RCW 70.87.120
Inspectors—Inspections and reinspections—Suspension or revocation of permit—Order to discontinue use—Penalties—Investigation by department—Waiver of provisions during state of emergency.
(1) The department shall appoint and employ inspectors, as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, under the provisions of the rules adopted by the Washington personnel resources board in accordance with chapter 41.06 RCW.
(2)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, the department shall cause all conveyances to be inspected and tested at least once each year. Inspectors have the right during reasonable hours to enter into and upon any building or premises in the discharge of their official duties, for the purpose of making any inspection or testing any conveyance contained thereon or therein. Inspections and tests shall conform with the rules adopted by the department. The department shall inspect all installations before it issues any initial permit for operation. Permits shall not be issued until the fees required by this chapter have been paid.
(b)(i) Private residence conveyances operated exclusively for single-family use shall be inspected and tested only when required under RCW 70.87.100 or as necessary for the purposes of subsection (4) of this section and shall be exempt from RCW 70.87.090 unless an annual inspection and operating permit are requested by the owner.
(ii) The department may perform additional inspections of a private residence conveyance at the request of the owner of the conveyance. Fees for these inspections shall be in accordance with the schedule of fees adopted for operating permits pursuant to RCW 70.87.030. An inspection requested under this subsection (2)(b)(ii) shall not be performed until the required fees have been paid.
(3) If inspection shows a conveyance to be in an unsafe condition, the department shall issue an inspection report in writing requiring the repairs or alterations to be made to the conveyance that are necessary to render it safe and may also suspend or revoke a permit pursuant to RCW 70.87.125 or order the operation of a conveyance discontinued pursuant to RCW 70.87.145.
(a) A penalty may be assessed under RCW 70.87.185 for failure to correct a violation within ninety days after the owner is notified in writing of inspection results.
(b) The owner may be assessed a penalty under RCW 70.87.185 for failure to submit official notification in writing to the department that all corrections have been completed.
(4) The department may investigate accidents and alleged or apparent violations of this chapter.
(5) During a state of emergency declared under RCW 43.06.010(12), the governor may waive or suspend the collection of fees under this section or any portion of this section or under any administrative rule, and issue any orders to facilitate the operation of state or local government or to promote and secure the safety and protection of the civilian population.
[ 2008 c 181 § 207; 1998 c 137 § 4; 1997 c 216 § 2; 1993 c 281 § 61; 1983 c 123 § 13; 1970 ex.s. c 22 § 2; 1963 c 26 § 12.]
Part headings not law—2008 c 181: See note following RCW 43.06.220.
Effective date—1993 c 281: See note following RCW 41.06.022.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 70 - Public Health and Safety
Chapter 70.87 - Elevators, Lifting Devices, and Moving Walks.
70.87.020 - Conveyances to be safe and in conformity with law.
70.87.030 - Rules—Waivers during state of emergency.
70.87.034 - Additional powers of department.
70.87.036 - Powers of attorney general.
70.87.040 - Privately and publicly owned conveyances are subject to chapter.
70.87.050 - Conveyances in buildings occupied by state, county, or political subdivision.
70.87.060 - Responsibility for operation and maintenance of equipment and for periodic tests.
70.87.080 - Permits—When required—Application for—Posting.
70.87.090 - Operating permits—Limited permits—Duration—Posting.
70.87.100 - Conveyance work to be performed by elevator contractors—Acceptance tests—Inspections.
70.87.110 - Exceptions authorized.
70.87.140 - Operation without permit enjoinable.
70.87.170 - Review of department action in accordance with administrative procedure act.
70.87.185 - Penalty for violation of chapter—Rules—Notice.
70.87.190 - Accidents—Report and investigation—Cessation of use—Removal of damaged parts.
70.87.210 - Deposit of moneys from chapter.
70.87.220 - Elevator safety advisory committee.
70.87.230 - Conveyance work—Who may perform—Possession of license and identification.
70.87.240 - Elevator contractor license, elevator mechanic license—Qualifications—Reciprocity.
70.87.245 - Material lift mechanic license.
70.87.250 - Licenses—Renewals—Fees—Temporary licenses—Continuing education—Records.
70.87.260 - Liability not limited or assumed by state.
70.87.270 - Exemptions from licensure.
70.87.280 - License categories—Rules.
70.87.290 - Rules—Effective date.
70.87.305 - Private residence conveyances—Licensing requirements—Rules.