Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3734 | Solid and Hazardous Wastes
Section 3734.71 | Scrap Tire Storage Facilities Rules.

Effective: March 30, 1995
Latest Legislation: House Bill 685 - 120th General Assembly
The director of environmental protection, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt and may amend or rescind rules having uniform application throughout the state governing scrap tire storage facilities and the inspection of and issuance of registration certificates and permits, as applicable, and licenses for those facilities in order to ensure that the facilities are located, maintained, operated, and closed in a manner that does not create a nuisance, hazard to public health or safety, or fire hazard. The rules shall do all of the following:
(A) Establish standards governing the location, design, construction, operation, and closure of scrap tire storage facilities, including, without limitation, standards governing facilities for the storage of scrap tires by submergence in a body of water;
(B) Specify the criteria that the owner or operator of an existing or proposed scrap tire storage facility shall consider in determining whether to apply for a registration certificate or a permit for the facility, which shall be based on the approximate number or quantity in weight or volume of scrap tires stored or to be stored at the facility and the potential for an adverse effect on the environment;
(C) Limit the land area of a scrap tire storage facility on which scrap tires actually are stored to ten thousand square feet unless the owner or operator of the storage facility also owns or operates either of the following to which the tires stored at the storage facility will be transported:
(1) A scrap tire monocell, monofill, or recovery facility licensed under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code, in which case the land area on which scrap tires actually are stored at the scrap tire storage facility shall be limited to three acres;
(2) A scrap tire monocell, monofill, or recovery facility, or any other solid waste disposal facility authorized to dispose of scrap tires, that is located in another state and is operating in compliance with the laws of that state, in which case the land area on which scrap tires actually are stored at the scrap tire storage facility in this state shall be limited to three acres.
(D) Require submission to the director of a surety bond, a letter of credit, or other acceptable financial assurance, as specified by the director in the rules, in an amount established by the director as necessary for the removal and proper disposal of scrap tires from such a facility, fire suppression, or other measures to abate hazards to public health or safety or the environment occurring at such a facility;
(E) Require the development and maintenance of contingency plans to minimize unanticipated damage to public health or safety or the environment from fire or other sudden accidental occurrences at scrap tire storage facilities;
(F) Require the maintenance of records and submission to the director of periodic reports regarding the number or quantity in weight or volume of scrap tires received at and shipped from scrap tire storage facilities, the disposition of scrap tires shipped from the facilities, and the number or quantity in weight or volume of scrap tires present at the facilities;
(G) Prohibit the owner or operator of a scrap tire storage facility from arranging the transportation or delivery to, or receipt of scrap tires by, any facilities or premises other than any of the following:
(1) A scrap tire recovery facility licensed under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code;
(2) A scrap tire monocell or monofill facility licensed under section 3734.81 of the Revised Code;
(3) A solid waste incineration or energy recovery facility subject to regulation under this chapter;
(4) A facility located in this state that will beneficially use the scrap tires stored at the facility;
(5) A scrap tire storage, monocell, monofill, or recovery facility, any other solid waste disposal facility that is authorized to dispose of scrap tires, or a facility that will beneficially use the scrap tires, that is located in another state and is operating in compliance with the laws of that state.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 37 | Health-Safety-Morals

Chapter 3734 | Solid and Hazardous Wastes

Section 3734.01 | Solid and Hazardous Waste Definitions.

Section 3734.02 | Rules for Inspection and Licensing of Solid Waste Facilities.

Section 3734.021 | Standards for Generators and Transporters of Infectious Wastes and Owners and Operators of Treatment Facilities.

Section 3734.023 | Off-Site Infectious Waste Treatment Facility Definitions.

Section 3734.024 | Funding for Municipal Corporation or Township for Conducting Environmental Monitoring Programs in Connection With Off-Site Infectious Waste Treatment Facilities.

Section 3734.025 | Return and Remittance of Fees by Owner or Operator.

Section 3734.026 | Procedures for Remitting Fees.

Section 3734.027 | Low-Level Radioactive Waste - Prohibited Activities.

Section 3734.028 | Standards of Quality for Compost Products.

Section 3734.029 | Application to Compost Products Produced by Facility Composting Dead Animals.

Section 3734.03 | Open Burning or Open Dumping.

Section 3734.04 | Inspection - Enforcement.

Section 3734.041 | Explosive Gas Monitoring Plan for Landfill.

Section 3734.042 | Complaint of Presence of Vectors at Scrap Tire Collection, Storage, Monocell, Monofill, or Recovery Facility.

Section 3734.05 | Licensing Requirements.

Section 3734.058 | Limiting Regulations by Local Authorities.

Section 3734.06 | Annual Fee for Solid Waste Facility License - Special Fund - Special Infectious Waste Fund.

Section 3734.061 | Waste Management Fund.

Section 3734.07 | Facilities to Be Inspected - Certification - Right of Entry.

Section 3734.08 | Annual Survey.

Section 3734.09 | Suspension, Revocation, Denial of License.

Section 3734.10 | Injunction.

Section 3734.101 | Civil Action.

Section 3734.11 | Prohibited Acts.

Section 3734.12 | Director of Environmental Protection - Powers and Duties.

Section 3734.121 | List of Hazardous Wastes Generated Within State.

Section 3734.122 | Storage and Disposal of Polychlorinated Biphenyls, Substances, Equipment, and Devices Containing or Contaminated With Polychlorinated Biphenyls.

Section 3734.123 | Assessment of Commercial Hazardous Waste Incinerator Capacity in State.

Section 3734.124 | Restrictions on Incinerators.

Section 3734.125 | Rules Governing Beneficial Use of Material From a Horizontal Well.

Section 3734.13 | Enforcement and Emergency Orders.

Section 3734.14 | Exchange, Use, and Recovery of Resources From Hazardous Waste.

Section 3734.141 | Disposing of Acute Hazardous Waste.

Section 3734.15 | Registration and Liability of Transporters and Acceptors of Hazardous Waste.

Section 3734.16 | Generator's Liability for Intentional Violation.

Section 3734.17 | Prohibiting Accepting Waste After Violation by Generator.

Section 3734.18 | Fees - Hazardous Waste Facility Management Fund.

Section 3734.19 | Request to Survey the Locations or Facilities.

Section 3734.20 | Investigations.

Section 3734.21 | Paying Costs of Closing, Constructing or Restoring Facilities.

Section 3734.22 | Agreement With Owner Prior to Cleanup.

Section 3734.23 | Acquiring Facility Constituting Imminent and Substantial Threat - Restoration Contracts.

Section 3734.24 | Transferring or Selling Cleaned Up Facility.

Section 3734.25 | Paying Portion of Costs of Closing Facility or Abating Pollution.

Section 3734.26 | Grants to and Contracts With Owner of Facility.

Section 3734.27 | Application and Survey to Precede Grant.

Section 3734.28 | Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Fund.

Section 3734.281 | Environmental Protection Remediation Fund.

Section 3734.282 | Natural Resource Damages Fund.

Section 3734.29 | Claim for Personal Injuries or Real Property Damage Resulting From Violation.

Section 3734.30 | State's Liability for Injury or Damage.

Section 3734.31 | Inspecting and Monitoring Facilities.

Section 3734.35 | Affected Community May Request Compensation Agreement.

Section 3734.40 | Policy as to Off-Site Treatment, Storage and Disposal of Wastes.

Section 3734.41 | Qualifications of Licensees and Related Persons Definitions.

Section 3734.42 | Disclosure Statement.

Section 3734.43 | Investigative Demand by Attorney General.

Section 3734.44 | Issuance or Renewal of Permit or License.

Section 3734.45 | Causes for Revocation.

Section 3734.46 | Effect of Disqualification.

Section 3734.47 | Investigations and Review of Applications for Permits and Licenses.

Section 3734.49 | Materials Management Advisory Council.

Section 3734.50 | State Solid Waste Management Plan.

Section 3734.501 | Annual Review of Solid Waste Management in State.

Section 3734.52 | Establishing County or Joint Solid Waste Management Districts.

Section 3734.521 | Change in District Composition.

Section 3734.53 | Contents of County or Joint Solid Waste Management District Plan.

Section 3734.531 | Effect of Failure of District to Add Members to Policy Committee or Board of Trustees.

Section 3734.54 | Preparing and Submitting Solid Waste Management Plan.

Section 3734.55 | Preliminary Review of Draft Plan.

Section 3734.551 | Reimbursement of Director for Expenses of Preparing and Ordering Implementation of Plan or Amended Plan.

Section 3734.56 | Submission of Amended Plan and Certification.

Section 3734.57 | Fees for Waste Disposal.

Section 3734.571 | Disposal Fees Where District Has No Facilities.

Section 3734.572 | Disposal Fee to Defray Costs of Initial Plan of District Without Disposal Facility.

Section 3734.573 | Fee for Generation of Solid Wastes Within District.

Section 3734.574 | Generation and Disposal Fees.

Section 3734.575 | Report of Fees and Accounts.

Section 3734.576 | Exemption of Automotive Shredder Residue From Generation Fee.

Section 3734.577 | Exemption From Fees Prohibited.

Section 3734.578 | Fees Inapplicable to Solid Waste Used as Alternative Daily Cover.

Section 3734.60 | Plastic Containers Labeled With Code for Basic Material Used in Bottle or Container.

Section 3734.61 | Mercury Devices Definitions.

Section 3734.62 | Purchase of Mercury-Added Measuring Device for Classroom Use.

Section 3734.63 | Sale of Mercury-Containing Thermometer for Promotional Purposes.

Section 3734.64 | Sale of Mercury-Added Novelty for Promotional Purposes.

Section 3734.65 | Sale or Installation of Mercury-Containing Thermostat.

Section 3734.70 | Scrap Tire Collection Facilities Rules.

Section 3734.71 | Scrap Tire Storage Facilities Rules.

Section 3734.72 | Scrap Tire Monocell and Monofill Facilities Rules.

Section 3734.73 | Scrap Tire Recovery Facilities Rules.

Section 3734.74 | Scrap Tire Transportation Rules.

Section 3734.75 | Submitting to Written Notice - Collection Facility.

Section 3734.76 | Submitting to Written Notice - Storage Facility.

Section 3734.77 | Notice of Operation by Owner or Operator of a Scrap Tire Monocell or Monofill Facility.

Section 3734.78 | Submitting to Written Notice - Restoration Facility.

Section 3734.79 | Permit Application Fees.

Section 3734.80 | Municipal Corporation, County, or Township Regulations.

Section 3734.81 | Obtaining License From Board of Health or Director of Environmental Protection Agency.

Section 3734.82 | Annual Fee for Scrap Tire Recovery Facility License - Scrap Tire Management Fund.

Section 3734.822 | Scrap Tire Grant Fund.

Section 3734.83 | Registration of Transporters.

Section 3734.84 | Notification Requirements for Persons Who Beneficially Use Scrap Tires.

Section 3734.85 | Enforcement and Removal.

Section 3734.86 | Disposal of Off-Road Construction and Mining Equipment Tires.

Section 3734.87 | Report and Recommendations of Director of Environmental Protection.

Section 3734.90 | Tire Sales Fee Definitions.

Section 3734.901 | Tire Fee Administrative Fund.

Section 3734.902 | Tax Commissioner Administration and Enforcement.

Section 3734.903 | Liability of Wholesale Distributor and Retail Dealer.

Section 3734.904 | Filing Returns.

Section 3734.905 | Refund of Fee.

Section 3734.906 | Records.

Section 3734.907 | Personal Liability.

Section 3734.908 | Dissolution, Termination, or Bankruptcy Does Not Discharge Personal Liability.

Section 3734.909 | Limitation on Assessment.

Section 3734.9010 | Tire Fee Administrative Fund.

Section 3734.9011 | Registration of Wholesale Distributors, Retail Dealers.

Section 3734.9012 | Wholesale Distributor to Provide Statement to Customers.

Section 3734.9013 | Prohibited Acts.

Section 3734.9014 | Maintaining List of Registered Distributors.

Section 3734.91 | Definitions - Lead Acid Batteries.

Section 3734.911 | Prohibiting Commingling of Used Lead-Acid Batteries.

Section 3734.912 | Duties of Retailer.

Section 3734.913 | Duties of Wholesaler.

Section 3734.914 | Required Signage.

Section 3734.915 | No Signage for Lead-Acid Battery Cases.

Section 3734.99 | Penalty.