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70.87.010 - Definitions. - RCW 70.87.010 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout...
70.87.020 - Conveyances to be safe and in conformity with law. - RCW 70.87.020 Conveyances to be safe and in conformity with...
70.87.030 - Rules—Waivers during state of emergency. - RCW 70.87.030 Rules—Waivers during state of emergency. The department shall...
70.87.034 - Additional powers of department. - RCW 70.87.034 Additional powers of department. The department also has...
70.87.036 - Powers of attorney general. - RCW 70.87.036 Powers of attorney general. On request of the...
70.87.040 - Privately and publicly owned conveyances are subject to chapter. - RCW 70.87.040 Privately and publicly owned conveyances are subject to...
70.87.050 - Conveyances in buildings occupied by state, county, or political subdivision. - RCW 70.87.050 Conveyances in buildings occupied by state, county, or...
70.87.060 - Responsibility for operation and maintenance of equipment and for periodic tests. - RCW 70.87.060 Responsibility for operation and maintenance of equipment and...
70.87.070 - Serial numbers. - RCW 70.87.070 Serial numbers. All new and existing conveyances shall...
70.87.080 - Permits—When required—Application for—Posting. - RCW 70.87.080 Permits—When required—Application for—Posting. (1) A permit shall be...
70.87.090 - Operating permits—Limited permits—Duration—Posting. - RCW 70.87.090 Operating permits—Limited permits—Duration—Posting. (1) An operating permit is...
70.87.100 - Conveyance work to be performed by elevator contractors—Acceptance tests—Inspections. - RCW 70.87.100 Conveyance work to be performed by elevator contractors—Acceptance...
70.87.110 - Exceptions authorized. - RCW 70.87.110 Exceptions authorized. The requirements of this chapter are...
70.87.120 - Inspectors—Inspections and reinspections—Suspension or revocation of permit—Order to discontinue use—Penalties—Investigation by department—Waiver of provisions during state of emergency. - RCW 70.87.120 Inspectors—Inspections and reinspections—Suspension or revocation of permit—Order to...
70.87.125 - Suspension or revocation of license or permit—Grounds—Notice—Stay of suspension or revocation—Removal of suspension or reinstatement of license or permit. - RCW 70.87.125 Suspension or revocation of license or permit—Grounds—Notice—Stay of...
70.87.140 - Operation without permit enjoinable. - RCW 70.87.140 Operation without permit enjoinable. Whenever any conveyance is...
70.87.145 - Order to discontinue operation—Notice—Conditions—Contents of order—Recision of order—Violation—Penalty—Random inspections. - RCW 70.87.145 Order to discontinue operation—Notice—Conditions—Contents of order—Recision of order—Violation—Penalty—Random...
70.87.170 - Review of department action in accordance with administrative procedure act. - RCW 70.87.170 Review of department action in accordance with administrative...
70.87.180 - Violations. - RCW 70.87.180 Violations. (1) The performance of conveyance work, other...
70.87.185 - Penalty for violation of chapter—Rules—Notice. - RCW 70.87.185 Penalty for violation of chapter—Rules—Notice. (1) The department...
70.87.190 - Accidents—Report and investigation—Cessation of use—Removal of damaged parts. - RCW 70.87.190 Accidents—Report and investigation—Cessation of use—Removal of damaged parts....
70.87.200 - Exemptions. - RCW 70.87.200 Exemptions. (1) The provisions of this chapter do...
70.87.205 - Resolution of disputes by arbitration—Appointment of arbitrators—Procedure—Decision—Enforcement. - RCW 70.87.205 Resolution of disputes by arbitration—Appointment of arbitrators—Procedure—Decision—Enforcement. (1)...
70.87.210 - Deposit of moneys from chapter. - RCW 70.87.210 Deposit of moneys from chapter. All moneys, except...
70.87.220 - Elevator safety advisory committee. - RCW 70.87.220 Elevator safety advisory committee. (1) The department may...
70.87.230 - Conveyance work—Who may perform—Possession of license and identification. - RCW 70.87.230 Conveyance work—Who may perform—Possession of license and identification....
70.87.240 - Elevator contractor license, elevator mechanic license—Qualifications—Reciprocity. - RCW 70.87.240 Elevator contractor license, elevator mechanic license—Qualifications—Reciprocity. (1) Any...
70.87.245 - Material lift mechanic license. - RCW 70.87.245 Material lift mechanic license. A material lift mechanic...
70.87.250 - Licenses—Renewals—Fees—Temporary licenses—Continuing education—Records. - RCW 70.87.250 Licenses—Renewals—Fees—Temporary licenses—Continuing education—Records. (1) Upon approval of an...
70.87.260 - Liability not limited or assumed by state. - RCW 70.87.260 Liability not limited or assumed by state. This...
70.87.270 - Exemptions from licensure. - RCW 70.87.270 Exemptions from licensure. (1) The licensing requirements of...
70.87.280 - License categories—Rules. - RCW 70.87.280 License categories—Rules. In order to effectively administer and...
70.87.290 - Rules—Effective date. - RCW 70.87.290 Rules—Effective date. The department of labor and industries...
70.87.305 - Private residence conveyances—Licensing requirements—Rules. - RCW 70.87.305 Private residence conveyances—Licensing requirements—Rules. (1) The department shall,...
70.87.310 - Whistleblower—Identity to remain confidential. - RCW 70.87.310 Whistleblower—Identity to remain confidential. (1) An employee who...