Oklahoma Statutes
Title 3. Aircraft and Airports.
§3-205. Rental of aircraft - Notice of insurance coverage - Violations.

A. Every person who, in the ordinary course of his business, rents an aircraft to another person, shall deliver to that person a written notice stating the nature and extent of insurance coverage provided, if any, for the renter against loss of or damage to the hull of the aircraft, or against liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of the aircraft. Such notice shall contain the name of the person giving the notice, and shall be in substantially the following form:

As a renter of aircraft, you are hereby notified that:
(1) You (are) (are not) (strike phrase not applicable) insured under a policy or policies of insurance provided by the undersigned and providing liability coverage to renters of aircraft. If coverage is provided, it is in the amount of $____________________.
(2) You (are) (are not) (strike phrase not applicable) insured for hull damage to the aircraft. If hull insurance is provided, it is in the amount of $__________________.
(3) Although insurance may be provided for liability and/or hull coverage, the undersigned's insurance carrier has full rights to subrogate against you for any payments it may be required to make on account of any damage or loss arising out of your operation of the aircraft. It is suggested that you carry insurance to protect you to partially or fully cover this possibility.
(Signature of Person or Officer of Company Renting Aircraft)
Dated ____________, 19___
(Month) (Day) (Year)
B. The notice delivered pursuant to subsection A of this section shall constitute a material part of any rental agreement, and each renter shall give written acknowledgment of receipt of such notice.
Delivery of said notice to a renter shall cover all future rentals, unless the insurance coverage set forth in the original notice has been reduced or eliminated.
C. Any person convicted of violating any provision of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00).
Added by Laws 1987, c. 89, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1987.

Structure Oklahoma Statutes

Oklahoma Statutes

Title 3. Aircraft and Airports.

§3-61. Municipalities may acquire and operate airports - Eminent domain - Bonds.

§3-62. Leases.

§3-65.1. Definitions.

§3-65.2. General powers of municipalities in the establishment, acquisition, operation and maintenance of airports and air navigation facilities.

§3-65.3. Eminent domain.

§3-65.4. Disposal of airport property.

§3-65.5. Operation and use privileges.

§3-65.6. Liens.

§3-65.7. Delegation of authority to airport officer or board.

§3-65.8. Regulations and jurisdiction.

§3-65.9. Appropriations and taxation.

§3-65.10. Bond issues - Financing acquisitions, costs and improvements.

§3-65.11. Validation of prior acquisitions, actions and bond issues.

§3-65.12. Application of airport revenues and sale proceeds.

§3-65.13. Federal and state aid.

§3-65.14. Contracts.

§3-65.15. Joint operations.

§3-65.16. Public purpose, county and municipal purpose.

§3-65.17. Airport property and income exempt from taxation.

§3-65.18. Supplementary authority.

§3-65.19. Saving clause - Airport zoning.

§3-65.20. Interpretation and construction.

§3-65.22. Short title.

§3-81. Citation.

§3-82. Definitions.

§3-83. Purpose of act.

§3-84. Creation of Commission - Membership - Director of Aeronautics - Rules and regulations - Meetings - Office space.

§3-84.2. Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission - Detachment from Department of Transportation - Unclassified employees - Transfer of personnel, property and records - Funding.

§3-85. Powers and duties of Commission.

§3-85.1. Powers of commission - Acceptance of title to real or personal property - Improvements.

§3-85.3. Aerospace and Defense Development Act of 2013.

§3-86. Public and governmental functions.

§3-87. Use of facilities, services and resources of other agencies - Cooperation.

§3-88. Provisions not mandatory.

§3-89. Transfer of powers and duties.

§3-90. Construction and repair of airports in various counties - Minimum runways - Federal funds.

§3-91. Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission Revolving Fund.

§3-92. Lease of state-owned lands for oil, gas, mining and agricultural purposes.

§3-93. Disposition of funds received.

§3-100. Short title.

§3-101. Definitions.

§3-102. Airport hazards contrary to public interest.

§3-102.1. Permit for erection, alteration or modification of certain structures.

§3-102.2. Zoning regulations to permit certain variances.

§3-103. Power to adopt airport zoning regulations - Joint boards.

§3-104. Relation to comprehensive zoning regulations.

§3-105. Procedure for adoption of zoning regulations.

§3-106. Airport zoning requirements.

§3-107. Permits and variances.

§3-108. Appeals.

§3-109. Administration of airport zoning regulations.

§3-110. Board of Adjustment.

§3-111. Judicial review.

§3-112. Enforcement and remedies.

§3-113. Acquisition of air rights.

§3-116. Preparation of zoning codes.

§3-120.1. Short title - Aircraft Pilot and Passenger Protection Act.

§3-120.2. Definitions.

§3-120.3. Construction permit.

§3-120.4. Construction of structure for an incompatible purpose.

§3-120.5. Hazards to air navigation.

§3-120.6. Permit application - Required components.

§3-120.7. Permit application - With or without FAA Form 7460-1.

§3-120.8. Application process after issuance of permit - Amending a permit.

§3-120.9. Validity of permit issued under Section 3 of Aircraft Pilot and Passenger Protection Act.

§3-120.10. Notification of denial of permit.

§3-120.11. Applicability of act.

§3-120.12. Violation of act - Fine.

§3-120.13. Application fee.

§3-120.14. Authority to promulgate rules.

§3-121. Anemometer towers.

§3-201. State owned aircraft - Liability insurance - Limits.

§3-205. Rental of aircraft - Notice of insurance coverage - Violations.

§3-251. Policy.

§3-252. Aircraft, defined.

§3-253. Aircraft - Exemptions.

§3-254. Application for registration.

§3-254.1. Sale of new or used aircraft – Dealer licenses – Denial, suspension and revocation - Fine.

§3-254.2. Definitions.

§3-254.3. Fraud - False or misleading statements - Unfair business practices - Failure to comply with agreement.

§3-254.4. Termination, cancellation, nonrenewal of agreement - Good cause - Notice.

§3-254.5. Private right of action - Damages - Applicability - Effect on multiple contracts - Dealer.

§3-254.6. Application.

§3-255. Certificates of registration - Filing - Fees.

§3-256. Registration fees - Schedule and rates.

§3-256.1. Lien filing fee - Agency special account.

§3-256.2. Aircraft in process of manufacture - Registration fee - Documentation of personal property used or consumed - Report to Tax Commission - Violation - Penalty.

§3-257. Rules and regulations.

§3-258. Operating aircraft not registered with FAA Office of Aircraft Registry - Supplying false information relating to ownership or identity of aircraft.

§3-259. Destruction, etc., of federal registration number or serial number of aircraft - Removal of manufacturer's identification number plate or decal from aircraft - Sale, etc., of aircraft with identification number removed or falsified.

§3-271. Possession of airman's certificate and medical certificate while operating aircraft.

§3-281. Installation of nonconforming fuel tank, bladder, drum, or other container.

§3-301. Operation of aircraft under influence of intoxicants - Definitions - Penalties - Treatment.

§3-302. Tests to determine concentration of intoxicants - Implied consent.

§3-303. Drawing or collecting of specimens - Use as evidence - Independent tests.

§3-304. Refusal to submit to testing.

§3-305. Admissibility of evidence - Evidence of intoxication.

§3-306. Report of conviction to federal agency.

§3-307. Permitting aircraft to be operated by person under influence of intoxicant - Penalties.

§3-308. Proof of intoxication by other competent evidence.

§3-321. Possession of aircraft without consent of owner - Injury or tampering with aircraft - Manipulating aircraft mechanisms.

§3-322. Critical infrastructure facility – Unmanned aircraft prohibited.

§3-351. Short title – Space Flight Liability and Immunity Act – Definitions.

§3-352. Liability.

§3-353. Warning statement.

§3-373. Short title - Oklahoma Advanced Mobility Pilot Program.

§3-374. Focus of program – Eligible communities – Advisory Council – Matching grant awards.

§3-375. Oklahoma Advanced Mobility Pilot Project Revolving Fund.

§3-401. Competitive bidding process for contracts.

§3-411. Short title - Oklahoma Air Service Development Grant Program.

§3-412. Definitions.

§3-413. Oklahoma Air Service Development Grant Program.

§3-414. Oklahoma Air Service Development Grant Program Revolving Fund.

§3-421. Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission established as clearinghouse for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).