RCW 67.04.150
Contract with minor—Penalty for violation.
Any person, firm, corporation, association, or agent thereof, who enters into a contract with a minor, or gives a bonus or any gratuity to any minor to secure the minor's promise to enter into a contract in violation of the provisions of RCW 67.04.090 through 67.04.150, or shall otherwise violate any provisions of RCW 67.04.090 through 67.04.150, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
[ 1951 c 78 § 8.]
Purpose—Severability—1951 c 78: See notes following RCW 67.04.090.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 67 - Sports and Recreation—Convention Facilities
67.04.010 - Penalty for bribery in relation to baseball game.
67.04.020 - Penalty for acceptance of bribe.
67.04.030 - Elements of offense outlined.
67.04.050 - Corrupt baseball playing—Penalty.
67.04.070 - Bonus or extra compensation.
67.04.080 - Scope of provisions as to bribes.
67.04.090 - Baseball contracts with minors—Definitions.
67.04.100 - Contract with minor void unless approved.
67.04.110 - Contract with minor—Approval by prosecuting attorney.
67.04.120 - Contract with minor—Basis of approval.
67.04.130 - Contract with minor—Effect of disapproval.