Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 43 - Support Matters Generally
Section 4309 - Publication of delinquent support obligors

(a) General rule.--Any county, through its domestic relations section, may publish the names of delinquent support obligors who are in arrears 30 days or more in newspapers of general or special circulation in the county.
(b) Immunity.--The county, its officials and newspapers shall be immune from any and all criminal and civil liability as a result of the publication of names and identities under subsection (a), unless the publication is a result of intentional misconduct by the county, its officials or newspapers.
(July 2, 1993, P.L.431, No.62, eff. 60 days)

1993 Amendment. Act 62 added section 4309.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 43 - Support Matters Generally

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 4301 - Scope of chapter

Section 4302 - Definitions

Section 4303 - Information to consumer reporting agency

Section 4304 - Cooperation of Commonwealth agencies (Repealed)

Section 4304.1 - Cooperation of government and nongovernment agencies

Section 4305 - General administration of support matters

Section 4306 - Duties of Title IV-D attorney

Section 4307 - State income tax intercept

Section 4308 - Lottery winnings intercept

Section 4308.1 - Collection of overdue support from monetary awards

Section 4309 - Publication of delinquent support obligors

Section 4321 - Liability for support

Section 4322 - Support guideline

Section 4323 - Support of emancipated child

Section 4324 - Inclusion of spousal medical support

Section 4325 - Payment of order of support

Section 4326 - Mandatory inclusion of child medical support

Section 4327 - Postsecondary educational costs

Section 4341 - Commencement of support actions or proceedings

Section 4342 - Expedited procedure

Section 4343 - Paternity

Section 4344 - Contempt for failure of obligor to appear

Section 4345 - Contempt for noncompliance with support order

Section 4346 - Contempt for noncompliance with visitation or partial custody order (Repealed)

Section 4347 - Security for attendance or performance

Section 4348 - Attachment of income

Section 4349 - Consolidation of proceedings

Section 4350 - Effect of appeal

Section 4351 - Costs and fees

Section 4352 - Continuing jurisdiction over support orders

Section 4353 - Duty to report

Section 4354 - Willful failure to pay support order

Section 4355 - Denial or suspension of licenses

Section 4361 - Execution of support order against entireties property

Section 4362 - Plaintiff's share of proceeds of sale

Section 4363 - Trustee to distribute proceeds of sale

Section 4364 - Credit to plaintiff who purchases property

Section 4365 - Rights of divorced person in entireties property sold for support

Section 4366 - Other enforcement remedies preserved

Section 4371 - Definitions

Section 4372 - Establishment of Title IV-D program

Section 4373 - Administration of Title IV-D program

Section 4374 - State disbursement unit

Section 4375 - Access to records

Section 4376 - Central registry

Section 4377 - Power to expedite support cases

Section 4378 - Assistance recipients to seek support

Section 4379 - Cooperation required

Section 4380 - Enforcement of cooperation requirements

Section 4381 - Garnishment of wages of Commonwealth employees

Section 4391 - Definitions

Section 4392 - Employer reporting

Section 4393 - Use of information

Section 4394 - Guidelines

Section 4395 - Confidentiality

Section 4396 - Penalties