(a) General rule.--The exclusive right to the use of a name may be reserved by any person. The reservation shall be made by delivering to the department an application to reserve a specified name, signed by the applicant. If the department finds that the name is available for use, it shall reserve the name for the exclusive use of the applicant for a period of 120 days.
(b) Transfer of reservation.--The right to exclusive use of a name reserved pursuant to subsection (a) may be transferred to any other person by delivering to the department a notice in record form of the transfer, signed by the person who reserved the name, and specifying the name and address of the other person.
(c) Cross references.--See:
Section 134 (relating to docketing statement).
Section 135 (relating to requirements to be met by filed documents).
Section 209 (relating to registration of name of nonregistered foreign association).
Cross References. Section 208 is referred to in section 202 of this title; section 311 of Title 54 (Names).
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 2 - Entities Generally
Section 202 - Requirements for names generally
Section 203 - Corporation names
Section 204 - Partnership and limited liability company names
Section 205 - Business trust names
Section 206 - Requirements for foreign association names
Section 207 - Required name changes by senior associations
Section 208 - Reservation of name
Section 209 - Registration of name of nonregistered foreign association
Section 223 - Ratification of defective entity actions
Section 224 - Action on ratification
Section 226 - Effect of ratification
Section 227 - Statement of validation
Section 228 - Judicial proceedings regarding validity of entity actions
Section 229 - Limitation on voiding certain defective entity actions