Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 77 - Trusts
Section 7708 - Situs of trust

(a) Specified in trust instrument.--Without precluding other means for establishing a sufficient connection with the designated jurisdiction, provisions of a trust instrument designating the situs of the trust are valid and controlling if:
(1) a trustee's principal place of business is located in or a trustee is a resident of the designated jurisdiction;
(2) all or part of the trust administration occurs in the designated jurisdiction; or
(3) one or more of the beneficiaries resides in the designated jurisdiction.
(b) Unspecified in trust instrument.--If the trust instrument does not specify a situs:
(1) The situs of a testamentary trust shall be:
(i) in the county where letters were granted to the personal representative;
(ii) if letters under subparagraph (i) have not been granted, in a county where the letters might have been granted; or
(iii) if letters under subparagraph (i) have not been granted and are not subject to being granted, in a county in which any trustee resides or has a place of business.
(2) The situs of an inter vivos trust whose settlor is domiciled in this Commonwealth when the trust becomes irrevocable or, in the case of a revocable trust, when the first application is made to a court concerning the trust shall be:
(i) during the settlor's lifetime, either in the county of the settlor's principal residence or in the county in which any of the trustees resides or has a place of business; and
(ii) after the settlor's death:
(A) in the county in which letters have been granted to the settlor's personal representative;
(B) in a county in which letters might have been granted;
(C) in a county which is the principal place of the trust's administration; or
(D) in a county in which any trustee resides or has a place of business.
(3) The situs of an inter vivos trust whose settlor either is living and not domiciled in this Commonwealth at the time when the first application is made to a court concerning the trust or was not domiciled in this Commonwealth at the settlor's death after which the first application to a court concerning the trust is made thereafter shall be in a county where:
(i) a trustee's principal place of business is located or a trustee is a resident;
(ii) all or part of the trust administration occurs; or
(iii) one or more of the beneficiaries reside.
(c) Transfer.--By complying with subsections (d) and (e), the trustee may transfer the trust's situs to another jurisdiction if either immediately before or immediately after the proposed transfer:
(1) a trustee's principal place of business is located in or a trustee is a resident of the proposed jurisdiction;
(2) all or part of the trust administration occurs in the proposed jurisdiction; or
(3) one or more of the beneficiaries reside in the proposed jurisdiction.
(d) Notice of transfer.--The trustee shall notify the qualified beneficiaries of a proposed transfer of a trust's situs at least 60 days before the date as of which the trustee intends to change the situs. The notice of proposed transfer must include the following:
(1) The name of the jurisdiction to which the situs is to be transferred.
(2) The address and telephone number at the new location at which the trustee can be contacted.
(3) The reasons for the proposed transfer.
(4) The date on which the proposed transfer is anticipated to occur.
(5) A statement that if the situs is changed as the trustee proposes, venue will thereafter be in the county of the new situs consistent with section 7714 (relating to venue - UTC 204).
(6) The name and address of the court before which judicial actions involving the trust will be heard after the situs is changed as the trustee proposes.
(7) A statement that the change in situs will occur only if all qualified beneficiaries of the trust consent in writing to the change.
(e) Consent to transfer.--A trustee may transfer a trust's situs under this section without court approval if all the qualified beneficiaries of the trust consent in writing to the change.
(f) Successor trustee.--In connection with a transfer of the trust's situs, the trustee may transfer some or all of the trust property to a successor trustee designated in the trust instrument or appointed pursuant to section 7764 (relating to vacancy in trusteeship; appointment of successor - UTC 704).
(g) Court-directed change in situs.--A court having jurisdiction of a testamentary or inter vivos trust, on application of a trustee or any party in interest, after notice as the court shall direct and aided if necessary by the report of a master and after accounting as the court shall require, may direct, notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, that the situs of the trust shall be changed to any other place within or without this Commonwealth if the court shall find the change necessary or desirable for the proper administration of the trust.
(h) Claims not discharged.--A change in situs under this section does not discharge any claim against the trustee.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 77 - Trusts

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 7701 - Short title of chapter - UTC 101

Section 7702 - Scope of chapter - UTC 102

Section 7703 - Definitions - UTC 103

Section 7704 - Knowledge - UTC 104

Section 7705 - Trust instrument controls; mandatory rules - UTC 105

Section 7706 - Common law of trusts; principles of equity - UTC 106

Section 7707 - Governing law - UTC 107

Section 7708 - Situs of trust

Section 7709 - Methods and waiver of notice - UTC 109

Section 7710 - Notice; others treated as beneficiaries - UTC 110

Section 7710.1 - Nonjudicial settlement agreements - UTC 111

Section 7710.2 - Rules of construction - UTC 112

Section 7711 - Role of court in administration of trust - UTC 201

Section 7712 - Jurisdiction over trustee and beneficiary - UTC 202

Section 7714 - Venue - UTC 204

Section 7721 - Scope; definition of trust matter

Section 7722 - Representation of parties in interest in general

Section 7723 - Representatives and persons represented

Section 7724 - Appointment of representative

Section 7725 - Notice of representation

Section 7726 - Representation ineffective if person objects

Section 7731 - Creation of trust - UTC 401

Section 7732 - Requirements for creation - UTC 402

Section 7733 - Written trusts created in other jurisdictions - UTC 403

Section 7734 - Trust purposes - UTC 404

Section 7735 - Charitable purposes; enforcement - UTC 405

Section 7736 - Creation of trust induced by fraud, duress or undue influence - UTC 406

Section 7737 - Oral trusts unenforceable

Section 7738 - Trust for care of animal - UTC 408

Section 7739 - Noncharitable trust without ascertainable beneficiary - UTC 409

Section 7740 - Termination of trusts; proceedings for termination or modification of trusts - UTC 410

Section 7740.1 - Modification or termination of noncharitable irrevocable trust by consent - UTC 411

Section 7740.2 - Modification or termination of noncharitable irrevocable trust by court - UTC 412

Section 7740.3 - Charitable trusts - UTC 413

Section 7740.4 - Modification or termination of noncharitable trust - UTC 414

Section 7740.5 - Reformation to correct mistakes - UTC 415

Section 7740.6 - Modification to achieve settlor's tax objectives - UTC 416

Section 7740.7 - Division of trusts

Section 7740.8 - Combination of trusts

Section 7741 - Rights of beneficiary's creditor or assignee - UTC 501

Section 7742 - Spendthrift provision - UTC 502

Section 7743 - Exceptions to spendthrift provision - UTC 503

Section 7744 - Discretionary trusts; effect of standard - UTC 504

Section 7745 - Creditor's claim against settlor - UTC 505(a)

Section 7746 - Overdue distribution - UTC 506

Section 7747 - Personal obligations of trustee - UTC 507

Section 7748 - Property subject to power of withdrawal - UTC 505(b)

Section 7751 - Capacity of settlor of revocable trust - UTC 601

Section 7752 - Revocation or amendment of revocable trust - UTC 602

Section 7753 - Trustee's duties; powers of withdrawal - UTC 603

Section 7754 - Actions contesting validity of revocable trust

Section 7755 - Claims and distribution after settlor's death

Section 7761 - Accepting or declining trusteeship - UTC 701

Section 7762 - Trustee's bond - UTC 702

Section 7763 - Cotrustees - UTC 703

Section 7764 - Vacancy in trusteeship; appointment of successor - UTC 704

Section 7765 - Resignation of trustee; filing resignation

Section 7766 - Removal of trustee - UTC 706

Section 7767 - Delivery of property by former trustee - UTC 707

Section 7768 - Compensation of trustee - UTC 708

Section 7769 - Reimbursement of expenses - UTC 709

Section 7770 - Liability of successor trustee

Section 7771 - Duty to administer trust - UTC 801

Section 7772 - Duty of loyalty - UTC 802

Section 7773 - Impartiality - UTC 803

Section 7774 - Prudent administration - UTC 804

Section 7775 - Costs of administration - UTC 805

Section 7776 - Trustee's skills - UTC 806

Section 7777 - Delegation by trustee

Section 7778 - Powers to direct - UTC 808

Section 7779 - Control and protection of trust property - UTC 809

Section 7780 - Recordkeeping and identification of trust property - UTC 810

Section 7780.1 - Enforcement and defense of claims - UTC 811

Section 7780.3 - Duty to inform and report

Section 7780.4 - Discretionary powers

Section 7780.5 - Powers of trustees - UTC 815

Section 7780.6 - Illustrative powers of trustee

Section 7780.7 - Distribution upon termination

Section 7781 - Remedies for breach of trust - UTC 1001

Section 7782 - Damages for breach of trust - UTC 1002

Section 7783 - Damages in absence of breach - UTC 1003

Section 7785 - Limitation of action against trustee

Section 7786 - Reliance on trust instrument - UTC 1006

Section 7787 - Event affecting administration or distribution - UTC 1007

Section 7788 - Exculpation of trustee - UTC 1008

Section 7789 - Beneficiary's consent, release or ratification - UTC 1009

Section 7790 - Limitation on personal liability of trustee - UTC 1010

Section 7790.1 - Interest as general partner - UTC 1011

Section 7790.2 - Protection of person dealing with trustee - UTC 1012

Section 7790.3 - Certification of trust - UTC 1013

Section 7791 - Abandonment of property

Section 7792 - Powers, duties and liabilities identical with personal representatives

Section 7793 - Effect of removal, or of probate of later will or codicil

Section 7794 - Title of purchaser

Section 7795 - Reports for school district trustees

Section 7796 - Jurisdiction

Section 7797 - Filing accounts

Section 7798 - Failure to present claim at audit

Section 7799 - Income on distributive shares

Section 7799.1 - Annexation of account of distributed estate or trust

Section 7799.2 - Accounts, audits and distributions

Section 7799.3 - Pooled trusts for individuals with disabilities