The portion of State Highway 77 in Murray County that is between the junctions of State Highway 77 and Interstate 35 at exits 51 and 47 shall be designated as the “Mazzebeth Turner Memorial Highway”. The Department of Transportation shall cause suitable permanent markers to be placed on the highway bearing that name.
Added by Laws 2009, c. 150, § 8, emerg. eff. May 11, 2009.
Structure Oklahoma Statutes
Title 69. Roads Bridges and Ferries
§69-101. Declaration of legislative intent.
§69-113a. Successful bidders - Return of executed contract.
§69-201. Definitions of words and phrases.
§69-203. Acquisition or taking.
§69-206. Auxiliary service highway.
§69-208. Bureau of Public Roads.
§69-210. Control of access (full).
§69-211. Control of access (partial).
§69-212. Construction or reconstruction of highways.
§69-213. County highway system.
§69-217.1. Force account or construction on a force account basis.
§69-221. Heavy traffic highway.
§69-222. Highway, street or road.
§69-224. Limited access facility.
§69-225. Limited access highway.
§69-228. Municipal corporation or municipality.
§69-233. Public service corporation.
§69-235. Right of survey entry.
§69-237. Right-of-way appraisal.
§69-238. Right-of-way estimate.
§69-242. State highway system.
§69-302.1. Department of Transportation County Advisory Board.
§69-302.2. Department of Transportation Tribal Advisory Board.
§69-303. Functions, powers and duties of Commission.
§69-304. State Highway System - Construction and maintenance - Powers of Commission.
§69-305. Director of the Department of Transportation - Salary.
§69-306. Powers and duties of Executive Director.
§69-306.1. Contracts - Price adjustment clauses.
§69-306.2. Trust for benefit of Transportation Department employees.
§69-309. Employment of persons closely related to members or Director - Contracts with such persons.
§69-310. Conflict of interest.
§69-313. Reports and recommendations.
§69-315. Audit of books, records and files of Commission and Department.
§69-316. Certification of county road mileage.
§69-317. Cooperation with counties, municipalities, other states and United States.
§69-318. Agreements with Public Welfare Commission - Construction and maintenance of roads - Costs.
§69-319. Status of employees under Merit and Retirement Systems not changed.
§69-320. Quiet title actions - Service of summons on Department or Commission.
§69-322. Office of Mobility and Public Transit.
§69-323. Transfer of Transit Division into Office of Mobility and Public Transit.
§69-403. State Infrastructure Bank.
§69-404. State Infrastructure Bank Revolving Fund.
§69-405. Use of fund - Purposes.
§69-411. Default - Collections.
§69-501. Classes of highways - Construction, repair, and maintenance - Removal from System - Maps.
§69-502.1. National Highway System connector route.
§69-503. Notice before removal of highways from State Highway System.
§69-505. Title to removed bridge due to construction or reconstruction of state highway.
§69-506. High Priority State Bridge Revolving Fund.
§69-507. County Improvements for Roads and Bridges Fund.
§69-601. Authority and duties of county commissioners.
§69-601.1. Plans and specifications for new roads and bridges
§69-601.4. Application of waste oil to streets and roads prohibited.
§69-601.5. Maintenance or improvement of private roads for school bus turn-arounds.
§69-601.6. Acceptance of public road or bridge project bids.
§69-601.7. Permits for harvesting of hay along right-of-way public roads.
§69-601.8. Immunity from liability – Cattle guards or other devices.
§69-602. State and county highways - Connection with city paving - Federal aid.
§69-603. Contracts for grading, etc., of streets within incorporated cities or towns.
§69-604. Bonds authorized for roads and bridges - Procedure.
§69-605. Bridge contracts - Preliminary action.
§69-606. Bridges between adjoining counties.
§69-607. Intercounty bridges - Proceedings (Boundary bridges).
§69-608. Repair of bridges, payment for by county.
§69-609. Allowance of accounts for repair or reconstruction of bridges.
§69-610. Joint construction of bridges by county, city and public service corporation.
§69-611. Contracts for bridges with public service corporations authorized - Bond issue - Tax levy.
§69-612. Bonds for bridges jointly constructed between county and municipality.
§69-613. Working convicts on county highways - Duties of officers.
§69-614. Convicts on rock pile or other public work.
§69-615. Convicts to perform road work - Credit for work - Authority of road supervisors.
§69-616. Supplies for convicts doing road work.
§69-617. Food for convicts - Medical attention.
§69-618. Other service may be required of convicts.
§69-619. City and town prisoners employed by counties - Credit for work.
§69-620. Unexpended funds - Transfer to other road projects.
§69-621. Maintenance and construction by adjoining counties.
§69-622. Duties of counties to maintain roads - Expenditures - Division of roads.
§69-623. Division when counties fail to agree.
§69-625. Bond of county engineer.
§69-626. Duties of county engineer.
§69-627. Cost records of road work, engineer to keep.
§69-628. Power of county commissioners to open roads.
§69-630. Interest of officers in contracts prohibited.
§69-631. Use of bridges by public utilities or service corporations - Supervision by county board.
§69-632. Public utilities and public service corporations to pay tolls.
§69-635. Violation by officials - Punishment - Suspension and forfeiture of office.
§69-636.1. County Road Machinery and Equipment Revolving Fund.
§69-636.5. Use and care of equipment and machinery - Liability of leasing county - Return.
§69-636.6. Disposal of surplus road machinery and equipment.
§69-636.7. Storage of road machinery and equipment - Costs and expenses.
§69-638. Hard surfacing farm-to-market roads - Conditions.
§69-639. Maintenance by county.
§69-640. Use of road machinery by farmers.
§69-641. Contract by farmers as to expenses and for return of machinery.
§69-642. Operation of machinery and equipment used by farmers.
§69-643. Survey of farm - Maintenance of terrace by farmer - Advice of county farm agent.
§69-644. Loan of machinery and equipment to municipalities.
§69-645. Marking of equipment.
§69-646. Condemnation procedure - Indian or federal lands.
§69-647. Opening section lines and building and establishing roads.
§69-650. Execution of necessary instruments.
§69-651. Section and quarter section corners.
§69-652. Federal aid secondary highway projects - Consulting engineers.
§69-653. Numerical designation of section lines - System.
§69-654. Adoption of county primary road system.
§69-655. County route markers.
§69-656. Bridge or construction projects on county primary road system.
§69-659. County bridge standards - Demonstration bridge projects - Engineering services.
§69-660. Replacement, expansion, or repair of bridges - Expenditures.
§69-661. Priority of replacement or reconstruction projects - Selection - Apportionment of funds.
§69-662. Approval of projects – County-built projects.
§69-665. Review of contracts - Expenditures permitted.
§69-666. Replacement of county bridge – Environmental studies.
§69-687.1. Circuit engineering districts.
§69-687.2. Statewide Circuit Engineering District Revolving Fund.
§69-687.3. Emergency and Transportation Revolving Fund
§69-689. Local road design standards - Plans, surveys and engineering services.
§69-701. Preparation of state design standards.
§69-703. Reimbursement for actual damages.
§69-704. Commission to complete and revise maps.
§69-705. United States Geological Survey, agreements with.
§69-707. Surveys - Lawful to cross premises.
§69-708.2. Consultant list - Solicitation - Review - Negotiations - Demand service contracts.
§69-708.3. Plans for selection of contractor.
§69-801. Road tests or highway research projects.
§69-802. Soil tests for counties - Reports - Charges.
§69-901. Construction, improvements or maintenance of municipal streets, signs, lights, etc.
§69-902. Intersection of county road and state highway - Maintenance authority.
§69-1001. Sale, exchange or lease of unneeded property - Notice.
§69-1002. Compromise of claims for damage or loss.
§69-1003. Deposit of proceeds.
§69-1101. Letting contracts – Advertisement for bids – Contract extension.
§69-1104. Expedited highway improvement contracts.
§69-1201. Open section lines as public highways - Reserved section lines - Prohibition.
§69-1201.1. Preexisting easements to remain in full force and effect
§69-1201.2. New section lines not created - Existing lines not widened - Indian lands.
§69-1202. Highways - Right of adjoining owner.
§69-1203. Acquisition of lands or interests by purchase, donation or condemnation
§69-1204. Highway construction – No issuance of work order until securing of all rights-of-way.
§69-1206. Rights-of-way not secured by negotiation - Offers - Costs.
§69-1206.1. State highways - Rights-of-way - County nonparticipation.
§69-1206.2. Municipalities - State highways - Right of way acquisition - Nonparticipation.
§69-1207. Purchase and sale of unneeded parcels.
§69-1208. Structures in right-of-way or street prohibited - Public nuisance.
§69-1209. Removal of structures by highway commission.
§69-1211. Violation a misdemeanor - Punishment - Interference with abatement.
§69-1212. Geological signs on highway through Arbuckle Mountains not affected.
§69-1229. Location and identification of corners within right-of-way.
§69-1230. Obliteration of corners by highway construction.
§69-1232. Applicability to counties.
§69-1235. Right to purchase - Collection of pro rata share of costs.
§69-1236. Sale of unneeded property.
§69-1237. Deposit and investment of monies.
§69-1238. Approval of actions.
§69-1252. Declarations and findings.
§69-1254. Prohibition on operation of junkyards or facilities.
§69-1254A. Removal of license tags
§69-1256. Reimbursement for expenses.
§69-1257. Violations - Penalties.
§69-1258. violations as public nuisance - Abatement.
§69-1259. Rules, regulations and policies.
§69-1260. Acquisition of interest in lands by state.
§69-1261. More restrictive provisions unaffected.
§69-1262. Agreements with federal government.
§69-1271. Legislative intent - Authority of State Highway Department.
§69-1274. Signs permitted in control area.
§69-1275. Standards for signs in business area.
§69-1276. Agreements with Secretary of Transportation.
§69-1277. Licenses and permits - Fees - Revocation.
§69-1278. Signs becoming nonconforming - Removal - Exemptions.
§69-1279. Compensation for signs and rights taken.
§69-1280. Acquisition of outdoor advertising and property rights by Department - Condemnation.
§69-1282. Violations and penalties.
§69-1286. Highway beautification - Repair, maintenance or change to nonconforming signs.
§69-1287. Certain signs allowed adjacent to interstate highways.
§69-1288. Severability of Section 1287.
§69-1301. Application of article to state and certain cities and counties.
§69-1302. New and existing facilities - Grade crossing eliminations.
§69-1303. Authority of governing bodies to cooperate.
§69-1304. Cost of limited access facilities.
§69-1307. Necessity resolution.
§69-1310. Resolution for ordering improvement.
§69-1312. Appeals to district court.
§69-1313. Funds for acquisition.
§69-1314. Railroads and street railways to pave - Warning signals.
§69-1315. Appointment of appraisers.
§69-1318. Correction of apportionment.
§69-1320. Manner of assessments.
§69-1321. Assessments for cost of acquisition.
§69-1322. Assessments - How payable.
§69-1323. Assessments - When payable.
§69-1326. Collection of assessments.
§69-1327. Enforcement of assessment.
§69-1328. Setting aside assessments - Limitations.
§69-1329. Accepting improvements.
§69-1330. Payment of cost of acquiring right-of-way.
§69-1331. Powers of state and governing bodies.
§69-1402. Interference with public use by public utilities forbidden.
§69-1501. State Highway Construction and Maintenance Fund.
§69-1501.1. State Transportation Fund.
§69-1502. Authorized expenditures of funds and money.
§69-1502.1. Death traps on highways - Expenditures to eliminate.
§69-1503. Money for use on county roads - County highway fund.
§69-1504. Street improvement assessments - Payment from fund authorized.
§69-1506. Printing service change Fund.
§69-1507. Budget estimates - Road programs.
§69-1508. Reimbursement of contractors for city sales taxes paid.
§69-1509. Payment for auditing accounts of State Department of Transportation.
§69-1510. Special maintenance projects - Performing and carrying out.
§69-1511. Encumbering matching funds.
§69-1512. Total expenditure limitation for fiscal year.
§69-1513. Application of Oklahoma Budget Law of 1947.
§69-1521. Rebuilding Oklahoma Access and Driver Safety Fund.
§69-1600. Payment for costs of signage for naming highways and bridges.
§69-1600.1. Dedication of highways, bridges, and other facilities in honor of individuals.
§69-1600.2. Choctaw Code Talkers Bridge Naming Program Act.
§69-1601. Dedication of Highway No. 77 as Memorial Highway.
§69-1602. Designation of bridge on State Highway No. 51 as The Robert S. Kerr Bridge.
§69-1603. Designation of Interstate Highway as The Raymond Gary Expressway.
§69-1604. Designation of U. S. Highway No. 281 as the American Legion Memorial Highway.
§69-1605. Designation of State Highway No. 117 in Creek County as The Heber Finch Highway.
§69-1606. Designation of Sallisaw Bridge as The Ed McDonald Bridge.
§69-1607. Designation of State Highway No. 2 in Latimer County as the Jim Cook Highway.
§69-1610. Designation of bridge across Red River as The D. I. McCullough Bridge.
§69-1611. Designation of State Highway No. 22 across Blue River as The Cowboy Pink Williams Bridge.
§69-1613. Designation of portion of Highway No. 88 - Markers.
§69-1614. Designation of Northwest Quadrant, Ada.
§69-1617. Designation of bridge east of Allen as the "Hugh M. Sandlin Bridge" - Plaques.
§69-1618. Designation of bridge south of Seminole as the "John Quimby Wilson Bridge."
§69-1620. U.S. Highway 12 - Designation as scenic highway - Markers.
§69-1621. Sequoyah Memorial Highway - Designation.
§69-1622. Designation of portion of Interstate Highway No. 40 as the Roger Miller Memorial Highway.
§69-1623. Designation of State Highway No. 99, Pontotoc County, as the Hugh Warren Memorial Highway.
§69-1624. Designation of portion of State Highway 20 as the Carl Belew Memorial Highway.
§69-1627. Designation of portion of State Highway 74 as the John N. Happy Camp Memorial Highway.
§69-1629. Veterans Memorial Highways.
§69-1630. Veterans Memorial Highways - Highways previously designated.
§69-1633. Designation of portion of State Highway 51 as Broken Arrow Expressway.
§69-1634. Mountain Gateway - Senator Larry Dickerson Memorial Highway.
§69-1635. Cliff Bogle Memorial Highway – Designation of portion of State Highway 82.
§69-1636. Clara Luper Corridor – Designation of portion of State Highway 107.
§69-1637. Sam Fields Memorial Highway – Designation of portion of State Highway 127.
§69-1638. Sparland Rose Memorial Bridge.
§69-1639. Cheyenne Heritage Trail – Informational highway signage.
§69-1640. Marjorie and Maria Tallchief Highway - Designation of portion of State Highway 18.
§69-1641. Senator Frank Mahan Highway - Designation of portion of State Highway 18.
§69-1642. J.M. Bailey Highway.
§69-1644. Colonel Harold D. Pinney, U.S. Army Highway - Clarence F. “Chink” Douglas, Lawman Highway.
§69-1646. McIntosh County Korean Veterans Memorial Highway.
§69-1650. Southeastern Mountain Gateway.
§69-1651. Trooper Chris Van Krevelen Memorial Highway.
§69-1652. Doc Scantlen Bridge.
§69-1653. Helen Cole Memorial Highway.
§69-1655. Keith Leftwich Memorial Loop.
§69-1658. Hoppy Lockhart Welcome Center.
§69-1659. Matthew Evans/Jeffery Rominger Memorial Parkway.
§69-1660. David “Rocky” Eales Memorial Parkway.
§69-1661. Vernon Glenn Memorial Parkway.
§69-1662. Sid Cookerly Memorial Parkway.
§69-1663. Tom Puckett Memorial Parkway.
§69-1664. John C. Blaylock Memorial Parkway.
§69-1665. Dr. Robert E. Cowling Memorial Parkway.
§69-1666. Troy Leathers Memorial Parkway.
§69-1667. William Ross Stewart Memorial Parkway.
§69-1668. Billy Fairl Morgan Memorial Parkway.
§69-1669. Jody Latimer Memorial Parkway.
§69-1670. W.R. “Dick” Stubbs Memorial Parkway.
§69-1672. Dr. Ernest L. Holloway Highway.
§69-1674. Mannford Expressway.
§69-1675. Joe M. Morgan Memorial Bridge.
§69-1676. Oklahoma Technology Corridor.
§69-1677. Randy Littlefield Memorial Highway.
§69-1678. Harrah Road - Billy Fairl Morgan Memorial Highway.
§69-1679. Scott Vincent Memorial Highway.
§69-1680. Rider Daugherty Memorial Bridge.
§69-1681. 2nd Lt. Luke James Memorial Highway.
§69-1682. Jack Begley Memorial Highway.
§69-1684. Bobby Green Memorial Expressway.
§69-1685. Veterans Memorial Highway.
§69-1686. Navy Petty Officer Third Class Doyle W. Bollinger, Jr., Overpass.
§69-1687. Private First Class Curtis Herman Bullard Memorial Bridge.
§69-1688. Senator Larry Dickerson Memorial Bridge.
§69-1689. Destry Horton Memorial Highway.
§69-1690. Judy Davis Memorial Highway.
§69-1691. W.R. Shaver Memorial Highway.
§69-1692. Medicine Park Trail.
§69-1693. Newt Sexton Memorial Bridge.
§69-1694. Judy Davis Memorial Highway.
§69-1695. Historic Platt National Parkway.
§69-1696. T.A. Olivo Memorial Bridge.
§69-1697. David Gray Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698. Agent Choc Ericsson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.1. USMC Sgt. James R. Graham, III, Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.2. James E. and Rose H. Benson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.3. Representative Elmer Maddux Highway.
§69-1698.4. Rex Lee Brown Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.6. Disabled American Veterans Highway.
§69-1698.7. Colonel Albert Hill Highway.
§69-1698.8. 929th Troop Carrier Group honorary highway.
§69-1698.9. Danny Martinez Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.10. Sergeant Buddy Hughie honorary highway.
§69-1698.11. PFC John Reece, Jr., Medal of Honor/Purple Heart Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.12. Senator Byron Dacus Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.13. Donald J. Gott Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.14. Harley Leaird Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.15. Joseph Sevier Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.16. Lonnie Duke Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.17. Spc. Joshua Pearce Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.18. Staff Sergeant Billy M. Castleberry Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.19. PFC Glen W. Page Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.20. Pvt. Everett C. (Bud) Ward Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.21. OHP Lt. Pat Grimes Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.22. P.O.W./M.I.A. Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.23. PFC Danny Leo Evans Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.24. SPC4 Benny Joe Lewis Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.25. Cpl Kelly Downing, USMC, Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.26. Oklahoma Panhandle Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.27. Cpl. Bryan J. Scripsick Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.28. Veterans Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.29. A.C. Hamlin Parkway.
§69-1698.30. SGT Jonathan Paul Dragus Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.31. Ronald Glenn Bridge.
§69-1698.32. Duty Rowe Scenic Route 115.
§69-1698.33. John Adams and Arlie Harrill Memorial Bridges.
§69-1698.36. U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Ruben Rivers Highway.
§69-1698.37. SPC Ross Hunter Duncan Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.38. OHP Lt. J.C. Burris Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.39. Zach D. Taylor, Jr. Memorial Interchange.
§69-1698.40. Richard L. Huddleston Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.41. U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Billie Hall Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.42. Representative Ron Langmacher Bridge.
§69-1698.43. State Representative Terry Hyman Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.44. CWO2 Steven Shephard Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.45. M/SGT Ura M. Horton Memorial Bridge
§69-1698.46. TSGT Jason Norton Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.47. Commissioner Jimmie Primrose Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.48. SSGT Larry S. Pierce Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.49. Sheriff Jerry Beall and Police Chief Joe Rowden Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.50. Mazzebeth Turner Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.51. U.S. Army 509th Engineer Company Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.52. U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Brandon W. Farley Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.53. Charles "Choppy" Parker Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.54. Leon Sherrer Highway.
§69-1698.55. Deputy Sheriff Dustin Duncan Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.56. U.S. Army, 2nd Lieutenant Fred Sonaggera Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.57. Carsyn Kay Hackler Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.58. SSG Chris Hake Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.59. Trooper David Nalley Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.60. Don Bowser Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.61. Don R. Dunn Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.62. Veterans Memorial Highway – SFC Tony K. Burris Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.63. U.S. Navy Captain Steven L. Farley Memorial Interchange.
§69-1698.64. Officer Larry W. Cantrell and Mr. Charles L. Cantrell Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.65. Billy B. Walkabout Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.66. Fern Holland Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.67. Tommy Azlin Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.68. Joe Hemphill Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.69. F.L. Holton Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.70. State Representative Tim Pope Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.71. USMC Cpl. Jeremy D. Allbaugh Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.72. Corporal Michael Eyre Thompson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.73. Sergeant Clint E. Williams Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.74. Chief Warrant Officer Brady Rudolf Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.76. Master Sergeant Houston K. Blackburn Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.77. PFC Lonnie D. Loyd, Jr. Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.78. George Freas Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.79. Fallen Heroes Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.80. 95th Division Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.81. E.A. Woods Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.82. Representative Opio Toure Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.83. USMC Cpl. Jeremy D. Allbaugh Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.84. James W. Summerlin Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.85. Walter Merrick Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.86. Raymond Mallouf Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.87. Frank Drew Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.88. Dr. D.P. Richardson, M.D. Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.89. E.F. (Doc) Coker Bridge.
§69-1698.90. Tribal Elder Parrish Williams Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.91. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Parkway.
§69-1698.92. Marcus Eugene Mills Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.93. Bass Reeves Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.94. President George W. Bush Bridge.
§69-1698.95. Jerry Lasker Memorial Interchange.
§69-1698.96. Vietnam War Veterans Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.97. Lecia Swain-Ross Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.98. C.E. Pittman Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.99. Samuel R. Henderson Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.100. PFC A.T. Howell Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.101. SSGT Billy Elliot Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.102. SSG John R. Bush Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.103. Harold Bell Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.104. Larry Wade Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.105. USAF Maj. Aubrey Eugene Stowers, Jr. Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.106. Honorable Hannah Diggs Atkins, Secretary of State, Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.107. Major Scott Hagerty USAR Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.108. Dr. Walter S. Mason, Jr. Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.109. Chief Warrant Officer Gordon Spangler Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.110. Cpl. Joshua Jerold Ware Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.111. Historic Route 66 Bike Trail.
§69-1698.112. SSGT Chaz Allen Highway.
§69-1698.113. Spec 4 Randy Derrick Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.114. SPC Jordan M. Morris Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.115. SPC Joshua D. Sheppard-Young Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.116. 1LT David Timothy Wright II Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.117. U.S. Border Patrol Chief Donald R. Coppock Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.118. Coach Ray Troutt Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.119. Senator David Myers Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.120. Veldo M. Goins Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.121. Paul Harvey Memorial Expressway.
§69-1698.122. Representative Rusty Farley Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.123. Wesley and Maxine Nixon Bridge.
§69-1698.124. Charles Davis Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.125. Dr. James E. and Representative Mina M. Hibdon Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.126. Bill W. Burgess Jr. Highway.
§69-1698.127. Major Brice Clayton Coleman Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.128. Senator Ralph J. Choate Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.129. Trooper William McClendon Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.130. Jimmy Harrel Highway.
§69-1698.131. Deputy Mike Roberts and Deputy Tim Lowry Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.132. Senator Robert Milacek Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.133. Gordon Roesler Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.134. Chappelle Family Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.135. Aaron Harrison Scott Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.136. Representative Sue Tibbs Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.137. 1LT David Timothy Wright II Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.138. Senator Gilmer Capps Highway.
§69-1698.139. Sergeant Schuyler B. Patch Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.140. Sergeant Andrew R. Looney Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.141. Specialist Christopher D. Horton Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.142. Sgt. Anthony Del Mar Peterson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.143. Captain David "JP" Thompson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.144. Barbara S. Swineford Highway.
§69-1698.145. Merle D. Swineford Highway.
§69-1698.146. Sergeant Bucky Eisenberger Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.147. Pamela Cleveland Argo Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.148. Specialist Jordan Morris Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.149. Arthur and Gladys Baker Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.150. Sergeant Vincent L. C. Owens Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.151. Cheppelle Family Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.152. Lt. Colonel Warren Pingleton Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.153. Major Bill Morgan Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.154. Ronnie Sumpter, Sonny Harris and Rhonda Howard Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.155. Specialist Micheal Phillips Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.156. Aaron Harrison Scott Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.157. Corporal Jared Shoemaker Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.158. Braggs Veterans Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.159. Historic Chisholm Trail Bike Route.
§69-1698.160. Maestro Kenneth Kilgore Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.161. LCpl Hatak-Yuka-Keyu Martin Yearby USMC Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.162. Wayne Crusoe Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.163. Director Steven Stokes Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.164. Milton Irwin Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.165. Senator Ed Berrong Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.166. Great Western Cattle Trail.
§69-1698.167. Sergeant Bret Daniel Isenhower Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.168. Larry Tomlinson Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.169. Phil Tomlinson Bridge.
§69-1698.170. WWI Choctaw Code Talkers Highway.
§69-1698.172. PFC Albert E. Schwab, Medal of Honor Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.173. Rev. W.T. "Tommy" Roberts Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.174. Mayor Jon Gumerson Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.175. Bobby D. "Dirt Dobber" Smith Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.176. Ret. Air Force Major General Albert Lee Logan Highway.
§69-1698.177. Veteran's Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.178. Cost of Freedom Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.179. Coach Rick Gandy Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.180. Tribal Officer Defford Thomas Oyebi, Jr. Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.181. Edna Hennessee Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.182. Colonel Aaron C. "Burley" Burleson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.183. Bill Swisher Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.184. Specialist Dylan Johnson Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.185. SGT First Class David Clinton Fisher Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.186. Private First Class John Bennie Laskey Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.187. Wayne Crusoe Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.188. Wayman Tisdale Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.189. Sergeant Bret Isenhower Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.190. Pikey's Crossing Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.191. Petty Officer Tony Randolph Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.192. Specialist Howard Lee Jones Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.193. OHP Captain Pete Norwood Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.194. President Ronald Reagan Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.195. Charles "Chub" Shaw Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.196. 2nd Lt. Joe Lee Cunningham Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.197. Fire Chief Nolan Schmidt Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.198. Sheriff Frank Phillips Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.199. Airman Kamenski D. Watson Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.200. Wayne Chandler, Sr., Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.201. Warrior Highway.
§69-1698.202. Veterans Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.203. Ethel Hedgement Lyle Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.204. J.C. Malcom Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.205. LCpl Lamont N. Wilson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.206. Lance Corporal Jonathan Stroud Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.207. Captain Kyle King Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.208. PFC Philip F. Gaines Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.209. First Lieutenant S.W. "Dub" George Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.210. Army Ranger Staff Sgt. Vinson Bryon "Trinity" Adkinson III Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.211. Specialist Joshua M. "Bubba" Seals Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.212. Captain Frederick F. Henry Medal of Honor Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.213. Representative W.D. "Bill" Bradley Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.214. Sgt. Daniel M. Eshbaugh Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.215. Medal of Honor Recipient CSM Benny G. Adkins Highway
§69-1698.216. Captain George Green Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.217. SSG Travis Tompkins Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.218. SPC Charles Jirtle Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.219. 1st Lt. Brandon Landrum Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.220. PFC Ernest Ray Taylor Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.221. PFC Jon Ross Townsend Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.222. SSG James "Bevo" Olivo Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.223. Bill Milroy Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.224. Trooper Nicholas Dees Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.225. Cpl. Mickey R. Alexander Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.226. Ret. Army MSGT Woodrow T. Cox – WWII POW – Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.227. Weatherford Veterans Memorial Drive.
§69-1698.228. President George H.W. Bush Highway.
§69-1698.229. President George W. Bush Highway.
§69-1698.230. 49 Waiters Club Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.231. J. Cooper West Memorial Highway
§69-1698.232. Washita County Undersheriff Brian Beck Memorial Highway
§69-1698.233. Monte John Tucker Memorial Highway
§69-1698.234. 1st Lt Robert E. Trigalet, USMC, Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.235. Army T/Sgt. Yancy B. Kite, KIA WWII, Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.236. Meteorologist Gary England Bridge
§69-1698.237. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.238. Cullison Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.239. Dr. Herbert Rowland Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.240. Air Force TSgt Eugene S. Bell, MD, POW WWII, Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.241. MSG Joshua Wheeler, U.S. Army, Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.242. J.R. Proctor Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.243. United States Submarine Veterans Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.244. Army PVT Paul Gilbert, KIA WWII, Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.245. CW2 Randy Lee Billings Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.246. Lance Corporal Anthony Grundy Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.247. Lt. Kenneth Strang Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.248. Jack Schmiedel Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.249. Trail Of Tears Historic Bike Route.
§69-1698.250. Jennifer Lea Briggs and Heather Wilson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.251. Keith Alan Copeland Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.252. CPL Eldon Ervin Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.253. James Everett Clark III Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.254. Col Noble A. Miller, USAF – WWII, Korea and Vietnam, Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.255. SSG Jack Morgan Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.256. Lt. Lowry Douglas Durington Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.257. SPC Sonny Gene Sampler Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.258. Officer Nathan B. Graves Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.260. RM3 Bill Lester Driver, US Navy, Memorial Bridge, WWII Veteran.
§69-1698.261. LCPL Trevor A. Roberts Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.262. HM3 (FMF) Eric "Doc" Warren Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.263. Representative David Brumbaugh Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.264. Bobby Joe Cudd Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.265. Officer Justin Terney Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.266. Deputy Sheriff David Wade Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.267. CPL Wilfred Flores Jr. Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.268. SPC Cody Levi Cookson Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.269. Silver Star Recipient Captain John Lee Prichard Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.270. Technical Sergeant Allen Chandler, Jr. Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.271. SSG Christopher Michael Hake Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.272. Robert B. Robison Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.273. Sergeant Jeffrey Lee Drake Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.274. SSGT Jason R. Hendrex Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.275. James Robert "Bob" Kalsu Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.276. Nancy Randolph Davis Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.277. Chief Jon Hansen Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.278. Veterans Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.279. Deputy Sheriff Douglas Hanna Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.280. Michael "Mike" Dale Russell Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.281. Tuskegee Airman 2nd Lt Faythe McGinnis Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.282. PFC Jackie Lindell Elston Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.283. Trooper Houston F. "Pappy" Summers Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.284. LCpl Geoffrey Fisher, USMC Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.285. Veterans' Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.286. Eugene Woodrow Wicker Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.287. Deputy Sheriff Michael Dee Pace Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.288. Landon L. Endres Memorial Interchange.
§69-1698.289. Paul Henry Carr Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.290. Trooper Leon H. Brown Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.291. 1LT Damon Leehan Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.292. Deputy Sean Cookson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.293. Senator E. Melvin Porter Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.294. Deputy Sheriff Clifford Phillip Payne Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.295. Undersheriff Monty Johnson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.296. Councilwoman Avalon Reese Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.297. Private First Class George Henry Taylor Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.298. City Marshal Jefferson Davis "J.D." Graham Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.299. Sheriff Horace H. "Bill" Dyer Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.300. Gold Star Families Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.301. Randy Peterson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.302. Sgt. Michael A. Crawford Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.303. Sgt. Jason McCluskey Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.304. Lt. Heath Meyer #64 Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.305. Thelma "Chincie" Ross WWII Chickasaw Code Talker Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.306. Sgt. Maj. Christopher Nelms Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.307. Comanche Code Talker Trailway.
§69-1698.308. William Charles "Charley" Coen Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.309. Bud Martin Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.310. Private Robert "Bob" Clark Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.311. President Donald J. Trump Highway.
§69-1698.312. Speaker Pro Tempore Jim R. Glover Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.313. Medal of Honor Recipient Sergeant John R. Crews Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.314. Trooper J.C. Magar Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.315. Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Edward A. DeVore, Jr. Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.316. Navy Cross Recipient CPL Russell Keck Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.317. TSgt Marshal D. Roberts Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.318. Sweetwater Veterans Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.319. SSGT Cecil Wellman Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.320. Officer Michael Bruce Keen Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.321. Tommy Wayne Haley Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.322. MSG Michael Werdehoff Vietnam MIA Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.323. SP4 Alfred Dean Hildebrand Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.324. James Amos Callins Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.325. Lieutenant Eugene Smith Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.326. WWII Doolittle Raider – Bombardier Sgt. Robert James "R.J." Stephens Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.327. U.S. Army PFC Keith N. Cantrell Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.328. Paul Blevins, Jr., and Michael Rogers Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.329. Stiles Brothers Vietnam Veteran Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.330. South Mickey Mantle Boulevard.
§69-1698.331. Terry L. Hoggatt Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.332. Jennifer McClendon Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.333. Maj. Charles E. Stiles Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.334. CSM Junior H. Honeycutt Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.335. Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.336. Joe W. McBride Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.337. Deputy Jarid Taylor Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.338. USAF Capt. Nick Karpis Vietnam Veteran Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.339. Sgt. Clyde Runyan Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.340. Sgt. Maj. Marvail Lewis Memorial Causeway.
§69-1698.341. County Commissioner Roy Rains Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.342. PFC Richard Tafoya Gurule Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.343. Capt. David Arthur Peters Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.344. Ray Davis Memorial Intersection.
§69-1698.345. Robert L. Horton Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.346. John L. Hayden Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.347. Creede Speake, Jr. Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.348. W.D. Bill Amis Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.349. SSG Michael R. Robson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.350. Carolyn Woods Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.351. Mayor Martin Dyer Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.352. Sgt. Craig Johnson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.353. U.S. Senator James Inhofe Interchange.
§69-1698.354. USS Arizona Survivor Lonnie D. Cook Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.355. Corporal Kyle Jeffrey Davis Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.356. Wilmot E. Chamberlain Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.357. Representative Howard Paul Cotner Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.358. Zachary Charles Keever Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.359. Deputy Robert L. Criswell Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.360. Addie Kate Colvard Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.361. Michael W. Johnson, P.E. Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.362. SGT John Burl Thompson Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.363. Historic Jefferson Highway Route.
§69-1698.364. Senator Roger Ballenger Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.365. Judge Dean Linder Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.366. Loyd Stout Highway.
§69-1698.367. SGT Ronald Crews Bridge.
§69-1698.368. MAJ Kerry "WarDog 6" Trent and SSG Michael D. Ward Memorial Trail.
§69-1698.369. SGT Billy Rodgers Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.370. Harold Haltom Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.371. Jerry Evans Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.372. WWII Veteran Roy J. "Junior" Herring Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.373. Womack Four Corners.
§69-1698.374. Edgar L. Hamm Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.375. Edward A. Hilliary, Jr. "Junior" Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.376. Okla. Horse Racing Hall of Fame Inductee Carl and Rozella Pevehouse Highway.
§69-1698.377. Bellmon Brothers Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.378. Army 2nd LT. Tobias Alexander Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.379. SGT Mycal Prince Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.380. SSGT Jerry Michael Chitwood Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.381. SP-4 Wilbert Gresham Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.382. Boone Pickens Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.383. William Mark Miller Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.384. SSG Rodney Aaron Hagan Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.385. OHP Captain Larry Jackson Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.386. Hunter Ford, Fernando Flores, Jack Sarver, and Kaleb Foster Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.387. Senator Billy A. Mickle Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.388. Undersheriff Monty Martin Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.389. Clarence and Ethel Branch Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.390. PFC Travis J. Grigg 101st Airborne Division Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.391. Cecil Davis Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.392. Gerald Holmes Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.393. Lt. Shirley Lanning Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.394. Senator Bruce L. Frazier WWII Veteran Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.395. Captain Mark A. Barker Memorial Highway.
§69-1698.396. SGT Ryan Hogan Memorial Bridge.
§69-1698.397. Mitchell Earls and Billy Stratton Memorial Bridge.
§69-1701. Purpose - Authority to construct, maintain, repair and operate projects.
§69-1704. Definitions - Concession contracts or leases.
§69-1705. Authority - Powers and duties.
§69-1705.1. Beginning and ending point of authorized turnpikes.
§69-1705.2. Restaurants and dump stations.
§69-1705.5. Tollgate - Feasibility study.
§69-1705.6. Luther interchange.
§69-1707. Acquisition of lands and interests therein.
§69-1708. Condemnation proceedings.
§69-1709. Turnpike revenue bonds.
§69-1710. Securing bonds by trust agreement.
§69-1712. Monies deemed trust funds.
§69-1713. Rights and remedies of bondholders and trustee.
§69-1714. Exemptions from taxation - Leased property subject to taxation.
§69-1715. Investments in bonds.
§69-1717.1. Transfer of project to state highway system.
§69-1718. Judicial determination of validity of bonds.
§69-1720. Annual report by Authority.
§69-1721. Law deemed supplemental and additional.
§69-1722.1. Turnpike rights-of-way - Removal of obstructions.
§69-1723. Oklahoma Turnpikes - Designation.
§69-1725. Will Rogers section.
§69-1726. Indian Nation Turnpike.
§69-1727. Apportionment of motor fuel taxes on fuels consumed on turnpikes - Limitations.
§69-1728. Minimum payments for engineering and legal services.
§69-1729. Determination of amount of fuel consumed on turnpikes.
§69-1730. Trust fund - Motor fuel tax revenues subject to expenditure and pledge.
§69-1731. Letting of contracts for turnpike construction.
§69-1732. Legislative power to alter or amend construction or location.
§69-1733. Prohibition on construction or financing under public trusts provisions.
§69-1734. Contractors - Solicitation by employees to procure insurance or surety bonds.
§69-1735. On-the-job employee safety program.
§69-1736. Honor the Fallen Revolving Fund.
§69-1801. Penalties for misdemeanor.
§69-1901. Liberal interpretation.
§69-1903. Agreements to construct, improve, repair or maintain city streets.
§69-1910. Agreements to repair streets or bridges within real estate development.
§69-1911. Transfer of Chickasaw Turnpike to Department of Transportation.
§69-1912. Road and highway mapping system.
§69-1913. Rural Economic Transportation Reliability and Optimization Fund.
§69-1930. Short title - Oklahoma Road User Charge Program.
§69-1931. Road User Charge Task Force.
§69-1932. Collection of charges or fees – Designated purpose.
§69-1963. Highway Construction Materials Technician Certification Board Revolving Fund.
§69-2001. Legislative findings and intent - Funding.
§69-2002. Authorized highway and bridge projects.
§69-3001. Authorization to construct toll expressways by means of public trusts.
§69-3002. Power of condemnation.
§69-3003. Financing - Trustees - Construction contract.
§69-3004. Connecting or feeder roads or streets.
§69-3005. Counties as trust beneficiaries.
§69-3006. Consent of governing body.
§69-3007. Personal injury or property damage - Liability.
§69-3008. Connections or crossings with state or county highways or streets.
§69-3009. Closing of existing streets or highways.
§69-3010. Applicability of sections 11-1401 through 11-1405 of Title 47 - Municipal ordinances.
§69-3011. "Toll Expressway" and "municipality" defined.
§69-3012. Judicial determination of validity of bonds.
§69-3013. Disclosure concerning expenditures.
§69-3014. Jurisdiction of district court.
§69-3016. Purpose - Counties of 500,000 or more exempt.
§69-3018. Determination of fuel consumption.
§69-3019. Financial interest - Penalties.
§69-3020. Provisions exclusive - Repeal of conflicting laws.
§69-4002. Department of Transportation and the Transportation Commission - Creation.
§69-4003. Continuation of appropriations
§69-4004. Department divisions
§69-4006. Transportation Commission - Name change
§69-4007. Director - Powers and duties.
§69-4012. Transfer of Authorities to the Division of Planning and Research
§69-4013. Department - Limitation of jurisdiction
§69-4015. Goldsby Airport - Responsibility for mowing.
§69-4016. Contributions, gifts, etc. to certain railroads and other entities prohibited.
§69-4017. On-the-job employee safety program.
§69-4019. Oklahoma State Safety Oversight Program.
§69-4020. Short title - Oklahoma Route 66 Centennial Commission Act.
§69-4020.1. Commission purpose.
§69-4020.2. Commission members – Duties - Dissolution.
§69-4023. Erection and maintenance of signs - Responsibilities of contractor.
§69-4025. Rules and regulations.
§69-4026. Required contract provisions.
§69-4031. Creation - Status - Availability of monies - Expenditures.
§69-4032. Allocation of funds to eligible entities.
§69-4035. Retention of certain percentage of monies to fund new mass transportation programs.