RCW 67.04.130
Contract with minor—Effect of disapproval.
Should the prosecuting attorney not approve the contract as above provided, then such contract shall be void, and the status of the minor shall remain as if no contract had been made, unless the prosecuting attorney's determination be the result of arbitrary or capricious action.
[ 1951 c 78 § 6.]
Purpose—Severability—1951 c 78: See notes following RCW 67.04.090.
Structure Revised Code of Washington
Title 67 - Sports and Recreation—Convention Facilities
67.04.010 - Penalty for bribery in relation to baseball game.
67.04.020 - Penalty for acceptance of bribe.
67.04.030 - Elements of offense outlined.
67.04.050 - Corrupt baseball playing—Penalty.
67.04.070 - Bonus or extra compensation.
67.04.080 - Scope of provisions as to bribes.
67.04.090 - Baseball contracts with minors—Definitions.
67.04.100 - Contract with minor void unless approved.
67.04.110 - Contract with minor—Approval by prosecuting attorney.
67.04.120 - Contract with minor—Basis of approval.
67.04.130 - Contract with minor—Effect of disapproval.