Effective: July 20, 2004
Latest Legislation: House Bill 130 - 125th General Assembly
On the request of the person in charge of admissions of a school or a person described under division (A)(1)(b) of section 2151.421 of the Revised Code, the court in which the power of attorney or caretaker authorization affidavit was filed shall verify whether a power of attorney or caretaker authorization affidavit has been filed under section 3109.74 of the Revised Code with respect to a child.
Structure Ohio Revised Code
Title 31 | Domestic Relations-Children
Section 3109.01 | Age of Majority.
Section 3109.011 | Capacity of Person Given Consent to Marry.
Section 3109.02 | Exception for Veterans.
Section 3109.03 | Equality of Parental Rights and Responsibilities.
Section 3109.041 | Custody Decrees Issued Prior to Shared Parenting Provisions.
Section 3109.042 | Custody Rights of Unmarried Mother.
Section 3109.043 | Temporary Custody Order While Action Pending.
Section 3109.05 | Child Support Determinations.
Section 3109.051 | Parenting Time - Companionship or Visitation Rights.
Section 3109.052 | Mediation of Differences as to Allocating Parental Rights and Responsibilities.
Section 3109.053 | Parenting Classes or Counseling.
Section 3109.06 | Certification to Juvenile Court.
Section 3109.061 | Construction of Sections 2151.233 to 2151.236.
Section 3109.09 | Liability of Parents for Willful Damage of Property or Theft by Their Children.
Section 3109.10 | Liability of Parents for Willful and Malicious Assaults by Their Children.
Section 3109.12 | Mother Unmarried - Parenting Time, Companionship or Visitation Rights.
Section 3109.13 | Prevention of Child Abuse and Child Neglect Definitions.
Section 3109.14 | Fees for Vital Statistics Records.
Section 3109.15 | Children's Trust Fund Board.
Section 3109.16 | Powers of the Board.
Section 3109.17 | Biennial State Plan for Comprehensive Child Abuse and Child Neglect Prevention.
Section 3109.171 | Child Abuse and Child Neglect Prevention Regions.
Section 3109.172 | Child Abuse and Child Neglect Regional Prevention Councils.
Section 3109.173 | Regional Prevention Coordinator.
Section 3109.174 | Submission of Regional Prevention Plan.
Section 3109.175 | Evaluation of Plans.
Section 3109.176 | Denial or Reduction of Funding.
Section 3109.177 | Primary Prevention Strategies.
Section 3109.178 | Requests for Start-Up Costs.
Section 3109.401 | State Policy on Parent and Child Relationship.
Section 3109.41 | Parent Killing Other Parent Definitions.
Section 3109.42 | Ineligibility for Custody of Parent Killing Other Parent.
Section 3109.43 | Ineligibility for Visitation Rights of Parent Killing Other Parent.
Section 3109.44 | Notice by Court Where Parent Convicted of Killing Other Parent.
Section 3109.45 | Termination of Visitation Order Upon Receipt of Notice.
Section 3109.46 | Termination of Custody Order Upon Receipt of Notice.
Section 3109.47 | Custody or Visitation Granted to Surviving Parent.
Section 3109.48 | Visit to Surviving Parent With Child Present.
Section 3109.50 | Definitions.
Section 3109.501 | Children Conceived as Result of Rape or Sexual Battery; Declaration of Paternity.
Section 3109.502 | Continuation of Declaration of Paternity Proceedings During Criminal Proceedings.
Section 3109.503 | Notice of Parental Rights.
Section 3109.504 | Granting of Parental Rights Prohibited.
Section 3109.505 | Consolidation of Actions.
Section 3109.506 | Rights of Relatives.
Section 3109.507 | Revocation or Modification of Order.
Section 3109.51 | Definitions.
Section 3109.52 | Power of Attorney for Residential Grandparent.
Section 3109.53 | Form of Power of Attorney for Residential Grandparent.
Section 3109.54 | Signatures - Notarization.
Section 3109.55 | Notice of Creation of Power of Attorney.
Section 3109.56 | Requirements for Creating Power of Attorney.
Section 3109.57 | Further Requirements for Creating Power of Attorney.
Section 3109.58 | Pending Proceedings May Preclude Creation of Power of Attorney.
Section 3109.59 | Termination of Power of Attorney.
Section 3109.60 | Notice of Termination.
Section 3109.62 | Military Power of Attorney.
Section 3109.65 | Caretaker Authorization Affidavit.
Section 3109.66 | Form of Caretaker Authorization Affidavit.
Section 3109.67 | Execution of Affidavit.
Section 3109.68 | Pending Proceedings May Preclude Creation of Affidavit.
Section 3109.69 | Limitations on Authority Granted by Affidavit.
Section 3109.70 | Termination of Affidavit.
Section 3109.71 | Notice of Termination.
Section 3109.72 | Negation of Actions Taken Under Caretaker Authorization Affidavit.
Section 3109.74 | Filing With Court.
Section 3109.75 | Verification of Filing.
Section 3109.78 | Purpose May Void Power or Affidavit.
Section 3109.79 | Child Support Order Unaffected by Power or Affidavit.
Section 3109.80 | Only One Power or Affidavit May Be in Effect at a Time.