Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3317 | Foundation Program
Section 3317.16 | Computation and Distribution of State Core Foundation Funding to Joint Vocational School Districts.

Effective: September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation: House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
The department of education shall compute and distribute state core foundation funding to each funding unit that is a joint vocational school district for the fiscal year as follows:
For fiscal years 2022 and 2023:
The district's funding base + [(the district's state core foundation funding components for that fiscal year calculated under divisions (A)(1), (2), (4), (5), and (6) of this section - the district's general funding base) X the district's general phase-in percentage for that fiscal year] + [(the district's disadvantaged pupil impact aid for that fiscal year calculated under division (A)(3) of this section - the district's disadvantaged pupil impact aid funding base) X the district's phase-in percentage for disadvantaged pupil impact aid for that fiscal year]
For fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, the sum of the district's state core foundation funding components for that fiscal year calculated under divisions (A)(1), (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6) of this section.
(A) A district's state core foundation funding components shall be all of the following:
(1) The district's state share of the base cost, which is equal to the following:
(a) For fiscal years 2022 and 2023, an amount calculated according to the following formula:
(The district's base cost calculated under section 3317.012 of the Revised Code) - (0.0005 X the lesser of the district's three-year average valuation or the district's most recent valuation)
However, no district shall receive an amount under division (A)(1) of this section that is less than 0.05 times the base cost calculated for the district under section 3317.012 of the Revised Code.
(b) For fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, an amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly.
(2) Additional state aid for special education and related services provided under Chapter 3323. of the Revised Code calculated as follows:
(a) For fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the sum of the following:
(i) The district's category one special education ADM X the multiple specified in division (A) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code X the statewide average base cost per pupil for that fiscal year X the district's state share percentage;
(ii) The district's category two special education ADM X the multiple specified in division (B) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code X the statewide average base cost per pupil for that fiscal year X the district's state share percentage;
(iii) The district's category three special education ADM X the multiple specified in division (C) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code X the statewide average base cost per pupil for that fiscal year X the district's state share percentage;
(iv) The district's category four special education ADM X the multiple specified in division (D) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code X the statewide average base cost per pupil for that fiscal year X the district's state share percentage;
(v) The district's category five special education ADM X the multiple specified in division (E) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code X the statewide average base cost per pupil for that fiscal year X the district's state share percentage;
(vi) The district's category six special education ADM X the multiple specified in division (F) of section 3317.013 of the Revised Code X the statewide average base cost per pupil for that fiscal year X the district's state share percentage.
(b) For fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, the sum of the following:
(i) An amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly times the funding unit's category one special education ADM;
(ii) An amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly times the funding unit's category two special education ADM;
(iii) An amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly times the funding unit's category three special education ADM;
(iv) An amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly times the funding unit's category four special education ADM;
(v) An amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly times the funding unit's category five special education ADM;
(vi) An amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly times the funding unit's category six special education ADM.
(3) Disadvantaged pupil impact aid calculated as follows:
(a) For fiscal years 2022 and 2023, an amount calculated according to the following formula:
$422 X the district's economically disadvantaged index X the number of students who are economically disadvantaged as certified under division (D)(2)(p) of section 3317.03 of the Revised Code
(b) For fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, an amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly.
(4) English learner funds calculated as follows:
(a) For fiscal years 2022 and 2023, the sum of the following:
(i) The district's category one English learner ADM X the multiple specified in division (A) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code X the statewide average base cost per pupil for that fiscal year X the district's state share percentage;
(ii) The district's category two English learner ADM X the multiple specified in division (B) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code X the statewide average base cost per pupil for that fiscal year X the district's state share percentage;
(iii) The district's category three English learner ADM X the multiple specified in division (C) of section 3317.016 of the Revised Code X the statewide average base cost per pupil for that fiscal year X the district's state share percentage.
(b) For fiscal year 2024 and each fiscal year thereafter, the sum of the following:
(i) An amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly times the funding unit's category one English learner ADM;
(ii) An amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly times the funding unit's category two English learner ADM;
(iii) An amount calculated in a manner determined by the general assembly times the funding unit's category three English learner ADM.
(5) Career-technical education funds calculated under division (C) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code.
(6) Career-technical education associated services funds calculated under division (D) of section 3317.014 of the Revised Code.
(B)(1) If a joint vocational school district's costs for a fiscal year for a student in its categories two through six special education ADM exceed the threshold catastrophic cost for serving the student, as specified in division (B) of section 3317.0214 of the Revised Code, the district may submit to the superintendent of public instruction documentation, as prescribed by the superintendent, of all of its costs for that student. Upon submission of documentation for a student of the type and in the manner prescribed, the department shall pay to the district an amount equal to the sum of the following:
(a) One-half of the district's costs for the student in excess of the threshold catastrophic cost;
(b) The product of one-half of the district's costs for the student in excess of the threshold catastrophic cost multiplied by the district's state share percentage.
(2) The district shall report under division (B)(1) of this section, and the department shall pay for, only the costs of educational expenses and the related services provided to the student in accordance with the student's individualized education program. Any legal fees, court costs, or other costs associated with any cause of action relating to the student may not be included in the amount.
(C)(1) For each student with a disability receiving special education and related services under an individualized education program, as defined in section 3323.01 of the Revised Code, at a joint vocational school district, the resident district or, if the student is enrolled in a community school, the community school shall be responsible for the amount of any costs of providing those special education and related services to that student that exceed the sum of the amount calculated for those services attributable to that student under division (A) of this section.
Those excess costs shall be calculated using a formula approved by the department.
(2) The board of education of the joint vocational school district may report the excess costs calculated under division (C)(1) of this section to the department of education.
(3) If the board of education of the joint vocational school district reports excess costs under division (C)(2) of this section, the department shall pay the amount of excess cost calculated under division (C)(2) of this section to the joint vocational school district and shall deduct that amount as provided in division (C)(3)(a) or (b) of this section, as applicable:
(a) If the student is not enrolled in a community school, the department shall deduct the amount from the account of the student's resident district pursuant to division (J) of section 3317.023 of the Revised Code.
(b) If the student is enrolled in a community school, the department shall deduct the amount from the account of the community school pursuant to section 3314.083 of the Revised Code.
(D) A joint vocational school district shall spend the funds it receives under division (A)(3) of this section in accordance with section 3317.25 of the Revised Code.
(E) For fiscal years 2022 and 2023, a school district shall spend the funds it receives under division (A)(4) of this section only for services for English learners.
(F) As used in this section:
(1) "Community school" means a community school established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code.
(2) "Resident district" means the city, local, or exempted village school district in which a student is entitled to attend school under section 3313.64 or 3313.65 of the Revised Code.
Last updated August 11, 2021 at 12:44 PM

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 33 | Education-Libraries

Chapter 3317 | Foundation Program

Section 3317.01 | School Foundation Program; Eligibility; Administration of Funds.

Section 3317.011 | City, Local, and Exempted Village School District Base Cost.

Section 3317.012 | Joint Vocational School District Base Cost.

Section 3317.013 | Special Education Program Multiples.

Section 3317.014 | Career-Tech Education Program Funding.

Section 3317.015 | Certification of Additional Information.

Section 3317.016 | Amounts for English Learners.

Section 3317.017 | City, Local, and Exempted Village School District Per-Pupil Local Capacity Amount.

Section 3317.018 | Statewide Average Base Cost per Pupil.

Section 3317.019 | Temporary Transitional Aid.

Section 3317.0110 | Community and Stem School Base Cost.

Section 3317.02 | Definitions.

Section 3317.021 | Tax Commissioner Information for School Funding Computations.

Section 3317.022 | Formulas for State Operating Funds to School Districts, Schools, and Scholarships.

Section 3317.023 | Adjustments to Amount Paid to District.

Section 3317.024 | Amounts Paid to School Districts and Schools for Certain Purposes.

Section 3317.025 | Recomputation Excluding Certain Property Where Value Is Disputed.

Section 3317.026 | Community or Stem School Unit Payment Amount.

Section 3317.028 | Recomputing Where Change in Taxable Value.

Section 3317.0210 | Adjusting for Taxes Uncollectable Due to Bankruptcy.

Section 3317.0211 | Adjusting for Uncollected Port Authority Taxes.

Section 3317.0212 | Transportation Payment.

Section 3317.0213 | Additional State Aid for Preschool Special Education Children.

Section 3317.0214 | Additional State Aid to School Districts for Students in Categories Two Through Six Special Education Adm.

Section 3317.0215 | Catastrophic Cost Pool.

Section 3317.0217 | Targeted Assistance Funding.

Section 3317.0218 | Supplemental Targeted Assistance Funding.

Section 3317.03 | Report of Average Daily Membership Figures and Additional Data.

Section 3317.031 | Membership Record for Each Pupil - Mandatory Compliance.

Section 3317.032 | Membership Record of Preschool Children With Disabilities.

Section 3317.033 | Joint Vocational District to Maintain Record of Persons Not Eligible for Inclusion in Average Daily Membership.

Section 3317.034 | Enrollment Status.

Section 3317.035 | Annual Audits of Certified Membership - Other Information.

Section 3317.036 | Enrollment Reports.

Section 3317.037 | Attendance Records for Career-Technical Planning District.

Section 3317.05 | Calculating Payments of Approved Career-Technical Education Units.

Section 3317.051 | Calculation of Gifted Funding Units.

Section 3317.06 | Providing Materials to Nonpublic Schools.

Section 3317.061 | Annual Report on Teaching Staff.

Section 3317.062 | Use of Appropriations to Chartered Nonpublic Schools for Auxiliary Services.

Section 3317.063 | Reimbursing Nonpublic School for Mandated Service Costs.

Section 3317.064 | Auxiliary Services Mobile Unit Replacement and Repair Fund.

Section 3317.07 | Reassignment of School Buses.

Section 3317.071 | Bus Purchasing Grants.

Section 3317.072 | Transportation Collaboration Grants.

Section 3317.08 | Tuition for Nonresident Pupils.

Section 3317.081 | Computing Tuition.

Section 3317.082 | Tuition for Children in Care of Department of Youth Services.

Section 3317.09 | State and Federal Moneys to Account for and Coded - Annual Statistical Report.

Section 3317.10 | Certifying Number of Ohio Works First Children in District.

Section 3317.11 | Educational Service Center Funding.

Section 3317.12 | Salary Schedule and List of Job Classifications for Nonteaching School Employees.

Section 3317.13 | Minimum Salary Schedule for Teachers.

Section 3317.14 | Boards to Annually Adopt Teachers' Salary Schedule.

Section 3317.141 | Recipients of Race to the Top Program Grants.

Section 3317.15 | Children With Disabilities; Speech-Language Pathology and Psychological Services.

Section 3317.16 | Computation and Distribution of State Core Foundation Funding to Joint Vocational School Districts.

Section 3317.161 | Approval of Career-Technical Education Programs.

Section 3317.162 | Temporary Transitional Aid for Joint Vocational School Districts.

Section 3317.164 | Business Work-Based Learning Financial Incentives.

Section 3317.18 | Withholding Payments in Order to Pay Debt Charges on Securities.

Section 3317.19 | Computation and Distribution of Payments to Cooperative Education School Districts.

Section 3317.20 | Calculation of Payment to County Dd Board.

Section 3317.201 | Payment to Institutions Providing Special Education Services.

Section 3317.23 | Enrollment in Dropout Prevention Recovery Program.

Section 3317.231 | Adoption of Rules.

Section 3317.24 | Enrollment in Program to Earn High School Diploma.

Section 3317.25 | Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid Spending.

Section 3317.30 | Payment for Services for Child in Juvenile Facility.

Section 3317.40 | Accountability for Funding.

Section 3317.50 | Telecommunity Education Fund.

Section 3317.51 | Distance Learning Fund.