Oklahoma Statutes
Title 61. Public Buildings and Public Works
§61-328. Facilities management software program – Authority to procure software and implement program.

The Office of Management and Enterprise Services may:

1. Research and identify available facilities management software applications and existing facilities management software systems in other state agencies;
2. Procure facilities management software in accordance with the requirements of The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; and
3. Implement a comprehensive statewide facilities management software program in order to effectively identify state-owned real property and to efficiently and fiscally manage the long-range deferred maintenance funding requirements of such real property.
State agencies that have existing facilities management software systems shall cooperate with the Office in the integration of existing and future maintenance data into the statewide system database. It shall not be a requirement that the software directly interface with any other computer system. After full operational status of the management program is achieved, the Office of Management and Enterprise Services shall make an annual facilities condition assessment report to the Speaker of the Oklahoma House of Representatives, the President Pro Tempore of the State Senate, and the Governor. Provisions of this section shall not apply to the physical assets, buildings, and equipment of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 198, § 1, eff. July 1, 2006. Amended by Laws 2012, c. 304, § 819. Renumbered from § 129.4f of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 40, eff. July 1, 2013.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 61. Public Buildings and Public Works

§61-1. Bond to be furnished on public works contracts.

§61-2. Filing of bond - Action on bond - Subcontractors.

§61-3. Working day for public employees.

§61-4. Public contracts made on basis of eight-hour day.

§61-5. Penalty for violating two preceding sections.

§61-6. Public buildings - Home products - When to use.

§61-11. Public buildings - Facilities for people with disabilities - Additions to existing buildings.

§61-12. Plans and specifications - Approval.

§61-13. Definitions.

§61-17. Presumption as to consent to jurisdiction of Oklahoma courts.

§61-18. Liability of contractor after completion of contract work.

§61-19. Multi-year contracts for painting and other maintenance of water storage tanks.

§61-60. See the following versions:

§61-60v1. Mandatory consultant and construction contract forms - Exceptions.

§61-60v2. Mandatory consultant and construction contract forms - Exceptions.

§61-61. Definitions.

§61-62. Construction managers and consultants - Registration and selection.

§61-62.1. Contracts to be in accordance with Public Building Construction and Planning Act.

§61-62.2. Contracts for minor services.

§61-63. Ownership and control of plans, etc.

§61-64. Misdemeanor offenses - Punishment.

§61-65. Application of act - Emergencies.

§61-81. Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act.

§61-82. Definitions.

§61-83. Prohibited terms in bid specifications for public improvement projects.

§61-84. Prohibited contract terms prevent the award of applicable grants, tax abatements, or tax credits.

§61-85. Prohibited terms in bid specifications for public improvement projects.

§61-86. Applicability of act.

§61-101. Short title.

§61-102. Definitions.

§61-103. Governing law - Solicitation and award of contracts.

§61-103.2. Political subdivision may appoint purchasing agent.

§61-103.4. School districts – Erection of building or making improvements on force account basis.

§61-103.5. Right-of-way clearance by Transportation Commission and Authority – Competitive bidding not required.

§61-103.6. Expired.

§61-103.7. Contracts related to fish and wildlife conservation.

§61-103.8. State agencies to identify headquarters location of contracting companies – Provide reasons for choosing companies not headquartered in Oklahoma.

§61-104. Bid notices.

§61-105. Contents of bid notices.

§61-106. Bidding documents to be on file.

§61-107. Check, bond or irrevocable letter of credit to accompany bid.

§61-108. Written statement under oath to accompany bid.

§61-109. Late bids.

§61-110. Opening of bids.

§61-111. Time for awarding of contract.

§61-112. Bids, contracts, bonds open for public inspection.

§61-113. Execution of contract.

§61-113.1. See the following versions:

§61-113.1v1. Partial payment - Retainage.

§61-113.1v2. Partial payment - Retainage.

§61-113.2. Withdrawal of retainage - Deposit of securities.

§61-113.3. Interest - Rate.

§61-114. Conflict of interest.

§61-115. Collusion among bidders or material suppliers.

§61-116. Disclosure of terms of bids - Public agency engineering estimates.

§61-117. Award to other than lowest bidder.

§61-118. Prequalification of bidders.

§61-119. Rejection of bids.

§61-119.1. Certain contract to be negotiated when no bid is received.

§61-120. Assignment of contracts.

§61-121. Change orders or addenda.

§61-122. Taxpayer suits to enjoin execution of unlawful contracts.

§61-123. Supervisor's certification to accompany invoices - Exception.

§61-124. Inspections.

§61-125. Accounting procedure.

§61-126. Construction on force account basis.

§61-127. Contracts made by a public entity - Applicability.

§61-128. Builder’s risk insurance.

§61-129. Contracts exempt.

§61-130. Emergencies.

§61-131. Splitting of contracts - Punishment and fine.

§61-133. Law governing.

§61-134. Insurance or bond to be secured from carrier licensed in Oklahoma.

§61-135. Public agencies or officers not to exert influence in procuring particular bond or insurance.

§61-136. Conflicts with federal rules and regulations - Laws governing.

§61-137. Termination of certain unperformed contracts.

§61-138. Noncollusion affidavit attached to bid submitted to school district, county or municipality.

§61-139. Authority to enter into cooperative purchasing agreements.

§61-201. Short title – Public Facilities Act.

§61-202. See the following versions:

§61-202.1. Design-build and at-risk construction management project delivery methods - Authorization required - Exemptions.

§61-202v1. Definitions.

§61-202v2. Definitions.

§61-204. Office of Management and Enterprise Services - Duties.

§61-204.1. Expired.

§61-205. Access to records.

§61-207.2. Architects, engineers or land surveyors - Employment.

§61-208. Approval, negotiation and award of contracts - Costs exceeding estimated and available funding – Negotiations – Contracts for managed construction services delivery – Facility management and maintenance.

§61-208.1. Contracting for construction services - Fee.

§61-208.2. State Construction Revolving Fund.

§61-208.3. Exempted entities - Compliance with act.

§61-209. Rulemaking.

§61-210. Model shared savings contract.

§61-211. Selection of equipment on life cycle cost analysis basis.

§61-212. Performance-based efficiency contracts - Alternative to bidding process for certain contracts.

§61-213. Public building energy and environmental performance program.

§61-215. Short title - Public Construction Management Act for Political Subdivisions.

§61-216. Definitions.

§61-217. Construction managers – Written contract required – Procedure for awarding work.

§61-220.1. Design-build as project delivery method for public water supply, wastewater treatment facilities and wastewater collection systems.

§61-221. Short title.

§61-222. Definitions.

§61-223. Construction contracts - Progress payments - Reduction.

§61-224. Payment of subcontractor or sub-contractor or supplier - Time limit.

§61-225. Suspension or termination of construction contract - Payment.

§61-226. Retainage of portion of payment due - Release.

§61-227. Application of act - Void and unenforceable provisions, covenant, clauses or understandings.

§61-306. Property purchased from specific appropriations - Transfer to another department or institution.

§61-307. Property conveyed for public college or university – Implementation of transfer to designated board of regents - Limitations in deed.

§61-308. Oil or gas lease of lands of public institutions.

§61-309. Oil, gas and mineral leases upon state lands - Drilling contracts - Notice - Disposition of royalties, bonuses or rentals.

§61-310. Oil and gas leases upon described state-owned lands.

§61-311. Jurisdiction over lands covered by lease.

§61-312. Partial invalidity.

§61-313. Development for oil and gas purposes of certain state-owned lands in Oklahoma City authorized - Agreements.

§61-314. Use of other state-owned lands by lessees.

§61-316. Payment of proceeds into Maintenance of State Buildings Revolving Fund.

§61-317. Oil and gas or mineral leases of state lands other than Capitol lands and parkways.

§61-318. Lease of property formerly occupied by Russell Girls Home.

§61-319. Purpose or use for which leased.

§61-322. Easement and right-of-way grants - Exemptions.

§61-323. Leases - Exemptions.

§61-324. Director to take charge, manage and lease Capitol Building Lands.

§61-325. Inventory and appraisal - Sale.

§61-326. Disposition of proceeds - Leases for oil and gas purposes.

§61-327. Procedures for disposal or lease of certain state-owned real property.

§61-327.1. Written proposals for state-owned properties not subject to disposition.

§61-327.2. Proposals for investment real property.

§61-327.3. Transfer of certain public buildings to the Board of Regents for the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical Colleges – Authority to lease and purchase properties and facilities for relocation.

§61-328. Facilities management software program – Authority to procure software and implement program.

§61-330.1. Recording fee for Office of Management and Enterprise Services.

§61-334. Public buildings – Lactation room required.