Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 15 - Corporate Powers, Duties and Safeguards
Section 1524 - Payment for shares

(a) General rule.--Consideration for shares, unless otherwise restricted in the bylaws:
(1) May consist of money, obligations (including an obligation of a shareholder), services performed whether or not contracted for, contracts for services to be performed, shares or other securities or obligations of the issuing business corporation, or any other tangible or intangible property or benefit to the corporation. If shares are issued for other than money, the value of the consideration shall be determined by or in the manner provided by the board of directors.
(2) Shall be provided or paid to or as ordered by the corporation.
(b) Issuance without consideration.--Except as otherwise restricted in the bylaws, upon authorization by the board of directors, the corporation may issue or distribute its own shares pro rata to its shareholders or the shareholders of one or more classes or series, if the relative rights of the holders of any class or series are not adversely affected thereby, to effectuate stock dividends or splits, and any such transaction shall not require payment of consideration.
(c) Status of issued shares.--Except as provided in subsection (e), all issued shares of a business corporation shall be deemed fully paid regardless of failure to pay in full the agreed consideration therefor. Except as otherwise provided by a regulatory statute controlling under section 103(c) (relating to structural provisions in regulatory statutes controlling), all issued shares of a corporation shall be nonassessable. This subsection shall not affect the personal obligation of a subscriber for shares of a corporation to pay the agreed consideration for the shares.
(d) Rights of subscribing shareholder.--Notwithstanding any other provision of this subpart, the right to vote, to receive dividends and to have and exercise the other rights of a shareholder prior to payment in full of the agreed consideration for the shares of a shareholder who has acquired his shares by subscription may be denied or limited as provided in the subscription agreement. Any such denial or limitation of rights shall be noted conspicuously on the face or back of the share certificate, if any, or in the notice provided by section 1528(f) (relating to uncertificated shares). Unless so noted, such denial or limitation (even though permitted by this section) shall be ineffective except against a person with actual knowledge of the denial or limitation.
(e) Transitional provision.--A corporation may enforce calls on partly paid shares outstanding on September 30, 1989, in the same manner and to the same extent as if this subpart had not been enacted.
(Dec. 19, 1990, P.L.834, No.198, eff. imd.; Dec. 18, 1992, P.L.1333, No.169, eff. 60 days)

1992 Amendment. Act 169 amended subsec. (a).
1990 Amendment. Act 198 amended subsecs. (a), (c) and (e).
Cross References. Section 1524 is referred to in sections 1106, 1528 of this title.

Structure Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes

Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes


Chapter 15 - Corporate Powers, Duties and Safeguards

Extra - Chapter Notes

Section 1501 - Corporate capacity

Section 1502 - General powers

Section 1503 - Defense of ultra vires

Section 1504 - Adoption, amendment and contents of bylaws

Section 1505 - Persons bound by bylaws

Section 1506 - Form of execution of instruments

Section 1507 - Registered office

Section 1508 - Corporate records; inspection by shareholders

Section 1509 - Bylaws and other powers in emergency

Section 1510 - Certain specifically authorized debt terms

Section 1511 - Additional powers of certain public utility corporations

Section 1512 - Informational rights of a director

Section 1513 - Forum selection provisions

Section 1521 - Authorized shares

Section 1522 - Issuance of shares in classes or series; board action

Section 1523 - Pricing and issuance of shares

Section 1524 - Payment for shares

Section 1525 - Stock rights and options

Section 1526 - Liability of shareholders

Section 1527 - Issuance of fractional shares or scrip

Section 1528 - Shares represented by certificates and uncertificated shares

Section 1529 - Transfer of securities; restrictions

Section 1530 - Preemptive rights of shareholders

Section 1531 - Voting powers and other rights of certain securityholders and other entities

Section 1532 - Effect of failure to surrender securities converted by reorganization

Section 1551 - Distributions to shareholders

Section 1552 - Power of corporation to acquire its own shares

Section 1553 - Liability for unlawful dividends and other distributions

Section 1554 - Financial reports to shareholders

Section 1571 - Application and effect of subchapter

Section 1572 - Definitions

Section 1573 - Record and beneficial holders and owners

Section 1574 - Notice of intention to dissent

Section 1575 - Notice to demand payment

Section 1576 - Failure to comply with notice to demand payment, etc

Section 1577 - Release of restrictions or payment for shares

Section 1578 - Estimate by dissenter of fair value of shares

Section 1579 - Valuation proceedings generally

Section 1580 - Costs and expenses of valuation proceedings