Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 3109 | Children
Section 3109.401 | State Policy on Parent and Child Relationship.

Effective: March 22, 2001
Latest Legislation: House Bill 548 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) The general assembly finds the following:
(1) That the parent and child relationship is of fundamental importance to the welfare of a child, and that the relationship between a child and each parent should be fostered unless inconsistent with the child's best interests;
(2) That parents have the responsibility to make decisions and perform other parenting functions necessary for the care and growth of their children;
(3) That the courts, when allocating parenting functions and responsibilities with respect to the child in a divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, annulment, or any other proceeding addressing the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities, must determine the child's best interests;
(4) That the courts and parents must take into consideration the following general principles when allocating parental rights and responsibilities and developing appropriate terms for parenting plans:
(a) Children are served by a parenting arrangement that best provides for a child's safety, emotional growth, health, stability, and physical care.
(b) Exposure of the child to harmful parental conflict should be minimized as much as possible.
(c) Whenever appropriate, parents should be encouraged to meet their responsibilities to their children through agreements rather than by relying on judicial intervention.
(d) When a parenting plan provides for mutual decision-making responsibility by the parents but they are unable to make decisions mutually, they should make a good faith effort to utilize the mediation process as required by the parenting plan.
(e) In apportioning between the parents the daily physical living arrangements of the child and the child's location during legal and school holidays, vacations, and days of special importance, a court should not impose any type of standard schedule unless a standard schedule meets the needs of the child better than any proposed alternative parenting plan.
(B) It is, therefore, the purpose of this chapter, when it is in the child's best interest, to foster the relationship between the child and each parent when a court allocates parental rights and responsibilities with respect to the child in a divorce, dissolution, legal separation, annulment, or any other proceeding addressing the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities.
(C) There is hereby created the task force on family law and children consisting of twenty-four members. The Ohio state bar association shall appoint three members who shall be attorneys with extensive experience in the practice of family law. The Ohio association of domestic relations judges shall appoint three members who shall be domestic relations judges. The Ohio association of juvenile and family court judges shall appoint three members who shall be juvenile or family court judges. The chief justice of the supreme court shall appoint eight members, three of whom shall be persons who practice in the field of family law mediation, two of whom shall be persons who practice in the field of child psychology, one of whom shall be a person who represents parent and child advocacy organizations, one of whom shall be a person who provides parenting education services, and one of whom shall be a magistrate employed by a domestic relations or juvenile court. The speaker of the house of representatives shall appoint two members who shall be members of the house of representatives and who shall be from different political parties. The president of the senate shall appoint two members who shall be members of the senate and who shall be from different political parties. The governor shall appoint two members who shall represent child caring agencies. One member shall be the director of job and family services or the director's designee. The chief justice shall designate one member of the task force to chair the task force.
The appointing authorities and persons shall make appointments to the task force on family law and children within thirty days after September 1, 1998. Sections 101.82 to 101.87 of the Revised Code do not apply to the task force.
(D) The task force on family law and children shall do all of the following:
(1) Appoint and fix the compensation of any technical, professional, and clerical employees and perform any services that are necessary to carry out the powers and duties of the task force on family law and children. All employees of the task force shall serve at the pleasure of the task force.
(2) By July 1, 2001, submit to the speaker and minority leader of the house of representatives and to the president and the minority leader of the senate a report of its findings and recommendations on how to create a more civilized and constructive process for the parenting of children whose parents do not reside together. The recommendations shall propose a system to do all of the following:
(a) Put children first;
(b) Provide families with choices before they make a decision to obtain or finalize a divorce, dissolution, legal separation, or annulment;
(c) Redirect human services to intervention and prevention, rather than supporting the casualties of the current process;
(d) Avoid needless conflict between the participants;
(e) Encourage problem solving among the participants;
(f) Force the participants to act responsibly;
(g) Shield both the participants and their children from lasting emotional damage.
(3) Gather information on and study the current state of family law in this state;
(4) Collaborate and consult with entities engaged in family and children's issues including, but not limited to, the Ohio association of child caring agencies, the Ohio family court feasibility study, and the Ohio courts futures commission;
(5) Utilize findings and outcomes from pilot projects conducted by the Ohio family court feasibility study to explore alternatives in creating a more civilized and constructive process for the parenting of children whose parents do not reside together with an emphasis on the areas of mediation and obtaining visitation compliance.
(E) Courts of common pleas shall cooperate with the task force on family law and children in the performance of the task force's duties described in division (D) of this section.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 31 | Domestic Relations-Children

Chapter 3109 | Children

Section 3109.01 | Age of Majority.

Section 3109.011 | Capacity of Person Given Consent to Marry.

Section 3109.02 | Exception for Veterans.

Section 3109.03 | Equality of Parental Rights and Responsibilities.

Section 3109.04 | Allocating Parental Rights and Responsibilities for Care of Children - Shared Parenting.

Section 3109.041 | Custody Decrees Issued Prior to Shared Parenting Provisions.

Section 3109.042 | Custody Rights of Unmarried Mother.

Section 3109.043 | Temporary Custody Order While Action Pending.

Section 3109.05 | Child Support Determinations.

Section 3109.051 | Parenting Time - Companionship or Visitation Rights.

Section 3109.052 | Mediation of Differences as to Allocating Parental Rights and Responsibilities.

Section 3109.053 | Parenting Classes or Counseling.

Section 3109.06 | Certification to Juvenile Court.

Section 3109.061 | Construction of Sections 2151.233 to 2151.236.

Section 3109.07 | Appeals.

Section 3109.09 | Liability of Parents for Willful Damage of Property or Theft by Their Children.

Section 3109.10 | Liability of Parents for Willful and Malicious Assaults by Their Children.

Section 3109.11 | Companionship or Visitation Rights for Parents or Other Relatives of Deceased Mother or Father.

Section 3109.12 | Mother Unmarried - Parenting Time, Companionship or Visitation Rights.

Section 3109.13 | Prevention of Child Abuse and Child Neglect Definitions.

Section 3109.14 | Fees for Vital Statistics Records.

Section 3109.15 | Children's Trust Fund Board.

Section 3109.16 | Powers of the Board.

Section 3109.17 | Biennial State Plan for Comprehensive Child Abuse and Child Neglect Prevention.

Section 3109.171 | Child Abuse and Child Neglect Prevention Regions.

Section 3109.172 | Child Abuse and Child Neglect Regional Prevention Councils.

Section 3109.173 | Regional Prevention Coordinator.

Section 3109.174 | Submission of Regional Prevention Plan.

Section 3109.175 | Evaluation of Plans.

Section 3109.176 | Denial or Reduction of Funding.

Section 3109.177 | Primary Prevention Strategies.

Section 3109.178 | Requests for Start-Up Costs.

Section 3109.179 | Rules.

Section 3109.19 | Parentage or Support Action Brought by Grandparent Who Is Providing Support to Child Born to Unmarried and Unemancipated Minors.

Section 3109.401 | State Policy on Parent and Child Relationship.

Section 3109.41 | Parent Killing Other Parent Definitions.

Section 3109.42 | Ineligibility for Custody of Parent Killing Other Parent.

Section 3109.43 | Ineligibility for Visitation Rights of Parent Killing Other Parent.

Section 3109.44 | Notice by Court Where Parent Convicted of Killing Other Parent.

Section 3109.45 | Termination of Visitation Order Upon Receipt of Notice.

Section 3109.46 | Termination of Custody Order Upon Receipt of Notice.

Section 3109.47 | Custody or Visitation Granted to Surviving Parent.

Section 3109.48 | Visit to Surviving Parent With Child Present.

Section 3109.50 | Definitions.

Section 3109.501 | Children Conceived as Result of Rape or Sexual Battery; Declaration of Paternity.

Section 3109.502 | Continuation of Declaration of Paternity Proceedings During Criminal Proceedings.

Section 3109.503 | Notice of Parental Rights.

Section 3109.504 | Granting of Parental Rights Prohibited.

Section 3109.505 | Consolidation of Actions.

Section 3109.506 | Rights of Relatives.

Section 3109.507 | Revocation or Modification of Order.

Section 3109.51 | Definitions.

Section 3109.52 | Power of Attorney for Residential Grandparent.

Section 3109.53 | Form of Power of Attorney for Residential Grandparent.

Section 3109.54 | Signatures - Notarization.

Section 3109.55 | Notice of Creation of Power of Attorney.

Section 3109.56 | Requirements for Creating Power of Attorney.

Section 3109.57 | Further Requirements for Creating Power of Attorney.

Section 3109.58 | Pending Proceedings May Preclude Creation of Power of Attorney.

Section 3109.59 | Termination of Power of Attorney.

Section 3109.60 | Notice of Termination.

Section 3109.61 | Immunity.

Section 3109.62 | Military Power of Attorney.

Section 3109.65 | Caretaker Authorization Affidavit.

Section 3109.66 | Form of Caretaker Authorization Affidavit.

Section 3109.67 | Execution of Affidavit.

Section 3109.68 | Pending Proceedings May Preclude Creation of Affidavit.

Section 3109.69 | Limitations on Authority Granted by Affidavit.

Section 3109.70 | Termination of Affidavit.

Section 3109.71 | Notice of Termination.

Section 3109.72 | Negation of Actions Taken Under Caretaker Authorization Affidavit.

Section 3109.73 | Immunity.

Section 3109.74 | Filing With Court.

Section 3109.75 | Verification of Filing.

Section 3109.76 | Determination of Custody After Notice of Revocation of Grandparent's Power of Attorney, Termination or Removal.

Section 3109.78 | Purpose May Void Power or Affidavit.

Section 3109.79 | Child Support Order Unaffected by Power or Affidavit.

Section 3109.80 | Only One Power or Affidavit May Be in Effect at a Time.