RCW 70.87.250
Licenses—Renewals—Fees—Temporary licenses—Continuing education—Records.
(1) Upon approval of an application, the department may issue a license that is biennially renewable. Each license may include a photograph of the licensee. The fee for the license and for any renewal shall be set by the department in rule.
(2) The department may issue temporary elevator mechanic licenses. These temporary elevator mechanic licenses will be issued to those certified as qualified and competent by licensed elevator contractors. The company shall furnish proof of competency as the department may require. Each license may include a photograph of the licensee. Each license must recite that it is valid for a period of one year from the date of issuance and for such particular conveyance or geographical areas as the department may designate, and otherwise entitles the licensee to the rights and privileges of an elevator mechanic license issued in this chapter. A temporary elevator mechanic license may be renewed by the department and a fee as established in rule must be charged for any temporary elevator mechanic license or renewal.
(3) The renewal of all licenses granted under this section is conditioned upon the submission of a certificate of completion of a course designed to ensure the continuing education of licensees on new and existing rules of the department. The course must consist of not less than eight hours of instruction that must be attended and completed within one year immediately preceding any license renewal.
(4) The courses must be taught by instructors through continuing education providers that may include, but are not limited to, association seminars and labor training programs. The department must approve the continuing education providers. All instructors must be approved by the department and are exempt from the requirements of subsection (3) of this section with regard to his or her application for license renewal, provided that such applicant was qualified as an instructor at any time during the one year immediately preceding the scheduled date for such renewal.
(5) A licensee who is unable to complete the continuing education course required under this section before the expiration of his or her license due to a temporary disability may apply for a waiver from the department. This will be on a form provided by the department and signed under the pains and penalties of perjury and accompanied by a certified statement from a competent physician attesting to the temporary disability. Upon the termination of the temporary disability, the licensee must submit to the department a certified statement from the same physician, if practicable, attesting to the termination of the temporary disability. At which time a waiver sticker, valid for ninety days, must be issued to the licensee and affixed to his or her license.
(6) Approved training providers must keep uniform records, for a period of ten years, of attendance of licensees and these records must be available for inspection by the department at its request. Approved training providers are responsible for the security of all attendance records and certificates of completion. However, falsifying or knowingly allowing another to falsify attendance records or certificates of completion constitutes grounds for suspension or revocation of the approval required under this section.
[ 2019 c 151 § 2; 2009 c 36 § 11; 2003 c 143 § 21; 2002 c 98 § 13.]
Finding—Intent—2009 c 36: See note following RCW 18.106.020.
Part headings and captions not law—Effective date—2003 c 143: See notes following RCW 70.87.020.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 70 - Public Health and Safety
Chapter 70.87 - Elevators, Lifting Devices, and Moving Walks.
70.87.020 - Conveyances to be safe and in conformity with law.
70.87.030 - Rules—Waivers during state of emergency.
70.87.034 - Additional powers of department.
70.87.036 - Powers of attorney general.
70.87.040 - Privately and publicly owned conveyances are subject to chapter.
70.87.050 - Conveyances in buildings occupied by state, county, or political subdivision.
70.87.060 - Responsibility for operation and maintenance of equipment and for periodic tests.
70.87.080 - Permits—When required—Application for—Posting.
70.87.090 - Operating permits—Limited permits—Duration—Posting.
70.87.100 - Conveyance work to be performed by elevator contractors—Acceptance tests—Inspections.
70.87.110 - Exceptions authorized.
70.87.140 - Operation without permit enjoinable.
70.87.170 - Review of department action in accordance with administrative procedure act.
70.87.185 - Penalty for violation of chapter—Rules—Notice.
70.87.190 - Accidents—Report and investigation—Cessation of use—Removal of damaged parts.
70.87.210 - Deposit of moneys from chapter.
70.87.220 - Elevator safety advisory committee.
70.87.230 - Conveyance work—Who may perform—Possession of license and identification.
70.87.240 - Elevator contractor license, elevator mechanic license—Qualifications—Reciprocity.
70.87.245 - Material lift mechanic license.
70.87.250 - Licenses—Renewals—Fees—Temporary licenses—Continuing education—Records.
70.87.260 - Liability not limited or assumed by state.
70.87.270 - Exemptions from licensure.
70.87.280 - License categories—Rules.
70.87.290 - Rules—Effective date.
70.87.305 - Private residence conveyances—Licensing requirements—Rules.