(a) Limited liability partnerships.--The proper name of a domestic limited liability partnership or registered foreign limited liability partnership must contain the term "company," "limited" or "limited liability partnership," or an abbreviation of one of those terms, or words or abbreviations of like import used in a jurisdiction other than this Commonwealth.
(b) Limited partnerships.--The proper name of a domestic or registered foreign limited partnership:
(1) shall not be required to contain a word or abbreviation indicating that it is a limited partnership;
(2) if it is a limited liability limited partnership, must contain:
(i) the term "company," "limited" or "limited liability limited partnership" or a term of like import; or
(ii) an abbreviation of a term under subparagraph (i); and
(3) may contain the name of a partner.
(c) Limited liability companies.--The proper name of a domestic limited liability company or registered foreign limited liability company must contain the term "company," "limited" or "limited liability company," or an abbreviation of one of those terms, or words or abbreviations of like import used in a jurisdiction other than this Commonwealth.
Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 2 - Entities Generally
Section 202 - Requirements for names generally
Section 203 - Corporation names
Section 204 - Partnership and limited liability company names
Section 205 - Business trust names
Section 206 - Requirements for foreign association names
Section 207 - Required name changes by senior associations
Section 208 - Reservation of name
Section 209 - Registration of name of nonregistered foreign association
Section 223 - Ratification of defective entity actions
Section 224 - Action on ratification
Section 226 - Effect of ratification
Section 227 - Statement of validation
Section 228 - Judicial proceedings regarding validity of entity actions
Section 229 - Limitation on voiding certain defective entity actions