Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2329 | Execution Against Property
Section 2329.152 | Authorization of Private Selling Officer.

Effective: March 20, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 480 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) In every action demanding the judicial or execution sale of real estate, the county sheriff shall sell the real estate at a public auction, unless the judgment creditor files a motion with the court for an order authorizing a specified private selling officer to sell the real estate at a public auction. If the court authorizes a private selling officer to sell the real estate, the judgment creditor may seek to have the property sold by the private selling officer authorized by the court or by the county sheriff. If the judgment creditor elects to have the property sold by the private selling officer authorized by the court, the judgment creditor shall file with the clerk of the court a praecipe requesting the issuance of an order of appraisal to the sheriff and an order of sale to the private selling officer authorized by the court. Upon the filing of that praecipe, the clerk of the court shall immediately issue both of the following:
(1) An order of appraisal to the sheriff, who shall obtain an appraisal of the real estate in conformity with sections 2329.17 and 2329.18 of the Revised Code;
(2) An order of sale to the private selling officer, who, after the return or determination of the appraisal, shall advertise and sell the real estate in conformity with applicable provisions of sections 2329.01 to 2329.61 of the Revised Code.
(B)(1) As used in this division:
(a) "Business day" means a calendar day that is not a Saturday or Sunday or a legal holiday as defined in section 1.14 of the Revised Code.
(b) "Remote bid" means a bid submitted in writing via facsimile, electronic mail, or overnight delivery or courier.
(2) If the sale of the real estate is conducted at a physical location and not online, then each judgment creditor and lienholder who was a party to the action may submit a remote bid to the sheriff or the private selling officer. Each sheriff and private selling officer shall establish and maintain a facsimile number or an electronic mail address for use by judgment creditors and lienholders in submitting remote bids. Each remote bid shall be of a fixed maximum amount and shall be delivered to the sheriff or private selling officer on or before four-thirty p.m. on the business day immediately preceding the date of the sale.
(3) Before the sale, the sheriff or the private selling officer shall confirm receipt of the remote bid by sending notice of such receipt via facsimile or electronic mail to the judgment creditor or lienholder who submitted the remote bid. During the sale, the sheriff or the private selling officer shall place the remote bid on behalf of the judgment creditor or lienholder who submitted the remote bid. After the sale, the sheriff or the private selling officer shall provide notice of the results of the sale not later than the close of business on the day of the sale to all judgment creditors and lienholders who submitted remote bids. Such notice shall be sent via facsimile or electronic mail to the judgment creditor or lienholder or by posting the results of the sale on a public web site.
(4) If a sheriff or private selling officer fails to place a remote bid on behalf of a judgment creditor or lienholder to the prejudice of the judgment creditor or lienholder, then, upon the filing of a motion to vacate the sale within ten business days after the sale date, the sale shall be vacated.
(C)(1) A judgment creditor that obtains a court order authorizing a specified private selling officer to sell the real estate at a public auction pursuant to division (A) of this section may instruct the private selling officer to postpone the sale of the real estate one or more times, provided, however that all rescheduled sale dates shall be within one hundred eighty days of the initial sale date. Upon receiving this instruction, the private selling officer shall postpone the sale of the real estate by announcing that the sale is postponed. If the sale is at a physical location, this announcement shall be made at the sale and shall include the date, time, and place of the rescheduled sale of the real estate. If the sale is online, this announcement shall be made on the auction web site and shall include the date of the rescheduled sale of real estate. Each such announcement shall be deemed to meet the notice requirement in section 2329.26 of the Revised Code.
(2) If the judgment creditor does not wish to postpone the sale of the real estate, the judgment creditor may instruct the private selling officer to cancel the sale of the real estate. Upon receiving this instruction, the private selling officer shall cancel the sale of the real estate by announcing that the sale is canceled. If the sale is at a physical location, this announcement shall be made at the sale. If the sale is online, this announcement shall be made on the auction web site and shall remain posted there until at least the end of the seven-calendar-day bidding period described in division (E)(1)(a) of section 2329.152 of the Revised Code.
(3) If the sale of the real estate is postponed or canceled as described in divisions (C)(1) and (2) of this section, all bids made on the real estate prior to the postponement or cancellation of the sale shall be void.
(D)(1) If the judgment creditor obtains a court order to have the real estate sold by a private selling officer, then:
(a) The cost of the appraisal required by section 2329.17 of the Revised Code shall be taxed as costs in the case.
(b) The cost of the advertisement required by section 2329.26 of the Revised Code shall be taxed as costs in the case.
(c) The fee charged by the private selling officer and all costs incurred by the private selling officer other than the costs described in divisions (D)(1)(a) and (b) of this section shall be taxed as costs in the case up to an amount equal to one and one-half per cent of the sale price of the real estate. To the extent the fees and costs described in division (D)(1)(c) of this section exceed one and one-half per cent of the sale price of the real estate, they shall not be included in the amount necessary to redeem real estate under section 2329.33 of the Revised Code or in the calculation of any deficiency judgment under section 2329.08 of the Revised Code but rather shall be paid by the buyer of the property, the judgment creditor, or from the judgment creditor's portion of the proceeds of the sale.
(2) The private selling officer shall file with the court that issued the order of sale an itemized report of all appraisal, publication, marketing, and other expenses of a sale conducted under this section and all fees charged by the private selling officer for marketing the real estate or conducting the sale of the real estate, including the fee charged by the title agent or title insurance company for administrative services, if applicable, and title, escrow, and closing services.
(E)(1) The private selling officer who conducts a sale under this section may do any of the following:
(a) Market the real estate and conduct the public auction of the real estate online or at any physical location in the county in which the real estate is situated. If the auction occurs online, the auction shall be open for bidding for a minimum of seven calendar days, counted by excluding the day the auction is first open for bidding and, notwithstanding section 1.14 of the Revised Code, including all subsequent days.
(b) Hire a title insurance agent licensed under Chapter 3953. of the Revised Code or title insurance company authorized to do business under that chapter to assist the private selling officer in performing administrative services;
(c) Execute to the purchaser, or to the purchaser's legal representatives, a deed of conveyance of the real estate sold;
(d) Record on behalf of the purchaser the deed conveying title to the real estate sold, notwithstanding that the deed may not actually have been delivered to the purchaser prior to its recording.
(2) By placing a bid at a sale conducted pursuant to this section, a purchaser appoints the private selling officer who conducts the sale as agent of the purchaser for the sole purpose of accepting delivery of the deed.
(3) The private selling officer who conducts the sale shall hire a title insurance agent licensed under Chapter 3953. of the Revised Code or title insurance company authorized to do business under that chapter to perform title, escrow, and closing services related to the sale of the real estate.
(F) The fee charged by the title agent or title insurance company for services provided under divisions (E)(1)(b) and (3) of this section shall be taxed as costs in the case provided they are reasonable. Fees less than or equal to five hundred dollars are presumed to be reasonable. Fees exceeding five hundred dollars shall be paid only if authorized by a court order.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 23 | Courts-Common Pleas

Chapter 2329 | Execution Against Property

Section 2329.01 | Property Subject to Levy and Sale.

Section 2329.02 | Judgment Lien - Certificate of Judgment - Filing - Transfer.

Section 2329.021 | Foreign Judgment Defined.

Section 2329.022 | Filing and Status of Foreign Judgments.

Section 2329.023 | Notice of Filing.

Section 2329.024 | Stay.

Section 2329.025 | Fees.

Section 2329.026 | Optional Procedure.

Section 2329.027 | Uniformity of Interpretation.

Section 2329.03 | Lien Without Filing of Certificate.

Section 2329.04 | Judgments of Inferior Courts - Stay of Execution - Certificate in Lieu of Transcript.

Section 2329.05 | Judgment of Supreme Court.

Section 2329.06 | Lien of a Judgment When Action Removed to Supreme Court.

Section 2329.07 | Judgment May Become Dormant.

Section 2329.071 | Property Unsold Twelve Months After Decree.

Section 2329.08 | Limitation of Enforcement of Deficiency Judgment - Waiver - Pending Actions.

Section 2329.09 | Writ of Execution.

Section 2329.091 | Levying Officer to Execute Writ of Execution.

Section 2329.10 | Preference Between Writs of Execution.

Section 2329.11 | Order in Which Officer to Make Levy.

Section 2329.12 | Bond for Delivery of Goods and Chattels.

Section 2329.13 | Notice of Sale of Goods on Execution - Setting Aside or Confirmation of Sale.

Section 2329.14 | Execution Against Unsold Goods.

Section 2329.15 | Public and Private Sale of Goods on Execution.

Section 2329.151 | Conduct of Judicial Sale.

Section 2329.152 | Authorization of Private Selling Officer.

Section 2329.153 | Official Public Sheriff Sale Web Site; Integrated Auction Management System.

Section 2329.154 | Online Registration.

Section 2329.16 | Another Levy Allowed.

Section 2329.17 | Lands to Be Appraised.

Section 2329.18 | Copy of Appraisement to Be Left With Clerk.

Section 2329.19 | Extent of Lien of Judgment.

Section 2329.191 | Preliminary Judicial Report by Petitioner.

Section 2329.192 | State Lienholder as Party Defendant in Judicial Sale; Proceeds of Sale.

Section 2329.20 | Land Not to Be Sold for Less Than Two Thirds of Appraised Value.

Section 2329.21 | Purchaser to Add Enough to Pay Costs in Certain Cases.

Section 2329.211 | Sale Deposit.

Section 2329.22 | Rule as to Sale of Lands by State.

Section 2329.23 | Notices of Sale of Lands.

Section 2329.24 | Name of Township in Certain Cases.

Section 2329.25 | Property to Be Sold Without Valuation.

Section 2329.26 | Notice of Date, Time and Place of Sale.

Section 2329.27 | Public Notice Requirements - Setting Aside or Confirmation of Sale.

Section 2329.271 | Identifying Information Submitted by Purchaser.

Section 2329.272 | Open House of Property Prior to Sale.

Section 2329.28 | The Return of the Writ and Record Thereof.

Section 2329.29 | Disposition of Money Made Without Sale of Real Estate.

Section 2329.30 | Failure of Purchaser to Pay.

Section 2329.31 | Confirmation and Order for Deed.

Section 2329.311 | Sale of Property With No Minimum Bid; Right to Redeem.

Section 2329.312 | Reports by Levying Officers.

Section 2329.32 | Officer May Retain Purchase Money Until Sale Confirmed.

Section 2329.33 | Redemption by Judgment Debtor.

Section 2329.34 | Conveyance by Commissioner.

Section 2329.35 | Sheriff May Act for Master Commissioner.

Section 2329.36 | Deed of Sheriff, Master.

Section 2329.37 | Effect of Deed.

Section 2329.38 | Printer's Fee.

Section 2329.39 | Place of Sale.

Section 2329.40 | Alias Execution.

Section 2329.41 | Separate Levies Directed on Separate Tracts.

Section 2329.42 | Two or More Executions to Same Officer.

Section 2329.43 | Deeds for Lands Sold May Be Made by a Sheriff's Successor.

Section 2329.44 | Excess Payable to Debtor; Notice to Debtor.

Section 2329.45 | Reversal of Judgment.

Section 2329.46 | Remedy of Purchaser if Sale Invalid.

Section 2329.47 | Proceedings to Vacate Satisfaction of Judgment.

Section 2329.48 | Relief of Officer Who Levies Upon and Sells Wrong Property in Good Faith.

Section 2329.49 | Remedy When One of Cosureties Pays for Such Property.

Section 2329.50 | Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Judgments.

Section 2329.51 | New Appraisement.

Section 2329.52 | New Appraisement - Sale of Part - Terms of Sale.

Section 2329.53 | Return Day of Writ of Execution.

Section 2329.54 | Entry of Judgment Against Principal and Surety.

Section 2329.56 | Penalty for Neglecting to Serve as Appraiser.

Section 2329.57 | Execution Issued to Another County May Be Returned by Mail.

Section 2329.58 | Money Not to Be Forwarded by Mail.

Section 2329.59 | Entries on Execution Docket.

Section 2329.60 | Index to Execution Docket.

Section 2329.61 | Order of Sale Issued in Case Not on Trial Docket.

Section 2329.63 | Beneficiary Funds Exempt.

Section 2329.64 | Certain Property of Benevolent Societies Exempt.

Section 2329.65 | Property Kept to Put Out Fires Exempt.

Section 2329.66 | Exempted Interests and Rights.

Section 2329.661 | Certain Claims Not Exempted.

Section 2329.662 | Federal Exemption Not Authorized.

Section 2329.67 | Exemption Not Subject to Payment of Cost of Proceedings to Collect Debt.

Section 2329.68 | Appraisal of Exempted Property.

Section 2329.69 | Exemptions Apply to All Courts.

Section 2329.70 | Application for Appointment of Trustee.

Section 2329.71 | Participation by Secured Creditor in Trusteeship.

Section 2329.83 | Dower, Mansion House Rights Not Impaired.

Section 2329.84 | Goods Claimed by Third Parties.

Section 2329.85 | Trial of Right to Goods and Chattels.

Section 2329.86 | Finding of Judge.

Section 2329.90 | Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act Definitions.

Section 2329.91 | Enforcement of Foreign Country Judgment.

Section 2329.92 | When Judgment Not Enforceable - Reciprocity.

Section 2329.93 | Stay Pending Appeal.

Section 2329.94 | Scope and Construction.