Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 73 - Electric Cooperative Corporations
Section 7302 - Application of chapter

(a) General rule.--This chapter shall apply to and, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the term "corporation" or "electric cooperative corporation" in this chapter shall mean a corporation incorporated under:
(1) the act of June 21, 1937 (P.L.1969, No.389), known as the Electric Cooperative Corporation Act; or
(2) this chapter.
(b) Provisions complete in themselves.--The provisions of this chapter, as supplemented by or pursuant to Subchapters A (relating to general provisions) and C (relating to cooperative contracts) of Chapter 71, are complete in themselves and shall be controlling. The provisions of any other law of this Commonwealth, except as provided in Part V of Title 1 (relating to statutory construction) and in this chapter, shall not apply to a corporation subject to this chapter.

Cross References. Section 7302 is referred to in section 7308 of this title; section 8201 of Title 68 (Real and Personal Property).

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 73 - Electric Cooperative Corporations

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 7301 - Short titles

Section 7302 - Application of chapter

Section 7303 - Definitions

Section 7304 - Number and qualifications of incorporators

Section 7305 - Purpose

Section 7306 - Articles of incorporation

Section 7307 - Prohibition on use of words "electric cooperative."

Section 7308 - Liberal construction

Section 7321 - Special powers and limitations

Section 7322 - Bylaws

Section 7323 - Exemption of members from liability for debts of corporation

Section 7324 - Qualifications of members

Section 7325 - Annual meeting of members

Section 7326 - Voting by members

Section 7327 - Certificates of membership

Section 7328 - Quorum of members

Section 7329 - Directors

Section 7330 - Nonprofit operation

Section 7331 - Merger, division or sale of assets

Section 7332 - Dissolution

Section 7333 - License fee; exemption from excise taxes

Section 7334 - Exemption from jurisdiction of Public Utility Commission

Section 7335 - Limited exemption from Securities Act

Section 7351 - Application of subchapter

Section 7352 - Definitions

Section 7353 - Geographical areas

Section 7354 - Boundaries of certified territories; hearings

Section 7355 - Obligations and rights within certified territory; new electric-consuming facilities

Section 7356 - Borderline service

Section 7357 - Effect of incorporation, annexation or consolidation

Section 7358 - Enforcement of compliance by commission

Section 7359 - Expenses