Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3734 | Solid and Hazardous Wastes
Section 3734.914 | Required Signage.

Effective: April 25, 2008
Latest Legislation: House Bill 169 - 127th General Assembly
(A) A retailer that displays for sale and sells lead-acid batteries in the state shall post a sign that shall be at least eight and one-half inches by eleven inches in size, use lettering that is at least thirty point font in size, display the universal recycling symbol, and contain all of the following language:
(1) "It is illegal to discard a used lead-acid battery."
(2) "Recycle your used batteries."
(3) "State law requires us to accept used lead-acid batteries for recycling in exchange for new batteries purchased."
(B) This section does not apply to a motor vehicle dealer that is licensed under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 37 | Health-Safety-Morals

Chapter 3734 | Solid and Hazardous Wastes

Section 3734.01 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Definitions.

Section 3734.02 | Rules for Inspection and Licensing of Solid Waste Facilities.

Section 3734.021 | Standards for Generators and Transporters of Infectious Wastes and Owners and Operators of Treatment Facilities.

Section 3734.023 | Off-Site Infectious Waste Treatment Facility Definitions.

Section 3734.024 | Funding for Municipal Corporation or Township for Conducting Environmental Monitoring Programs in Connection With Off-Site Infectious Waste Treatment Facilities.

Section 3734.025 | Return and Remittance of Fees by Owner or Operator.

Section 3734.026 | Procedures for Remitting Fees.

Section 3734.027 | Low-Level Radioactive Waste - Prohibited Activities.

Section 3734.028 | Standards of Quality for Compost Products.

Section 3734.029 | Application to Compost Products Produced by Facility Composting Dead Animals.

Section 3734.03 | Open Burning or Open Dumping.

Section 3734.04 | Inspection - Enforcement.

Section 3734.041 | Explosive Gas Monitoring Plan for Landfill.

Section 3734.042 | Complaint of Presence of Vectors at Scrap Tire Collection, Storage, Monocell, Monofill, or Recovery Facility.

Section 3734.05 | Licensing Requirements.

Section 3734.058 | Limiting Regulations by Local Authorities.

Section 3734.06 | Annual Fee for Solid Waste Facility License - Special Fund - Special Infectious Waste Fund.

Section 3734.061 | Waste Management Fund.

Section 3734.07 | Facilities to Be Inspected - Certification - Right of Entry.

Section 3734.08 | Annual Survey.

Section 3734.09 | Suspension, Revocation, Denial of License.

Section 3734.10 | Injunction.

Section 3734.101 | Civil Action.

Section 3734.11 | Prohibited Acts.

Section 3734.12 | Director of Environmental Protection - Powers and Duties.

Section 3734.121 | List of Hazardous Wastes Generated Within State.

Section 3734.122 | Storage and Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Substances, Equipment, and Devices Containing or Contaminated With Polychlorinated Biphenyls.

Section 3734.123 | Assessment of Commercial Hazardous Waste Incinerator Capacity in State.

Section 3734.124 | Restrictions on Incinerators.

Section 3734.125 | Rules Governing Beneficial Use of Material From a Horizontal Well.

Section 3734.13 | Enforcement and Emergency Orders.

Section 3734.14 | Exchange, Use, and Recovery of Resources From Hazardous Waste.

Section 3734.141 | Disposing of Acute Hazardous Waste.

Section 3734.15 | Registration and Liability of Transporters and Acceptors of Hazardous Waste.

Section 3734.16 | Generator's Liability for Intentional Violation.

Section 3734.17 | Prohibiting Accepting Waste After Violation by Generator.

Section 3734.18 | Fees - Hazardous Waste Facility Management Fund.

Section 3734.19 | Request to Survey the Locations or Facilities.

Section 3734.20 | Investigations.

Section 3734.21 | Paying Costs of Closing, Constructing or Restoring Facilities.

Section 3734.22 | Agreement With Owner Prior to Cleanup.

Section 3734.23 | Acquiring Facility Constituting Imminent and Substantial Threat - Restoration Contracts.

Section 3734.24 | Transferring or Selling Cleaned Up Facility.

Section 3734.25 | Paying Portion of Costs of Closing Facility or Abating Pollution.

Section 3734.26 | Grants to and Contracts With Owner of Facility.

Section 3734.27 | Application and Survey to Precede Grant.

Section 3734.28 | Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Fund.

Section 3734.281 | Environmental Protection Remediation Fund.

Section 3734.282 | Natural Resource Damages Fund.

Section 3734.29 | Claim for Personal Injuries or Real Property Damage Resulting From Violation.

Section 3734.30 | State's Liability for Injury or Damage.

Section 3734.31 | Inspecting and Monitoring Facilities.

Section 3734.35 | Affected Community May Request Compensation Agreement.

Section 3734.40 | Policy as to Off-Site Treatment, Storage and Disposal of Wastes.

Section 3734.41 | Qualifications of Licensees and Related Persons Definitions.

Section 3734.42 | Disclosure Statement.

Section 3734.43 | Investigative Demand by Attorney General.

Section 3734.44 | Issuance or Renewal of Permit or License.

Section 3734.45 | Causes for Revocation.

Section 3734.46 | Effect of Disqualification.

Section 3734.47 | Investigations and Review of Applications for Permits and Licenses.

Section 3734.49 | Materials Management Advisory Council.

Section 3734.50 | State Solid Waste Management Plan.

Section 3734.501 | Annual Review of Solid Waste Management in State.

Section 3734.52 | Establishing County or Joint Solid Waste Management Districts.

Section 3734.521 | Change in District Composition.

Section 3734.53 | Contents of County or Joint Solid Waste Management District Plan.

Section 3734.531 | Effect of Failure of District to Add Members to Policy Committee or Board of Trustees.

Section 3734.54 | Preparing and Submitting Solid Waste Management Plan.

Section 3734.55 | Preliminary Review of Draft Plan.

Section 3734.551 | Reimbursement of Director for Expenses of Preparing and Ordering Implementation of Plan or Amended Plan.

Section 3734.56 | Submission of Amended Plan and Certification.

Section 3734.57 | Fees for Waste Disposal.

Section 3734.571 | Disposal Fees Where District Has No Facilities.

Section 3734.572 | Disposal Fee to Defray Costs of Initial Plan of District Without Disposal Facility.

Section 3734.573 | Fee for Generation of Solid Wastes Within District.

Section 3734.574 | Generation and Disposal Fees.

Section 3734.575 | Report of Fees and Accounts.

Section 3734.576 | Exemption of Automotive Shredder Residue From Generation Fee.

Section 3734.577 | Exemption From Fees Prohibited.

Section 3734.578 | Fees Inapplicable to Solid Waste Used as Alternative Daily Cover.

Section 3734.60 | Plastic Containers Labeled With Code for Basic Material Used in Bottle or Container.

Section 3734.61 | Mercury Devices Definitions.

Section 3734.62 | Purchase of Mercury-Added Measuring Device for Classroom Use.

Section 3734.63 | Sale of Mercury-Containing Thermometer for Promotional Purposes.

Section 3734.64 | Sale of Mercury-Added Novelty for Promotional Purposes.

Section 3734.65 | Sale or Installation of Mercury-Containing Thermostat.

Section 3734.70 | Scrap Tire Collection Facilities Rules.

Section 3734.71 | Scrap Tire Storage Facilities Rules.

Section 3734.72 | Scrap Tire Monocell and Monofill Facilities Rules.

Section 3734.73 | Scrap Tire Recovery Facilities Rules.

Section 3734.74 | Scrap Tire Transportation Rules.

Section 3734.75 | Submitting to Written Notice - Collection Facility.

Section 3734.76 | Submitting to Written Notice - Storage Facility.

Section 3734.77 | Notice of Operation by Owner or Operator of a Scrap Tire Monocell or Monofill Facility.

Section 3734.78 | Submitting to Written Notice - Restoration Facility.

Section 3734.79 | Permit Application Fees.

Section 3734.80 | Municipal Corporation, County, or Township Regulations.

Section 3734.81 | Obtaining License From Board of Health or Director of Environmental Protection Agency.

Section 3734.82 | Annual Fee for Scrap Tire Recovery Facility License - Scrap Tire Management Fund.

Section 3734.822 | Scrap Tire Grant Fund.

Section 3734.83 | Registration of Transporters.

Section 3734.84 | Notification Requirements for Persons Who Beneficially Use Scrap Tires.

Section 3734.85 | Enforcement and Removal.

Section 3734.86 | Disposal of Off-Road Construction and Mining Equipment Tires.

Section 3734.87 | Report and Recommendations of Director of Environmental Protection.

Section 3734.90 | Tire Sales Fee Definitions.

Section 3734.901 | Tire Fee Administrative Fund.

Section 3734.902 | Tax Commissioner Administration and Enforcement.

Section 3734.903 | Liability of Wholesale Distributor and Retail Dealer.

Section 3734.904 | Filing Returns.

Section 3734.905 | Refund of Fee.

Section 3734.906 | Records.

Section 3734.907 | Personal Liability.

Section 3734.908 | Dissolution, Termination, or Bankruptcy Does Not Discharge Personal Liability.

Section 3734.909 | Limitation on Assessment.

Section 3734.9010 | Tire Fee Administrative Fund.

Section 3734.9011 | Registration of Wholesale Distributors, Retail Dealers.

Section 3734.9012 | Wholesale Distributor to Provide Statement to Customers.

Section 3734.9013 | Prohibited Acts.

Section 3734.9014 | Maintaining List of Registered Distributors.

Section 3734.91 | Definitions - Lead Acid Batteries.

Section 3734.911 | Prohibiting Commingling of Used Lead-Acid Batteries.

Section 3734.912 | Duties of Retailer.

Section 3734.913 | Duties of Wholesaler.

Section 3734.914 | Required Signage.

Section 3734.915 | No Signage for Lead-Acid Battery Cases.

Section 3734.99 | Penalty.