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70A.300.005 - Legislative declaration. - RCW 70A.300.005 Legislative declaration. The legislature hereby finds and declares:...
70A.300.007 - Purpose. - RCW 70A.300.007 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to...
70A.300.010 - Definitions. - RCW 70A.300.010 Definitions. The words and phrases defined in this...
70A.300.020 - Standards and regulations—Adoption—Notice and hearing—Consultation with other agencies. - RCW 70A.300.020 Standards and regulations—Adoption—Notice and hearing—Consultation with other agencies....
70A.300.030 - Environmental excellence program agreements—Effect on chapter. - RCW 70A.300.030 Environmental excellence program agreements—Effect on chapter. Notwithstanding any...
70A.300.040 - List and information to be furnished by depositor of hazardous waste—Rules and regulations. - RCW 70A.300.040 List and information to be furnished by depositor...
70A.300.050 - Solid wastes—Conditionally exempt from chapter. - RCW 70A.300.050 Solid wastes—Conditionally exempt from chapter. Solid wastes that...
70A.300.060 - Disposal site or facility—Acquisition—Disposal fee schedule. - RCW 70A.300.060 Disposal site or facility—Acquisition—Disposal fee schedule. (1) The...
70A.300.070 - Disposal at other than approved site prohibited—Disposal of radioactive wastes. - RCW 70A.300.070 Disposal at other than approved site prohibited—Disposal of...
70A.300.080 - Criteria for receiving waste at disposal site. - RCW 70A.300.080 Criteria for receiving waste at disposal site. The...
70A.300.090 - Violations—Civil penalties. - RCW 70A.300.090 Violations—Civil penalties. (1) Except as provided in RCW...
70A.300.100 - Violations—Criminal penalties. - RCW 70A.300.100 Violations—Criminal penalties. (1) Any person who knowingly transports,...
70A.300.110 - Violations—Gross misdemeanor. - RCW 70A.300.110 Violations—Gross misdemeanor. In addition to the penalties imposed...
70A.300.120 - Violations—Orders—Penalty for noncompliance—Appeal. - RCW 70A.300.120 Violations—Orders—Penalty for noncompliance—Appeal. (1) Whenever on the basis...
70A.300.130 - Action for damages resulting from violation—Attorneys' fees. - RCW 70A.300.130 Action for damages resulting from violation—Attorneys' fees. A...
70A.300.140 - Powers and duties of department. - RCW 70A.300.140 Powers and duties of department. The department in...
70A.300.150 - Duty of department to regulate PCB waste. - RCW 70A.300.150 Duty of department to regulate PCB waste. The...
70A.300.160 - Regulation of wastes with radioactive and hazardous components. - RCW 70A.300.160 Regulation of wastes with radioactive and hazardous components....
70A.300.170 - Regulation of dangerous wastes associated with energy facilities. - RCW 70A.300.170 Regulation of dangerous wastes associated with energy facilities....
70A.300.180 - Radioactive wastes—Authority of department of social and health services. - RCW 70A.300.180 Radioactive wastes—Authority of department of social and health...
70A.300.190 - Application of chapter to special incinerator ash. - RCW 70A.300.190 Application of chapter to special incinerator ash. This...
70A.300.200 - Hazardous substance remedial actions—Procedural requirements not applicable. - RCW 70A.300.200 Hazardous substance remedial actions—Procedural requirements not applicable. The...
70A.300.210 - Authority of attorney general. - RCW 70A.300.210 Authority of attorney general. At the request of...
70A.300.220 - Department's powers as designated agency under federal act. - RCW 70A.300.220 Department's powers as designated agency under federal act....
70A.300.230 - Copies of notification forms or annual reports to officials responsible for fire protection. - RCW 70A.300.230 Copies of notification forms or annual reports to...
70A.300.240 - Rules implemented under RCW 70A.300.220—Review. - RCW 70A.300.240 Rules implemented under RCW 70A.300.220—Review. Rules implementing RCW...
70A.300.250 - Department's authority to participate in and administer federal act. - RCW 70A.300.250 Department's authority to participate in and administer federal...
70A.300.260 - Declaration—Management of hazardous waste—Priorities—Definitions. - RCW 70A.300.260 Declaration—Management of hazardous waste—Priorities—Definitions. The legislature hereby declares...
70A.300.270 - Waste management study—Public hearings—Adoption or modification of rules. - RCW 70A.300.270 Waste management study—Public hearings—Adoption or modification of rules....
70A.300.280 - Disposal of dangerous wastes at commercial off-site land disposal facilities—Limitations. - RCW 70A.300.280 Disposal of dangerous wastes at commercial off-site land...
70A.300.290 - Waste management—Consultative services—Technical assistance—Confidentiality. - RCW 70A.300.290 Waste management—Consultative services—Technical assistance—Confidentiality. Consistent with the purposes...
70A.300.300 - Disposition of fines and penalties—Earnings. - RCW 70A.300.300 Disposition of fines and penalties—Earnings. All fines and...
70A.300.310 - Hazardous waste management plan. - RCW 70A.300.310 Hazardous waste management plan. (1) The department shall...
70A.300.320 - Hazardous waste management facilities—Department to develop criteria for siting. - RCW 70A.300.320 Hazardous waste management facilities—Department to develop criteria for...
70A.300.330 - Department to adopt rules for permits for hazardous substances treatment facilities. - RCW 70A.300.330 Department to adopt rules for permits for hazardous...
70A.300.340 - Local government regulatory authority to prohibit or condition. - RCW 70A.300.340 Local government regulatory authority to prohibit or condition....
70A.300.350 - Local governments to prepare local hazardous waste plans—Basis—Elements required. - RCW 70A.300.350 Local governments to prepare local hazardous waste plans—Basis—Elements...
70A.300.360 - Local governments to prepare local hazardous waste plans—Used oil recycling element. - RCW 70A.300.360 Local governments to prepare local hazardous waste plans—Used...
70A.300.370 - Local governments to designate zones—Departmental guidelines—Approval of local government zone designations or amendments—Exemption. - RCW 70A.300.370 Local governments to designate zones—Departmental guidelines—Approval of local...
70A.300.380 - Local governments to submit letter of intent to identify or designate zones and submit management plans—Department to prepare plan in event of failure to act. - RCW 70A.300.380 Local governments to submit letter of intent to...
70A.300.390 - Grants to local governments for plan preparation, implementation, and designation of zones—Matching funds—Qualifications. - RCW 70A.300.390 Grants to local governments for plan preparation, implementation,...
70A.300.400 - State preemption—Department sole authority—Local requirements superseded—State authority over designated zone facilities. - RCW 70A.300.400 State preemption—Department sole authority—Local requirements superseded—State authority over...
70A.300.410 - Department may require notice of intent for management facility permit. - RCW 70A.300.410 Department may require notice of intent for management...
70A.300.420 - Appeals to pollution control hearings board. - RCW 70A.300.420 Appeals to pollution control hearings board. Any disputes...
70A.300.430 - Department to provide technical assistance with local plans. - RCW 70A.300.430 Department to provide technical assistance with local plans....
70A.300.440 - Department to assist conflict resolution activities related to siting facilities—Agreements may constitute conditions for permit. - RCW 70A.300.440 Department to assist conflict resolution activities related to...
70A.300.450 - Requirements of RCW 70A.300.310 through 70A.300.380 and 70A.300.400(4) not mandatory without legislative appropriation. - RCW 70A.300.450 Requirements of RCW 70A.300.310 through 70A.300.380 and 70A.300.400(4)...
70A.300.460 - Service charges. - RCW 70A.300.460 Service charges. (1) The department may assess reasonable...
70A.300.470 - Metals mining and milling operations permits—Inspections by department of ecology. - RCW 70A.300.470 Metals mining and milling operations permits—Inspections by department...
70A.300.480 - Radioactive mixed waste account. - RCW 70A.300.480 Radioactive mixed waste account. The radioactive mixed waste...
70A.300.900 - Short title—1985 c 448. - RCW 70A.300.900 Short title—1985 c 448. This chapter shall be...