Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 73 - Electric Cooperative Corporations
Section 7306 - Articles of incorporation

(a) General rule.--The articles of incorporation shall state:
(1) The name of the corporation, which shall include the words "Electric Cooperative" and the word "Corporation," "Incorporated," "Inc." or "Company" and shall not be confusingly similar to the name of any other corporation.
(2) The purpose for which the corporation is formed.
(3) The names and addresses of the incorporators who shall serve as directors and manage the affairs of the corporation until its first annual meeting of members or until their successors are elected and qualify.
(4) The number of directors, not less than three, to be elected at the annual meetings of members.
(5) Subject to section 109 (relating to name of commercial registered office provider in lieu of registered address), the address, including street and number, if any, of its registered office.
(6) The period of duration of the corporation, which may be perpetual.
(7) The terms and conditions upon which persons will be admitted to membership and retain membership in the corporation, but, if expressly so stated, the determination of these matters may be reserved to the directors by the bylaws.
(8) Any provisions, not inconsistent with law, which the incorporators choose to insert for the regulation of the business and affairs of the corporation.
(b) Cross references.--See section 134 (relating to docketing statement) and Subchapter A of Chapter 53 (relating to incorporation generally).

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 73 - Electric Cooperative Corporations

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 7301 - Short titles

Section 7302 - Application of chapter

Section 7303 - Definitions

Section 7304 - Number and qualifications of incorporators

Section 7305 - Purpose

Section 7306 - Articles of incorporation

Section 7307 - Prohibition on use of words "electric cooperative."

Section 7308 - Liberal construction

Section 7321 - Special powers and limitations

Section 7322 - Bylaws

Section 7323 - Exemption of members from liability for debts of corporation

Section 7324 - Qualifications of members

Section 7325 - Annual meeting of members

Section 7326 - Voting by members

Section 7327 - Certificates of membership

Section 7328 - Quorum of members

Section 7329 - Directors

Section 7330 - Nonprofit operation

Section 7331 - Merger, division or sale of assets

Section 7332 - Dissolution

Section 7333 - License fee; exemption from excise taxes

Section 7334 - Exemption from jurisdiction of Public Utility Commission

Section 7335 - Limited exemption from Securities Act

Section 7351 - Application of subchapter

Section 7352 - Definitions

Section 7353 - Geographical areas

Section 7354 - Boundaries of certified territories; hearings

Section 7355 - Obligations and rights within certified territory; new electric-consuming facilities

Section 7356 - Borderline service

Section 7357 - Effect of incorporation, annexation or consolidation

Section 7358 - Enforcement of compliance by commission

Section 7359 - Expenses