Effective: April 7, 2004
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 23 - 125th General Assembly
In considering whether to suspend or revoke a permit issued under Chapter 4303. of the Revised Code or to issue an order allowing a permit holder to elect to pay a forfeiture under section 4301.252 of the Revised Code, the liquor control commission shall consider whether the permit holder and the permit holder's employees have successfully completed a training program that includes all of the following:
(A) Instruction on the statutes and rules that govern the sale of beer, wine, mixed beverages, and intoxicating liquor;
(B) Instruction on the prevention of the illegal serving of beer, wine, mixed beverages, and intoxicating liquor to persons under twenty-one years of age;
(C) Use of conflict management skills in alcohol-related situations;
(D) Instruction on methods to safely evacuate the premises of a permit holder in an emergency.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4301 | Liquor Control Law
Section 4301.01 | Liquor Control Definitions.
Section 4301.011 | General Assembly Finding - Sole and Exclusive Regulation of Alcohol.
Section 4301.02 | Division of Liquor Control Organization.
Section 4301.021 | Superintendent of Liquor Control Powers.
Section 4301.022 | Liquor Control Commission.
Section 4301.03 | Liquor Control Commission Rules.
Section 4301.04 | Liquor Control Commission Powers.
Section 4301.041 | Minimum Percentage Mark-Up for Sales at Retail of Beer.
Section 4301.042 | Pricing Practices Rules for Beer Sales.
Section 4301.06 | Division of Liquor Control Publications and Hearings.
Section 4301.07 | Liquor Control Commission Members.
Section 4301.08 | Bond of Liquor Control Commission, Superintendent, Employees.
Section 4301.10 | Division of Liquor Control Powers and Duties.
Section 4301.101 | Superintendent of Liquor Control Rules.
Section 4301.102 | Administration, Collection, and Enforcement of County Sports Facility Liquor Tax.
Section 4301.11 | Leases of State Liquor Stores.
Section 4301.12 | Custody, Safekeeping, and Deposit of Funds.
Section 4301.13 | Rules for Dealing in and Distributing and Selling Bottled Wine.
Section 4301.14 | Rules for Equitable Distribution of Supplies of Spirituous Liquor.
Section 4301.15 | Violating Rules for Equitable Distribution.
Section 4301.16 | Accounting for Moneys Received From the Sale of Liquor.
Section 4301.17 | State Liquor Stores or Agencies.
Section 4301.171 | Tasting Samples of Spirituous Liquor.
Section 4301.172 | Agency Store Hours of Sale.
Section 4301.19 | Sale of Spirituous Liquor by Division of Liquor Control.
Section 4301.20 | Exemptions From Liquor Control Law.
Section 4301.201 | Homemade Beer and Wine.
Section 4301.21 | Rules for Sale of Beer or Intoxicating Liquor for Consumption on the Premises.
Section 4301.23 | Sales of Sacramental Wine for Religious Rites.
Section 4301.24 | Rules for Manufacturers and Wholesale Distributors.
Section 4301.241 | Sales Area or Territory for B-1 Permit Holder to Be Brand Distributor.
Section 4301.242 | Manufacturers and Wholesale Distributors - Permitted Conduct.
Section 4301.243 | Giving Things of Value in Connection With Purchase of Alcoholic Beverage.
Section 4301.244 | Beer Not Intoxicating Liquor.
Section 4301.245 | Use of Social Media for Advertising.
Section 4301.246 | Gifts of Glassware.
Section 4301.25 | Suspension or Revocation of Liquor Permit.
Section 4301.252 | Option of Paying Forfeiture Rather Than Suspending Operations.
Section 4301.253 | Training Program.
Section 4301.26 | No-Fault Cancellation of Permits.
Section 4301.27 | Revoking or Cancelling Permits.
Section 4301.28 | Appeals to Liquor Control Commission.
Section 4301.29 | Seizure of Beer, Intoxicating Liquor or Alcohol.
Section 4301.30 | Deposit and Distribution of Fees.
Section 4301.31 | Jurisdiction - Immunity.
Section 4301.32 | Local Option Privilege.
Section 4301.323 | Conditions for Exercising Privilege of Local Option at a Particular Location.
Section 4301.324 | Local Option - Community Facility.
Section 4301.33 | Local Option Petition.
Section 4301.331 | Local Option - Premises Adjudged a Nuisance.
Section 4301.333 | Local Option Petition Contesting a Particular Location.
Section 4301.334 | Local Option Petition Contesting Community Facility.
Section 4301.34 | Petition Requirements.
Section 4301.35 | Election and Form of Ballots on Four Question Election.
Section 4301.351 | Election and Form of Ballots on Sunday Sales.
Section 4301.352 | Election and Form of Ballots Concerning Particular Permit Premises.
Section 4301.355 | Election and Form of Ballots Contesting a Particular Location.
Section 4301.356 | Election and Form of Ballots Contesting Community Facility.
Section 4301.36 | Effect of Four Question Election.
Section 4301.361 | Effect of Sunday Sales Election.
Section 4301.362 | Effect of Particular Permit Premises Election.
Section 4301.365 | Effect of Election Concerning Particular Location.
Section 4301.366 | Effect of Election Concerning Community Facility.
Section 4301.37 | Local Option Elections Effective for Four Years.
Section 4301.39 | Notification and Results of Local Option Elections.
Section 4301.391 | Operation Inconsistent With Results of Local Option Election.
Section 4301.40 | Local Option Elections Not to Affect or Prohibit Certain Permits.
Section 4301.401 | Permits Issued in Premises Located in Annexed Territory Valid.
Section 4301.404 | Center for Preservation of Wild Animals Exemptions.
Section 4301.41 | Refund of Permit Fee Upon Cancellation.
Section 4301.42 | Tax on Sale of Beer in Sealed Bottles and Cans.
Section 4301.421 | Tax Levies to Finance Sports Facilities.
Section 4301.422 | Retail Sellers Liable for County Tax.
Section 4301.423 | Crediting and Distribution of Tax Receipts.
Section 4301.424 | Tax Levies to Finance Construction or Renovation of Sports Facility.
Section 4301.43 | Tax on Sale and Distribution of Wine and Mixed Beverages.
Section 4301.433 | Out-of State Wine Bottlers to Furnish Invoices.
Section 4301.44 | Tax Commissioner to Administer Liquor Taxes.
Section 4301.441 | Disclosure of Information Provided by Department of Taxation.
Section 4301.45 | Seizure of Beer or Intoxicating Liquors Transported or Possessed Illegally.
Section 4301.46 | Credit of Moneys Received.
Section 4301.47 | Record Retention.
Section 4301.48 | False Entries on Invoices or Containers Prohibited.
Section 4301.49 | Prevention or Hindrance of Inspection.
Section 4301.50 | Distribution or Sale of Beverages Without Tax Prohibited.
Section 4301.52 | Seizure of Wine, Mixed Beverage, or Beer Upon Which Tax Has Not Been Paid.
Section 4301.53 | Search Warrants - Seizure of Property.
Section 4301.54 | Retaliatory Tax on Liquor Products Sold In, Delivered, or Shipped Into Ohio.
Section 4301.57 | Fines and Forfeited Bonds.
Section 4301.58 | Permits Required.
Section 4301.59 | False or Fraudulent Statement in Warehouse Receipts.
Section 4301.60 | Illegal Transportation of Beer, Intoxicating Liquor, or Alcohol Prohibited.
Section 4301.62 | Opened Container of Beer or Intoxicating Liquor Prohibited at Certain Premises.
Section 4301.63 | Purchase of Beer or Intoxicating Liquor by Persons Under Twenty-One Prohibited.
Section 4301.635 | Compliance Check.
Section 4301.637 | Warning Cards as to Underage Persons and Person Carrying Firearms.
Section 4301.638 | Modification on Other Sections Not Intended.
Section 4301.639 | False Identification Accepted in Good Faith.
Section 4301.64 | Prohibition Against Consumption of Beer or Intoxicating Liquor in Motor Vehicle.
Section 4301.65 | Sale, Purchase, or Use of Alcohol Vaporizing Device Prohibited.
Section 4301.66 | Obstructing Inspection or Search of Premises Prohibited.
Section 4301.67 | Illegal Possession of Spirituous or Intoxicating Liquor or Beer Prohibited.
Section 4301.68 | Sale of Liquor in Diluted, Refilled, or Partly Refilled Containers Prohibited.
Section 4301.69 | Underage Persons Offenses Concerning.
Section 4301.70 | Violations Not Otherwise Specified.
Section 4301.71 | Sale of Powdered or Crystalline Alcohol.
Section 4301.72 | Liquor Taxes Are Lien on Property of Permit Holder.
Section 4301.74 | Violation of Nuisance Injunction.
Section 4301.77 | Providing Social Security Numbers.
Section 4301.80 | Community Entertainment District Application.
Section 4301.81 | Application for Revitalization District Designation.
Section 4301.82 | Designated Outdoor Refreshment Areas.
Section 4301.83 | Waiver to Serve Alcohol at Major Event.
Section 4301.991 | Notice of Conviction or Acquittal of Liquor Control Violations.