(a) Business corporations.--The proper name of a domestic or registered foreign business corporation must contain:
(1) the word "corporation," "company," "incorporated" or "limited" or an abbreviation of any of the terms;
(2) the word "association," "fund" or "syndicate"; or
(3) words or abbreviations of like import used in a jurisdiction other than this Commonwealth.
(b) Nonprofit corporations.--The proper name of a domestic nonprofit corporation or registered foreign corporation not-for-profit shall not be required to contain one of the words or abbreviations described under subsection (a).
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 2 - Entities Generally
Section 202 - Requirements for names generally
Section 203 - Corporation names
Section 204 - Partnership and limited liability company names
Section 205 - Business trust names
Section 206 - Requirements for foreign association names
Section 207 - Required name changes by senior associations
Section 208 - Reservation of name
Section 209 - Registration of name of nonregistered foreign association
Section 223 - Ratification of defective entity actions
Section 224 - Action on ratification
Section 226 - Effect of ratification
Section 227 - Statement of validation
Section 228 - Judicial proceedings regarding validity of entity actions
Section 229 - Limitation on voiding certain defective entity actions