23-19.1-19. - Interstate cooperation.

Section 23-19.1-20. - Liberal construction — Severability.

Section 23-19.1-21. - Applicability of chapter — No effect on public utilities and carriers.

Section 23-19.1-22. - Liability for unauthorized transportation, storage, or disposal.

Section 23-19.1-23. - Environmental response fund.

Section 23-19.1-24. - Administration of the fund.

Section 23-19.1-25. - Bonds authorized — Maturity — Certification and execution.

Section 23-19.1-26. - Depositing bond proceeds in environmental response fund.

Section 23-19.1-27. - Temporary notes.

Section 23-19.1-28. - Advances from general fund in anticipation of the issue of notes or bonds.

Section 23-19.1-29. - Bonds and notes tax exempt general obligation of state.

Section 23-19.1-30. - Terms and conditions of sales — Applications of premiums and accrued interest — Validity not affected by change in office.

Section 23-19.1-31. - Investment of receipts pending expenditures.

Section 23-19.1-32. - Amortization.

Section 23-19.1-33. - Notice of hazardous waste disposal violation.

Section 23-19.1-34. - Hazardous waste haulers — Drivers license and certificate required.

Section 23-19.1-35. - Denial or revocation of hazardous waste material driver’s certificate.

Section 23-19.1-36. - Suspension of transporters permit upon violation of § 23-19.1-33.