Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 73 - Electric Cooperative Corporations
Section 7331 - Merger, division or sale of assets

(a) Merger or division.--Any two or more electric cooperative corporations may merge or divide but only if the surviving or resulting corporation is a corporation existing under this chapter. Every merger or division shall be proposed by the adoption by the board of directors of a resolution approving the plan of merger or division and directing that the plan be submitted to a vote of the members entitled to vote thereon at a regular or special meeting of the members.
(b) Sale of assets.--An electric cooperative corporation may sell, lease, lease-sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets only when authorized by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of all the members of the corporation.
(1) The plan of asset transfer shall set forth the terms and conditions of the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition or may authorize the board of directors to fix any or all of the terms and conditions, including the consideration to be received by the corporation therefor.
(2) Prior to submission for consideration by the members of the corporation, the board of directors of the corporation shall first give all other domestic electric cooperative corporations an opportunity to submit competing proposals. Such opportunity shall be in the form of a written notice to such corporations, which notice shall be attached to a copy of the proposal which the corporation has already received. Such corporations shall be given not less than 30 days during which to submit competing proposals, and the actual minimum period within which proposals are to be submitted shall be stated in the written notice given to them.
(3) Within 30 days after expiration of the notice period set by the board of directors under paragraph (2), written notice of the special meeting to consider and take action on the plan of asset transfer and expressing in detail each of the proposals shall be given to each member of the corporation. The special meeting shall not be held sooner than 30 days after the giving of such notice to the members.
(4) After a plan of asset transfer has been authorized by the members, the board of directors, in its discretion, may abandon the sale, lease, lease-sale, exchange or other disposition, subject to the rights of third parties under any contracts relating thereto, without further action or approval by the members.
(Nov. 3, 2022, P.L.1791, No.122, eff. 60 days)

2022 Amendment. Act 122 amended the heading and subsec. (a).

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 73 - Electric Cooperative Corporations

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 7301 - Short titles

Section 7302 - Application of chapter

Section 7303 - Definitions

Section 7304 - Number and qualifications of incorporators

Section 7305 - Purpose

Section 7306 - Articles of incorporation

Section 7307 - Prohibition on use of words "electric cooperative."

Section 7308 - Liberal construction

Section 7321 - Special powers and limitations

Section 7322 - Bylaws

Section 7323 - Exemption of members from liability for debts of corporation

Section 7324 - Qualifications of members

Section 7325 - Annual meeting of members

Section 7326 - Voting by members

Section 7327 - Certificates of membership

Section 7328 - Quorum of members

Section 7329 - Directors

Section 7330 - Nonprofit operation

Section 7331 - Merger, division or sale of assets

Section 7332 - Dissolution

Section 7333 - License fee; exemption from excise taxes

Section 7334 - Exemption from jurisdiction of Public Utility Commission

Section 7335 - Limited exemption from Securities Act

Section 7351 - Application of subchapter

Section 7352 - Definitions

Section 7353 - Geographical areas

Section 7354 - Boundaries of certified territories; hearings

Section 7355 - Obligations and rights within certified territory; new electric-consuming facilities

Section 7356 - Borderline service

Section 7357 - Effect of incorporation, annexation or consolidation

Section 7358 - Enforcement of compliance by commission

Section 7359 - Expenses