RCW 70A.300.300
Disposition of fines and penalties—Earnings.
All fines and penalties collected under this chapter shall be deposited in the model toxics control operating account created in RCW 70A.305.180.
[ 2020 c 20 § 1294; 1985 c 57 § 70; 1983 1st ex.s. c 70 § 4. Formerly RCW 70.105.180.]
Effective date—1985 c 57: See note following RCW 18.04.105.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 70A - Environmental Health and Safety
Chapter 70A.300 - Hazardous Waste Management.
70A.300.005 - Legislative declaration.
70A.300.030 - Environmental excellence program agreements—Effect on chapter.
70A.300.050 - Solid wastes—Conditionally exempt from chapter.
70A.300.060 - Disposal site or facility—Acquisition—Disposal fee schedule.
70A.300.070 - Disposal at other than approved site prohibited—Disposal of radioactive wastes.
70A.300.080 - Criteria for receiving waste at disposal site.
70A.300.090 - Violations—Civil penalties.
70A.300.100 - Violations—Criminal penalties.
70A.300.110 - Violations—Gross misdemeanor.
70A.300.120 - Violations—Orders—Penalty for noncompliance—Appeal.
70A.300.130 - Action for damages resulting from violation—Attorneys' fees.
70A.300.140 - Powers and duties of department.
70A.300.150 - Duty of department to regulate PCB waste.
70A.300.160 - Regulation of wastes with radioactive and hazardous components.
70A.300.170 - Regulation of dangerous wastes associated with energy facilities.
70A.300.180 - Radioactive wastes—Authority of department of social and health services.
70A.300.190 - Application of chapter to special incinerator ash.
70A.300.200 - Hazardous substance remedial actions—Procedural requirements not applicable.
70A.300.210 - Authority of attorney general.
70A.300.220 - Department's powers as designated agency under federal act.
70A.300.240 - Rules implemented under RCW 70A.300.220—Review.
70A.300.250 - Department's authority to participate in and administer federal act.
70A.300.260 - Declaration—Management of hazardous waste—Priorities—Definitions.
70A.300.270 - Waste management study—Public hearings—Adoption or modification of rules.
70A.300.290 - Waste management—Consultative services—Technical assistance—Confidentiality.
70A.300.300 - Disposition of fines and penalties—Earnings.
70A.300.310 - Hazardous waste management plan.
70A.300.320 - Hazardous waste management facilities—Department to develop criteria for siting.
70A.300.330 - Department to adopt rules for permits for hazardous substances treatment facilities.
70A.300.340 - Local government regulatory authority to prohibit or condition.
70A.300.350 - Local governments to prepare local hazardous waste plans—Basis—Elements required.
70A.300.360 - Local governments to prepare local hazardous waste plans—Used oil recycling element.
70A.300.410 - Department may require notice of intent for management facility permit.
70A.300.420 - Appeals to pollution control hearings board.
70A.300.430 - Department to provide technical assistance with local plans.
70A.300.460 - Service charges.
70A.300.470 - Metals mining and milling operations permits—Inspections by department of ecology.