Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 2305 | Jurisdiction; Limitation of Actions
Section 2305.10 | Bodily Injury or Injury to Personal Property.

Effective: August 3, 2006
Latest Legislation: Senate Bill 17 - 126th General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (C) or (E) of this section, an action based on a product liability claim and an action for bodily injury or injuring personal property shall be brought within two years after the cause of action accrues. Except as provided in divisions (B)(1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) of this section, a cause of action accrues under this division when the injury or loss to person or property occurs.
(B)(1) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury that is not described in division (B)(2), (3), (4), or (5) of this section and that is caused by exposure to hazardous or toxic chemicals, ethical drugs, or ethical medical devices accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.
(2) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury caused by exposure to chromium in any of its chemical forms accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.
(3) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury incurred by a veteran through exposure to chemical defoliants or herbicides or other causative agents, including agent orange, accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.
(4) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury caused by exposure to diethylstilbestrol or other nonsteroidal synthetic estrogens, including exposure before birth, accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.
(5) For purposes of division (A) of this section, a cause of action for bodily injury caused by exposure to asbestos accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.
(C)(1) Except as otherwise provided in divisions (C)(2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) of this section or in section 2305.19 of the Revised Code, no cause of action based on a product liability claim shall accrue against the manufacturer or supplier of a product later than ten years from the date that the product was delivered to its first purchaser or first lessee who was not engaged in a business in which the product was used as a component in the production, construction, creation, assembly, or rebuilding of another product.
(2) Division (C)(1) of this section does not apply if the manufacturer or supplier of a product engaged in fraud in regard to information about the product and the fraud contributed to the harm that is alleged in a product liability claim involving that product.
(3) Division (C)(1) of this section does not bar an action based on a product liability claim against a manufacturer or supplier of a product who made an express, written warranty as to the safety of the product that was for a period longer than ten years and that, at the time of the accrual of the cause of action, has not expired in accordance with the terms of that warranty.
(4) If the cause of action relative to a product liability claim accrues during the ten-year period described in division (C)(1) of this section but less than two years prior to the expiration of that period, an action based on the product liability claim may be commenced within two years after the cause of action accrues.
(5) If a cause of action relative to a product liability claim accrues during the ten-year period described in division (C)(1) of this section and the claimant cannot commence an action during that period due to a disability described in section 2305.16 of the Revised Code, an action based on the product liability claim may be commenced within two years after the disability is removed.
(6) Division (C)(1) of this section does not bar an action for bodily injury caused by exposure to asbestos if the cause of action that is the basis of the action accrues upon the date on which the plaintiff is informed by competent medical authority that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the plaintiff should have known that the plaintiff has an injury that is related to the exposure, whichever date occurs first.
(7)(a) Division (C)(1) of this section does not bar an action based on a product liability claim against a manufacturer or supplier of a product if all of the following apply:
(i) The action is for bodily injury.
(ii) The product involved is a substance or device described in division (B)(1), (2), (3), or (4) of this section.
(iii) The bodily injury results from exposure to the product during the ten-year period described in division (C)(1) of this section.
(b) If division (C)(7)(a) of this section applies regarding an action, the cause of action accrues upon the date on which the claimant is informed by competent medical authority that the bodily injury was related to the exposure to the product, or upon the date on which by the exercise of reasonable diligence the claimant should have known that the bodily injury was related to the exposure to the product, whichever date occurs first. The action based on the product liability claim shall be commenced within two years after the cause of action accrues and shall not be commenced more than two years after the cause of action accrues.
(D) This section does not create a new cause of action or substantive legal right against any person involving a product liability claim.
(E) An action brought by a victim of childhood sexual abuse asserting any claim resulting from childhood sexual abuse, as defined in section 2305.111 of the Revised Code, shall be brought as provided in division (C) of that section.
(F) As used in this section:
(1) "Agent orange," "causative agent," and "veteran" have the same meanings as in section 5903.21 of the Revised Code.
(2) "Ethical drug," "ethical medical device," "manufacturer," "product," "product liability claim," and "supplier" have the same meanings as in section 2307.71 of the Revised Code.
(3) "Harm" means injury, death, or loss to person or property.
(G) This section shall be considered to be purely remedial in operation and shall be applied in a remedial manner in any civil action commenced on or after April 7, 2005, in which this section is relevant, regardless of when the cause of action accrued and notwithstanding any other section of the Revised Code or prior rule of law of this state, but shall not be construed to apply to any civil action pending prior to April 7, 2005.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 23 | Courts-Common Pleas

Chapter 2305 | Jurisdiction; Limitation of Actions

Section 2305.01 | Jurisdiction in Civil Cases - Trial Transfer.

Section 2305.011 | Standing of Nature or Ecosystem.

Section 2305.02 | Wrongful Imprisonment Claim.

Section 2305.03 | Lapse of Time a Bar.

Section 2305.04 | Recovery of Real Estate.

Section 2305.041 | Action for Breach of Oil or Gas Lease or License.

Section 2305.05 | Real Estate Dedicated to Public Uses.

Section 2305.06 | Contract in Writing.

Section 2305.07 | Contract Not in Writing; Statutory Liability; Consumer Transactions.

Section 2305.08 | Partial Payment.

Section 2305.09 | Four Years - Certain Torts.

Section 2305.091 | Asbestos Actions by School Districts.

Section 2305.10 | Bodily Injury or Injury to Personal Property.

Section 2305.101 | Limitation of Actions Against Dalkon Shield Claimants Trust.

Section 2305.11 | Time Limitations for Bringing Certain Actions.

Section 2305.111 | Assault or Battery Actions - Childhood Sexual Abuse.

Section 2305.112 | Actions Based on Identity Fraud.

Section 2305.113 | Medical Malpractice Actions.

Section 2305.114 | Partial Birth Feticide Actions.

Section 2305.115 | Assault or Battery Actions Against Mental Health Professional Based on Sexual Conduct or Contact.

Section 2305.116 | No Cause of Action for Failure to Perform Abortion.

Section 2305.117 | Action Upon a Legal Malpractice Claim.

Section 2305.12 | On Official Bond.

Section 2305.13 | Limitation of Actions for Recovery of Charges by and Against Carriers - Overcharge Defined.

Section 2305.131 | Ten-Year Statute of Repose for Certain Premises Liability Actions.

Section 2305.14 | For Other Relief.

Section 2305.15 | Tolling During Defendant's Absence, Concealment or Imprisonment.

Section 2305.16 | Tolling Due to Minority or Unsound Mind.

Section 2305.17 | Commencement of Action.

Section 2305.18 | Summons on Corporation in Hands of a Receiver.

Section 2305.19 | Saving in Case of Reversal.

Section 2305.21 | Survival of Actions.

Section 2305.22 | Exceptions.

Section 2305.23 | Liability for Emergency Care.

Section 2305.231 | Immunity of Health Professionals Volunteering Services to School Athletic Program.

Section 2305.232 | Immunity of Person Assisting in Clean-Up of Hazardous Material.

Section 2305.233 | Immunity of Person Rendering Assistance Under Reciprocal Fire Protection Agreement.

Section 2305.234 | Immunity of Volunteer Health Care Professionals and Workers and of Nonprofit Shelters and Facilities.

Section 2305.235 | Immunity of Person Involved With Providing Automated External Defibrillation.

Section 2305.236 | Immunity Concerning Domestic Violence Shelter Definitions.

Section 2305.237 | Immunity of Domestic Violence Shelter and Associated Persons Concerning Torts Committed on Shelter Premises.

Section 2305.238 | Immunity Where Tort Committed Off Domestic Violence Shelter Premises.

Section 2305.239 | No New Cause of Action or Substantive Legal Rights Created - Effect on Other Laws.

Section 2305.2310 | Civil Immunity for Architects, Contractors, Engineers, Surveyors, and Tradespersons Providing Volunteer Services.

Section 2305.2311 | Immunity for Care Given in Disaster.

Section 2305.2341 | Medical Liability Insurance Reimbursement Program.

Section 2305.24 | Information Furnished to Quality Assurance or Utilization Committee to Be Confidential.

Section 2305.25 | Peer Review Committee Definitions.

Section 2305.251 | Peer Review Committee Immunity.

Section 2305.252 | Confidentiality of Proceedings and Records Within Scope of Peer Review Committee of Health Care Entity.

Section 2305.253 | Incident or Risk Management Report Not Admissible or Discoverable.

Section 2305.26 | Action to Enforce Lien - Limitations - Notice of Continuation.

Section 2305.28 | Peer or Professional Standards Review Committee or Counseling and Assistance Committee of a Professional Organization Not Liable for Actions Taken.

Section 2305.29 | No Civil Liability for Breach of a Promise to Marry, Alienation of Affections, or Criminal Conversation.

Section 2305.31 | Promisee Indemnified Against Damage Liability.

Section 2305.32 | Sponsoring Employer in Ridesharing Arrangements Not Liable.

Section 2305.321 | Certain Equine Activities No Liability.

Section 2305.33 | Physician Reporting to Public Transportation Employer Employee's Use of a Drug of Abuse No Liability.

Section 2305.34 | Hydrant Failure of Nonprofit Corporation or Water and Sewer District No Liability.

Section 2305.35 | Donor Not Liable for Injuries to Gleaner.

Section 2305.36 | Limited Immunity for Injury Due to Cumulative Consumption, Weight Gain, or Obesity.

Section 2305.37 | Person Donating Perishable Food for Distribution to Needy Individuals Not Liable for Injuries.

Section 2305.38 | Uncompensated Volunteers of Nonprofit Charitable Organizations No Liability.

Section 2305.39 | Non-Responsible Persons Responding to Oil Spill Not Liable.

Section 2305.40 | Owner, Lessee, or Renter of Real Property Not Liable to Trespasser.

Section 2305.401 | Member of the Firearms Industry Not Liable for Harm Sustained as a Result of the Operation or Discharge of Firearm.

Section 2305.402 | Duties Owed to Trespassers.

Section 2305.41 | Duties to Disabled Persons Definitions.

Section 2305.42 | Identifying Devices.

Section 2305.43 | Duty of Law Enforcement Officer.

Section 2305.44 | Duty of Medical Practitioner.

Section 2305.45 | Duty of Others.

Section 2305.46 | False Identifying Information.

Section 2305.47 | Other Duties.

Section 2305.48 | Uniformity of Application.

Section 2305.49 | Title and Citation.

Section 2305.51 | Mental Health Professional or Organization Not Liable for Violent Behavior by Client or Patient.

Section 2305.52 | Hold Harmless Clauses in Motor Carrier Transportation Contracts.