Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2329 | Execution Against Property
Section 2329.02 | Judgment Lien - Certificate of Judgment - Filing - Transfer.

Effective: September 16, 1957
Latest Legislation: House Bill 616 - 102nd General Assembly
Any judgment or decree rendered by any court of general jurisdiction, including district courts of the United States, within this state shall be a lien upon lands and tenements of each judgment debtor within any county of this state from the time there is filed in the office of the clerk of the court of common pleas of such county a certificate of such judgment, setting forth the court in which the same was rendered, the title and number of the action, the names of the judgment creditors and judgment debtors, the amount of the judgment and costs, the rate of interest, if the judgment provides for interest, and the date from which such interest accrues, the date of rendition of the judgment, and the volume and page of the journal entry thereof.
No such judgment or decree shall be a lien upon any lands, whether or not situated within the county in which such judgment is rendered, registered under sections 5309.02 to 5309.98, inclusive, and 5310.01 to 5310.21, inclusive, of the Revised Code, until a certificate under the hand and official seal of the clerk of the court in which the same is entered or of record, stating the date and purport of the judgment, giving the number of the case, the full names of the parties, plaintiff and defendant, and the volume and page of the journal or record in which it is entered, or a certified copy of such judgment, stating such facts, is filed and noted in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the land is situated, and a memorial of the same is entered upon the register of the last certificate of title to the land to be affected.
Such certificate shall be made by the clerk of the court in which the judgment was rendered, under the seal of said court, upon the order of any person in whose favor such judgment was rendered or upon the order of any person claiming under him, and shall be delivered to the party so ordering the same; and the fee therefor shall be taxed in the costs of the action.
When any such certificate is delivered to the clerk of the court of common pleas of any county in this state, the same shall be filed by such clerk, and he shall docket and index it under the names of the judgment creditors and the judgment debtors in a judgment docket, which shall show as to each judgment all of the matters set forth in such certificate as required by this section. The fee for such filing, docketing, and indexing shall be taxed as increased costs of such judgment upon such judgment docket and shall be included in the lien of the judgment.
When the clerk of any court, other than that rendering the judgment, in whose office any such certificate is filed, has docketed and indexed the same, he shall indorse upon such certificate the fact of such filing with the date thereof and the volume and page of the docket entry of such certificate and shall return the same so indorsed to the clerk of the court in which the judgment was rendered, who shall note upon the original docket the fact of the filing of said certificate, showing the county in which the same was filed and the date of such filing. When such certificate is filed, docketed, and indexed in the office of the clerk of the court which rendered the judgment, such clerk shall likewise indorse the certificate and make like notation upon the original docket.
Each such judgment shall be deemed to have been rendered in the county in which is kept the journal of the court rendering the same, in which journal such judgment is entered.
Certificates or certified copies of judgments or decrees of any courts of general jurisdiction, including district courts of the United States, within this state, may be filed, registered, noted, and memorials thereof entered, in the office of the recorder of any county in which is situated land registered under sections 5309.02 to 5309.98, inclusive, and 5310.01 to 5310.21, inclusive, of the Revised Code, for the purpose of making such judgments liens upon such registered land.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the Revised Code, any judgment issued in a court of record may be transferred to any other court of record. Any proceedings for collection may be had on such judgment the same as if it had been issued by the transferee court.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 23 | Courts-Common Pleas

Chapter 2329 | Execution Against Property

Section 2329.01 | Property Subject to Levy and Sale.

Section 2329.02 | Judgment Lien - Certificate of Judgment - Filing - Transfer.

Section 2329.021 | Foreign Judgment Defined.

Section 2329.022 | Filing and Status of Foreign Judgments.

Section 2329.023 | Notice of Filing.

Section 2329.024 | Stay.

Section 2329.025 | Fees.

Section 2329.026 | Optional Procedure.

Section 2329.027 | Uniformity of Interpretation.

Section 2329.03 | Lien Without Filing of Certificate.

Section 2329.04 | Judgments of Inferior Courts - Stay of Execution - Certificate in Lieu of Transcript.

Section 2329.05 | Judgment of Supreme Court.

Section 2329.06 | Lien of a Judgment When Action Removed to Supreme Court.

Section 2329.07 | Judgment May Become Dormant.

Section 2329.071 | Property Unsold Twelve Months After Decree.

Section 2329.08 | Limitation of Enforcement of Deficiency Judgment - Waiver - Pending Actions.

Section 2329.09 | Writ of Execution.

Section 2329.091 | Levying Officer to Execute Writ of Execution.

Section 2329.10 | Preference Between Writs of Execution.

Section 2329.11 | Order in Which Officer to Make Levy.

Section 2329.12 | Bond for Delivery of Goods and Chattels.

Section 2329.13 | Notice of Sale of Goods on Execution - Setting Aside or Confirmation of Sale.

Section 2329.14 | Execution Against Unsold Goods.

Section 2329.15 | Public and Private Sale of Goods on Execution.

Section 2329.151 | Conduct of Judicial Sale.

Section 2329.152 | Authorization of Private Selling Officer.

Section 2329.153 | Official Public Sheriff Sale Web Site; Integrated Auction Management System.

Section 2329.154 | Online Registration.

Section 2329.16 | Another Levy Allowed.

Section 2329.17 | Lands to Be Appraised.

Section 2329.18 | Copy of Appraisement to Be Left With Clerk.

Section 2329.19 | Extent of Lien of Judgment.

Section 2329.191 | Preliminary Judicial Report by Petitioner.

Section 2329.192 | State Lienholder as Party Defendant in Judicial Sale; Proceeds of Sale.

Section 2329.20 | Land Not to Be Sold for Less Than Two Thirds of Appraised Value.

Section 2329.21 | Purchaser to Add Enough to Pay Costs in Certain Cases.

Section 2329.211 | Sale Deposit.

Section 2329.22 | Rule as to Sale of Lands by State.

Section 2329.23 | Notices of Sale of Lands.

Section 2329.24 | Name of Township in Certain Cases.

Section 2329.25 | Property to Be Sold Without Valuation.

Section 2329.26 | Notice of Date, Time and Place of Sale.

Section 2329.27 | Public Notice Requirements - Setting Aside or Confirmation of Sale.

Section 2329.271 | Identifying Information Submitted by Purchaser.

Section 2329.272 | Open House of Property Prior to Sale.

Section 2329.28 | The Return of the Writ and Record Thereof.

Section 2329.29 | Disposition of Money Made Without Sale of Real Estate.

Section 2329.30 | Failure of Purchaser to Pay.

Section 2329.31 | Confirmation and Order for Deed.

Section 2329.311 | Sale of Property With No Minimum Bid; Right to Redeem.

Section 2329.312 | Reports by Levying Officers.

Section 2329.32 | Officer May Retain Purchase Money Until Sale Confirmed.

Section 2329.33 | Redemption by Judgment Debtor.

Section 2329.34 | Conveyance by Commissioner.

Section 2329.35 | Sheriff May Act for Master Commissioner.

Section 2329.36 | Deed of Sheriff, Master.

Section 2329.37 | Effect of Deed.

Section 2329.38 | Printer's Fee.

Section 2329.39 | Place of Sale.

Section 2329.40 | Alias Execution.

Section 2329.41 | Separate Levies Directed on Separate Tracts.

Section 2329.42 | Two or More Executions to Same Officer.

Section 2329.43 | Deeds for Lands Sold May Be Made by a Sheriff's Successor.

Section 2329.44 | Excess Payable to Debtor; Notice to Debtor.

Section 2329.45 | Reversal of Judgment.

Section 2329.46 | Remedy of Purchaser if Sale Invalid.

Section 2329.47 | Proceedings to Vacate Satisfaction of Judgment.

Section 2329.48 | Relief of Officer Who Levies Upon and Sells Wrong Property in Good Faith.

Section 2329.49 | Remedy When One of Cosureties Pays for Such Property.

Section 2329.50 | Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Judgments.

Section 2329.51 | New Appraisement.

Section 2329.52 | New Appraisement - Sale of Part - Terms of Sale.

Section 2329.53 | Return Day of Writ of Execution.

Section 2329.54 | Entry of Judgment Against Principal and Surety.

Section 2329.56 | Penalty for Neglecting to Serve as Appraiser.

Section 2329.57 | Execution Issued to Another County May Be Returned by Mail.

Section 2329.58 | Money Not to Be Forwarded by Mail.

Section 2329.59 | Entries on Execution Docket.

Section 2329.60 | Index to Execution Docket.

Section 2329.61 | Order of Sale Issued in Case Not on Trial Docket.

Section 2329.63 | Beneficiary Funds Exempt.

Section 2329.64 | Certain Property of Benevolent Societies Exempt.

Section 2329.65 | Property Kept to Put Out Fires Exempt.

Section 2329.66 | Exempted Interests and Rights.

Section 2329.661 | Certain Claims Not Exempted.

Section 2329.662 | Federal Exemption Not Authorized.

Section 2329.67 | Exemption Not Subject to Payment of Cost of Proceedings to Collect Debt.

Section 2329.68 | Appraisal of Exempted Property.

Section 2329.69 | Exemptions Apply to All Courts.

Section 2329.70 | Application for Appointment of Trustee.

Section 2329.71 | Participation by Secured Creditor in Trusteeship.

Section 2329.83 | Dower, Mansion House Rights Not Impaired.

Section 2329.84 | Goods Claimed by Third Parties.

Section 2329.85 | Trial of Right to Goods and Chattels.

Section 2329.86 | Finding of Judge.

Section 2329.90 | Uniform Foreign Country Money Judgments Recognition Act Definitions.

Section 2329.91 | Enforcement of Foreign Country Judgment.

Section 2329.92 | When Judgment Not Enforceable - Reciprocity.

Section 2329.93 | Stay Pending Appeal.

Section 2329.94 | Scope and Construction.