Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 77 - Trusts
Section 7780.6 - Illustrative powers of trustee

(a) Listing.--The powers which a trustee may exercise pursuant to section 7780.5 (relating to powers of trustees - UTC 815) include the following powers:
(1) To accept, hold, invest in and retain investments as provided in Chapter 72 (relating to prudent investor rule).
(2) To pay or contest a claim; settle a claim by or against the trust by compromise, arbitration or otherwise; and release, in whole or in part, any claim belonging to the trust.
(3) To resolve a dispute regarding the interpretation of the trust or the administration of the trust by mediation, arbitration or other alternative dispute resolution procedures.
(4) To prosecute or defend actions, claims or proceedings for the protection of trust assets and of the trustee in the performance of the trustee's duties.
(5) To abandon or decline to administer any property which is of little or no value, transfer title to abandoned property and decline to accept title to and administer property which has or may have environmental or other liability attached to it.
(6) To insure the assets of the trust against damage or loss and, at the expense of the trust, protect the trustee, the trustee's agents and the beneficiaries from liability to third persons arising from the administration of the trust.
(7) To advance money for the protection of the trust and for all expenses, losses and liability sustained in the administration of the trust or because of the holding or ownership of any trust assets. The trustee has a lien on the trust assets as against the beneficiary for an advance under this paragraph, including interest on the advance.
(8) To pay taxes, assessments, compensation of the trustee and employees and agents of the trustee and other expenses incurred in the administration of the trust.
(9) To receive additions to the assets of the trust.
(10) To sell or exchange any real or personal property at public or private sale, without obligation to repudiate an otherwise binding agreement in favor of better offers. If the trustee has been required to give bond, no proceeds of the sale of real estate, including proceeds arising by the reason of involuntary conversion, shall be paid to the trustee until:
(i) the court has made an order excusing the trustee from entering additional security; or
(ii) the court has made an order requiring additional security and the trustee has entered the additional security.
(11) To enter for any purpose into a lease as lessor or lessee with or without option to purchase or renew for a term within or extending beyond the term of the trust.
(12) To grant options for sales or leases of a trust asset and acquire options for the acquisition of assets, including options exercisable after the trust terminates.
(13) To join in any reorganization, consolidation, merger, dissolution, liquidation, voting trust plan or other concerted action of securityholders and to delegate discretionary duties with respect thereto.
(14) To vote a security, in person or by general or limited proxy, with or without power of substitution.
(15) To borrow funds and mortgage or pledge trust assets as security for repayment of the funds borrowed, including repayments after the trust terminates.
(16) To make loans to and buy property from the personal representatives of the settlor and the settlor's spouse. Loans under this paragraph shall be adequately secured, and the purchases under this paragraph shall be for fair market value.
(17) To partition, subdivide, repair, improve or develop real estate; enter into agreements concerning the partition, subdivision, repair, improvement, development, zoning or management of real estate; impose or extinguish restrictions on real estate; dedicate land and easements to public use; adjust boundaries; and do anything else regarding real estate which is commercially reasonable or customary under the circumstances.
(18) With respect to possible liability for violation of environmental law:
(i) to inspect or investigate property the trustee holds or has been asked to hold or property owned or operated by an organization in which the trustee holds or has been asked to hold an interest, for the purpose of determining the application of environmental law with respect to the property;
(ii) to take action to prevent, abate or otherwise remedy any actual or potential violation of environmental law affecting property held directly or indirectly by the trustee, whether taken before or after the assertion of a claim or the initiation of governmental enforcement;
(iii) to decline to accept property into trust or disclaim a power with respect to property that is or may be burdened with liability for violation of environmental law;
(iv) to compromise claims against the trust which may be asserted for an alleged violation of environmental law; and
(v) to pay the expense of inspection, review, abatement or remedial action to comply with environmental law.
(19) To operate, repair, maintain, equip and improve any farm or farm operation; to purchase and sell livestock, crops, feed and other property that is normally perishable; and to purchase, use and dispose of farm equipment and employ one or more farm managers and others in connection with farm equipment and pay them reasonable compensation.
(20) To make ordinary or extraordinary repairs or alterations in buildings or other structures; demolish improvements; and raze existing or erect new party walls or buildings.
(21) To enter into a lease or arrangements for exploration and removal of minerals or other natural resources or enter into a pooling or unitization agreement.
(22) To exercise all rights and incidents of ownership of life insurance policies held by the trust, including borrowing on policies, entering into and terminating split-dollar plans, exercising conversion privileges and rights to acquire additional insurance and selecting settlement options.
(23) To employ a custodian; hold property unregistered or in the name of a nominee, including the nominee of any institution employed as custodian, without disclosing the fiduciary relationship and without retaining possession and control of securities or other property so held or registered; and pay reasonable compensation to the custodian.
(24) To apply funds distributable to a beneficiary who is, in the trustee's opinion, disabled by illness or other cause and unable properly to manage the funds directly for the beneficiary's benefit or to pay such funds for expenditure on the beneficiary's behalf to:
(i) the beneficiary;
(ii) a guardian of the beneficiary's estate;
(iii) an agent acting under a general power of attorney for the beneficiary; or
(iv) if there is no agent or guardian, a relative or other person having legal or physical custody or care of the beneficiary.
(25) To pay funds distributable to a minor beneficiary to the minor or to a guardian of the minor's estate or to apply the funds directly for the minor's benefit.
(26) To do any of the following:
(i) Pay any funds distributable to a beneficiary who is not 21 years of age or older to:
(A) the beneficiary;
(B) an existing custodian for the beneficiary under Chapter 53 (relating to Pennsylvania Uniform Transfers to Minors Act) or under any other state's version of the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act;
(C) an existing custodian for the beneficiary under the former Pennsylvania Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or under any other state's version of the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act; or
(D) a custodian for the beneficiary appointed by the trustee under Chapter 53.
(ii) Apply the funds for the beneficiary.
(27) To pay calls, assessments and other sums chargeable or accruing against or on account of securities.
(28) To sell or exercise stock subscription or conversion rights.
(29) To continue or participate in the operation of any business or other enterprise and to effect incorporation, merger, consolidation, dissolution or other change in the form of the organization of the business or enterprise.
(30) To select a mode of payment under a qualified employee benefit plan or a retirement plan payable to the trustee and exercise rights under the plan.
(31) To distribute in cash or in kind or partly in each and allocate particular assets in proportionate or disproportionate shares.
(32) To appoint a trustee to act in another jurisdiction with respect to trust property located in the other jurisdiction, confer upon the appointed trustee all the powers and duties of the appointing trustee, require that the appointed trustee furnish security and remove the appointed trustee.
(33) To exercise elections with respect to Federal, State and local taxes.
(34) To execute and deliver instruments which will accomplish or facilitate the exercise of the trustee's powers.
(b) Effect.--The trustee shall have no further responsibility or liability for funds upon any of the following:
(1) Payment under subsection (a)(24).
(2) Payment under subsection (a)(25).
(3) Payment or application under subsection (a)(26).
(Oct. 27, 2010, P.L.837, No.85, eff. imd.)

2010 Amendment. Act 85 amended subsec. (a). Section 10(a)(3) of Act 85 provided that the amendment of subsec. (a) shall be retroactive to November 6, 2006.
Cross References. Section 7780.6 is referred to in section 7790.2 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 77 - Trusts

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 7701 - Short title of chapter - UTC 101

Section 7702 - Scope of chapter - UTC 102

Section 7703 - Definitions - UTC 103

Section 7704 - Knowledge - UTC 104

Section 7705 - Trust instrument controls; mandatory rules - UTC 105

Section 7706 - Common law of trusts; principles of equity - UTC 106

Section 7707 - Governing law - UTC 107

Section 7708 - Situs of trust

Section 7709 - Methods and waiver of notice - UTC 109

Section 7710 - Notice; others treated as beneficiaries - UTC 110

Section 7710.1 - Nonjudicial settlement agreements - UTC 111

Section 7710.2 - Rules of construction - UTC 112

Section 7711 - Role of court in administration of trust - UTC 201

Section 7712 - Jurisdiction over trustee and beneficiary - UTC 202

Section 7714 - Venue - UTC 204

Section 7721 - Scope; definition of trust matter

Section 7722 - Representation of parties in interest in general

Section 7723 - Representatives and persons represented

Section 7724 - Appointment of representative

Section 7725 - Notice of representation

Section 7726 - Representation ineffective if person objects

Section 7731 - Creation of trust - UTC 401

Section 7732 - Requirements for creation - UTC 402

Section 7733 - Written trusts created in other jurisdictions - UTC 403

Section 7734 - Trust purposes - UTC 404

Section 7735 - Charitable purposes; enforcement - UTC 405

Section 7736 - Creation of trust induced by fraud, duress or undue influence - UTC 406

Section 7737 - Oral trusts unenforceable

Section 7738 - Trust for care of animal - UTC 408

Section 7739 - Noncharitable trust without ascertainable beneficiary - UTC 409

Section 7740 - Termination of trusts; proceedings for termination or modification of trusts - UTC 410

Section 7740.1 - Modification or termination of noncharitable irrevocable trust by consent - UTC 411

Section 7740.2 - Modification or termination of noncharitable irrevocable trust by court - UTC 412

Section 7740.3 - Charitable trusts - UTC 413

Section 7740.4 - Modification or termination of noncharitable trust - UTC 414

Section 7740.5 - Reformation to correct mistakes - UTC 415

Section 7740.6 - Modification to achieve settlor's tax objectives - UTC 416

Section 7740.7 - Division of trusts

Section 7740.8 - Combination of trusts

Section 7741 - Rights of beneficiary's creditor or assignee - UTC 501

Section 7742 - Spendthrift provision - UTC 502

Section 7743 - Exceptions to spendthrift provision - UTC 503

Section 7744 - Discretionary trusts; effect of standard - UTC 504

Section 7745 - Creditor's claim against settlor - UTC 505(a)

Section 7746 - Overdue distribution - UTC 506

Section 7747 - Personal obligations of trustee - UTC 507

Section 7748 - Property subject to power of withdrawal - UTC 505(b)

Section 7751 - Capacity of settlor of revocable trust - UTC 601

Section 7752 - Revocation or amendment of revocable trust - UTC 602

Section 7753 - Trustee's duties; powers of withdrawal - UTC 603

Section 7754 - Actions contesting validity of revocable trust

Section 7755 - Claims and distribution after settlor's death

Section 7761 - Accepting or declining trusteeship - UTC 701

Section 7762 - Trustee's bond - UTC 702

Section 7763 - Cotrustees - UTC 703

Section 7764 - Vacancy in trusteeship; appointment of successor - UTC 704

Section 7765 - Resignation of trustee; filing resignation

Section 7766 - Removal of trustee - UTC 706

Section 7767 - Delivery of property by former trustee - UTC 707

Section 7768 - Compensation of trustee - UTC 708

Section 7769 - Reimbursement of expenses - UTC 709

Section 7770 - Liability of successor trustee

Section 7771 - Duty to administer trust - UTC 801

Section 7772 - Duty of loyalty - UTC 802

Section 7773 - Impartiality - UTC 803

Section 7774 - Prudent administration - UTC 804

Section 7775 - Costs of administration - UTC 805

Section 7776 - Trustee's skills - UTC 806

Section 7777 - Delegation by trustee

Section 7778 - Powers to direct - UTC 808

Section 7779 - Control and protection of trust property - UTC 809

Section 7780 - Recordkeeping and identification of trust property - UTC 810

Section 7780.1 - Enforcement and defense of claims - UTC 811

Section 7780.3 - Duty to inform and report

Section 7780.4 - Discretionary powers

Section 7780.5 - Powers of trustees - UTC 815

Section 7780.6 - Illustrative powers of trustee

Section 7780.7 - Distribution upon termination

Section 7781 - Remedies for breach of trust - UTC 1001

Section 7782 - Damages for breach of trust - UTC 1002

Section 7783 - Damages in absence of breach - UTC 1003

Section 7785 - Limitation of action against trustee

Section 7786 - Reliance on trust instrument - UTC 1006

Section 7787 - Event affecting administration or distribution - UTC 1007

Section 7788 - Exculpation of trustee - UTC 1008

Section 7789 - Beneficiary's consent, release or ratification - UTC 1009

Section 7790 - Limitation on personal liability of trustee - UTC 1010

Section 7790.1 - Interest as general partner - UTC 1011

Section 7790.2 - Protection of person dealing with trustee - UTC 1012

Section 7790.3 - Certification of trust - UTC 1013

Section 7791 - Abandonment of property

Section 7792 - Powers, duties and liabilities identical with personal representatives

Section 7793 - Effect of removal, or of probate of later will or codicil

Section 7794 - Title of purchaser

Section 7795 - Reports for school district trustees

Section 7796 - Jurisdiction

Section 7797 - Filing accounts

Section 7798 - Failure to present claim at audit

Section 7799 - Income on distributive shares

Section 7799.1 - Annexation of account of distributed estate or trust

Section 7799.2 - Accounts, audits and distributions

Section 7799.3 - Pooled trusts for individuals with disabilities