RCW 67.04.120
Contract with minor—Basis of approval.
The prosecuting attorney shall have the authority to examine all the parties to the proposed contract and any other interested person and shall approve such contract if the following facts and circumstances are found to exist:
(1) That the minor has not been signed, approached, or contacted, directly or indirectly, pertaining to a professional baseball contract except as herein permitted by approval of the prosecuting attorney;
(2) That the minor has been apprised of the fact that approval of the contract may deprive him or her of his or her amateur status;
(3) That the parent of the minor and the minor have consented to the contract;
(4) That the prosecuting attorney has concluded that the contract conforms to the provisions of RCW 67.04.090 through 67.04.150, and is a valid and binding contract;
(5) That the contract permits the minor to have at least five months available each year to continue his or her high school education.
[ 2012 c 117 § 301; 1951 c 78 § 5.]
Purpose—Severability—1951 c 78: See notes following RCW 67.04.090.
Employment permits: RCW 28A.225.080.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 67 - Sports and Recreation—Convention Facilities
67.04.010 - Penalty for bribery in relation to baseball game.
67.04.020 - Penalty for acceptance of bribe.
67.04.030 - Elements of offense outlined.
67.04.050 - Corrupt baseball playing—Penalty.
67.04.070 - Bonus or extra compensation.
67.04.080 - Scope of provisions as to bribes.
67.04.090 - Baseball contracts with minors—Definitions.
67.04.100 - Contract with minor void unless approved.
67.04.110 - Contract with minor—Approval by prosecuting attorney.
67.04.120 - Contract with minor—Basis of approval.
67.04.130 - Contract with minor—Effect of disapproval.