Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 1901 | Municipal Court
Section 1901.18 | Subject Matter Jurisdiction.

Effective: July 3, 2019
Latest Legislation: House Bill 62 - 133rd General Assembly
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this division or section 1901.181 of the Revised Code, subject to the monetary jurisdiction of municipal courts as set forth in section 1901.17 of the Revised Code, a municipal court has original jurisdiction within its territory in all of the following actions or proceedings and to perform all of the following functions:
(1) In any civil action, of whatever nature or remedy, of which judges of county courts have jurisdiction;
(2) In any action or proceeding at law for the recovery of money or personal property of which the court of common pleas has jurisdiction;
(3) In any action at law based on contract, to determine, preserve, and enforce all legal and equitable rights involved in the contract, to decree an accounting, reformation, or cancellation of the contract, and to hear and determine all legal and equitable remedies necessary or proper for a complete determination of the rights of the parties to the contract;
(4) In any action or proceeding for the sale of personal property under chattel mortgage, lien, encumbrance, or other charge, for the foreclosure and marshalling of liens on personal property of that nature, and for the rendering of personal judgment in the action or proceeding;
(5) In any action or proceeding to enforce the collection of its own judgments or the judgments rendered by any court within the territory to which the municipal court has succeeded, and to subject the interest of a judgment debtor in personal property to satisfy judgments enforceable by the municipal court;
(6) In any action or proceeding in the nature of interpleader;
(7) In any action of replevin;
(8) In any action of forcible entry and detainer;
(9) In any action concerning the issuance and enforcement of temporary protection orders pursuant to section 2919.26 of the Revised Code or protection orders pursuant to section 2903.213 of the Revised Code or the enforcement of protection orders issued by courts of another state, as defined in section 2919.27 of the Revised Code;
(10) If the municipal court has a housing or environmental division, in any action over which the division is given jurisdiction by section 1901.181 of the Revised Code, provided that, except as specified in division (B) of that section, no judge of the court other than the judge of the division shall hear or determine any action over which the division has jurisdiction;
(11) In any action brought pursuant to division (I) of section 4781.40 of the Revised Code, if the residential premises that are the subject of the action are located within the territorial jurisdiction of the court;
(12) In any civil action as described in division (B)(1) of section 3767.41 of the Revised Code that relates to a public nuisance, and, to the extent any provision of this chapter conflicts or is inconsistent with a provision of that section, the provision of that section shall control in the civil action;
(13) In a proceeding brought pursuant to section 955.222 of the Revised Code by the owner of a dog that has been designated as a nuisance dog, dangerous dog, or vicious dog;
(14) In every civil action concerning a violation of a state traffic law or a municipal traffic ordinance.
(B) The Cleveland municipal court also shall have jurisdiction within its territory in all of the following actions or proceedings and to perform all of the following functions:
(1) In all actions and proceedings for the sale of real property under lien of a judgment of the municipal court or a lien for machinery, material, or fuel furnished or labor performed, irrespective of amount, and, in those actions and proceedings, the court may proceed to foreclose and marshal all liens and all vested or contingent rights, to appoint a receiver, and to render personal judgment irrespective of amount in favor of any party.
(2) In all actions for the foreclosure of a mortgage on real property given to secure the payment of money or the enforcement of a specific lien for money or other encumbrance or charge on real property, when the amount claimed by the plaintiff does not exceed fifteen thousand dollars and the real property is situated within the territory, and, in those actions, the court may proceed to foreclose all liens and all vested and contingent rights and may proceed to render judgments and make findings and orders between the parties in the same manner and to the same extent as in similar actions in the court of common pleas.
(3) In all actions for the recovery of real property situated within the territory to the same extent as courts of common pleas have jurisdiction;
(4) In all actions for injunction to prevent or terminate violations of the ordinances and regulations of the city of Cleveland enacted or promulgated under the police power of the city of Cleveland, pursuant to Section 3 of Article XVIII, Ohio Constitution, over which the court of common pleas has or may have jurisdiction, and, in those actions, the court may proceed to render judgments and make findings and orders in the same manner and to the same extent as in similar actions in the court of common pleas.
(C) As used in this section, "violation of a state traffic law or a municipal traffic ordinance" has the same meaning as in section 1901.20 of the Revised Code.

Structure Ohio Revised Code

Ohio Revised Code

Title 19 | Courts-Municipal-Mayor's-County

Chapter 1901 | Municipal Court

Section 1901.01 | Organization of Municipal Courts.

Section 1901.011 | Housing Divisions - Environmental Division.

Section 1901.02 | Jurisdiction of Municipal Courts.

Section 1901.021 | Court Sitting Outside Corporate Limits of Municipal Corporation.

Section 1901.022 | Jurisdiction to Appoint Trustees to Receive and Distribute Earnings in Executions Against Property.

Section 1901.023 | Extension of Jurisdiction for Municipal Courts on South Shore of Lake Erie.

Section 1901.024 | Costs, Fees, Receipts of County Municipal Courts.

Section 1901.025 | Jurisdiction of Housing and Environmental Divisions.

Section 1901.026 | Current Operating Costs Apportioned.

Section 1901.027 | Ohio River Jurisdiction.

Section 1901.028 | Temporary Location of Court in Event of Emergency.

Section 1901.03 | Municipal Court Definitions.

Section 1901.031 | Terms Include Housing or Environmental Division of Municipal Court.

Section 1901.04 | Transfer of Pending Actions.

Section 1901.041 | Assignment and Referral of Cases to Special Divisions of Court.

Section 1901.051 | Housing and Environmental Division Judges Election.

Section 1901.06 | Qualifications and Election of Judge.

Section 1901.07 | Term of Office of Judge - Nomination, Election.

Section 1901.08 | Election of Judges.

Section 1901.09 | Presiding and Administrative Judge.

Section 1901.10 | Oath of Office Required - Vacancy.

Section 1901.11 | Compensation.

Section 1901.111 | Group Health Care Coverage for Municipal Court Judges.

Section 1901.12 | Vacation Period of Judge.

Section 1901.121 | Appointment of Assigned and Substitute Judges.

Section 1901.122 | Reimbursements and Compensation; Limitations.

Section 1901.123 | Payment of per Diem Compensation.

Section 1901.13 | Powers of the Court.

Section 1901.131 | Jurisdiction of Housing or Environmental Division.

Section 1901.14 | Additional Powers of Judges; Fees; Rules; Annual Report.

Section 1901.141 | Special Constables.

Section 1901.15 | Powers of the Presiding Municipal Judge.

Section 1901.151 | Notice of Insufficient Caseload.

Section 1901.16 | Powers When More Than One Judge.

Section 1901.17 | Monetary Jurisdiction.

Section 1901.18 | Subject Matter Jurisdiction.

Section 1901.181 | Exclusive and Concurrent Jurisdiction of Housing or Environmental Divisions.

Section 1901.182 | Jurisdiction Over Violations of Township Resolutions.

Section 1901.183 | Environmental Division Additional Jurisdiction.

Section 1901.184 | Jurisdiction Where Property Not Removed at Expiration of Campsite Use Agreement.

Section 1901.185 | Jurisdiction to Foreclose Lien on Blighted Parcel.

Section 1901.186 | Concurrent Jurisdiction of Tiffin-Fostoria and Seneca County Courts.

Section 1901.19 | Jurisdictional Powers.

Section 1901.20 | Criminal and Traffic Jurisdiction.

Section 1901.21 | Criminal and Civil Procedure - Bond.

Section 1901.22 | Civil Actions.

Section 1901.23 | Issuance of Writs and Process.

Section 1901.24 | Demand for Jury Trial - Number of Jurors - Verdict.

Section 1901.25 | Selection and Impaneling of Jury.

Section 1901.26 | Costs.

Section 1901.261 | Computerizing Court of Paying Cost of Computerized Legal Research.

Section 1901.262 | Rules for Procedures for Resolution of Disputes.

Section 1901.263 | Cancellation of Uncollectible Debts.

Section 1901.27 | When Action Is Pending.

Section 1901.28 | Bond for Appeal.

Section 1901.29 | No Term of Court.

Section 1901.30 | Appeals.

Section 1901.31 | Clerk of Court.

Section 1901.311 | Branch Offices - Special Deputy Clerks.

Section 1901.312 | Group Health Care Coverage for Clerks and Deputy Clerks.

Section 1901.32 | Bailiffs.

Section 1901.321 | Municipal Court Contracts for Transportation Persons Between Jail and Court.

Section 1901.33 | Court Employees.

Section 1901.331 | Housing or Environmental Division Officers and Employees.

Section 1901.34 | Criminal Prosecutions - Compensation of Prosecuting Officers.

Section 1901.35 | Transcript of Records.

Section 1901.36 | Accommodations and Needs of the Court.

Section 1901.37 | Bonds.

Section 1901.38 | Liability Coverage for Municipal Court Judges and Employees.

Section 1901.381 | Liability Coverage for Municipal Court Clerk.

Section 1901.41 | Case Files Retention and Destruction.

Section 1901.43 | Order for Accused to Appear for Fingerprinting.

Section 1901.44 | Alternative Methods for Collecting Court Costs; Notice of Balance Due.